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Random tangent Lack. How do you texture and animate your parts? Didn't you once say you did that in Blender? What is the secret. I cannot get my .dae exporter to export .skp to .blend without screwing over the geometry and splitting a single component into multiple mosh objects. What gives?

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Random tangent Lack. How do you texture and animate your parts? Didn't you once say you did that in Blender? What is the secret. I cannot get my .dae exporter to export .skp to .blend without screwing over the geometry and splitting a single component into multiple mosh objects. What gives?

I am not entirely positive and I can not speak totally for lack, but he has been helping me learn, and I know that he started with sketch-up and then figured out blender and has been working with blender. I asked him where he animates and he stated that he has been doing that in unity. I have been building models in sketch-up, well mock ups really, and Lack has made at least one into a model. He sorta gave me the ok to share, but this is the first part I worked on. I built the endcap and the doors then exported them with sketchups DAE export function, I believe he then imported that in to blender then blender goes straight into unity. He sent me the blender file for this one, I am still learning so I am able to use this to look at the differences. Again I can't speak to his total process, but I do have a little insight because I have asked a lot of questions of him.

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I am not entirely positive and I can not speak totally for lack, but he has been helping me learn, and I know that he started with sketch-up and then figured out blender and has been working with blender. I asked him where he animates and he stated that he has been doing that in unity. I have been building models in sketch-up, well mock ups really, and Lack has made at least one into a model. He sorta gave me the ok to share, but this is the first part I worked on. I built the endcap and the doors then exported them with sketchups DAE export function, I believe he then imported that in to blender then blender goes straight into unity. He sent me the blender file for this one, I am still learning so I am able to use this to look at the differences. Again I can't speak to his total process, but I do have a little insight because I have asked a lot of questions of him.


gimme gimme gimme...

also i'm having a tough time trying to find any parts which are missing from the LLL beta and the pervious full LLL... i may need to have two games running to find out...

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gimme gimme gimme...

The 2x1 end cap docking port? I don't have it to test yet sorry :( But I am sure I will get it eventually, he has told me it WILL be in the release.

also i'm having a tough time trying to find any parts which are missing from the LLL beta and the pervious full LLL... i may need to have two games running to find out...

Which parts specifically? I may have them, I do know that when I originally installed his parts I had to get the lite pack as well as it had a few parts that the full set did not have. But if you let me know which one your missing, I will see if I can't get it for you, if Lack does not get them for you first.

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The 2x1 end cap docking port? I don't have it to test yet sorry :( But I am sure I will get it eventually, he has told me it WILL be in the release.

Which parts specifically? I may have them, I do know that when I originally installed his parts I had to get the lite pack as well as it had a few parts that the full set did not have. But if you let me know which one your missing, I will see if I can't get it for you, if Lack does not get them for you first.

whoops i wasn't clear anout that now was i? no i meant it's hard looking through two seperate mod folders looking for parts that arn't there (gets REALLY confusing) and i didn't know the light pack had parts that the full pack didn't... why is this??

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whoops i wasn't clear anout that now was i? no i meant it's hard looking through two seperate mod folders looking for parts that arn't there (gets REALLY confusing) and i didn't know the light pack had parts that the full pack didn't... why is this??

I asked that same thing, this is what he said, its posted back a bit.

That would be great actually.

Yeah, the Lite version is mainly aimed for use with circular hulls (with a few other parts I couldn't bear to part with, like the greenhouse and the odd 2x1), so it's not quite 'LLL-full with less parts', more a re-working. Hence a differing set of parts. No need to worry about C#, the mod doesn't use any plugins or coding (my own coding knowledge is limited to python and excel, which I'm basically only learning to try and automate the boring part of my job. An odd type of lazy.)


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I'm missing some, but not all, textures in the latest release of SXT .12a. What might be causing this with this release but not the previous? I checked on a almost pure vanilla install and everything looks OK. MY current install is heavily modded.


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Figured out the problem with the lander can, wasn't the model, there was an errant full-stop in the stack_node.






Random tangent Lack. How do you texture and animate your parts? Didn't you once say you did that in Blender? What is the secret. I cannot get my .dae exporter to export .skp to .blend without screwing over the geometry and splitting a single component into multiple mosh objects. What gives?

Animations are done in Unity. Photoshop CS4 for textures. Blender for modelling and UV unwrapping. I learnt on Sketchup, but as you say, exporting .dae makes a bloody mess of things. It's good for first steps and giving you something to practice with in Blender, but quickly becomes more enemy than friend.

Ctrl+J,Shift+J,Alt+J and 'w'-> remove doubles are good for cleaning up sketchup models in Blender. They'll join meshes, and convert triangles to quads and get rid of duplicated vertices. Can't remember cmd which does which, so I just press them and see what happens.


Probably not any time soon. The Soyuz is fairly well covered by other mods. I'm especially fond of the Soy-Juice.

@Antimatter, MrWizerd,

I kept finding the odd part was missing here and there. I'm fairly sure I've got them all so I'm glad to find people aren't having problems there. I'll move to a public test soon.


If you can go to the config for the parts in question, open it up and look at the MODEL{} section. You'll see texture = x , Squad/Parts/.../x

Follow that folder structure and tell me if x exists. If it doesn't, or is renamed, then there's the problem. You'll need to copy them across from a stock install, or do what I suggested a few pages back with making a seperate folder with the stock textures and then changing the configs.

Here's some examples from the parts in your screenshots

texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/CockpitDiffuse

texture = model003 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin

Edited by Lack
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If you can go to the config for the parts in question, open it up and look at the MODEL{} section. You'll see texture = x , Squad/Parts/.../x

Follow that folder structure and tell me if x exists. If it doesn't, or is renamed, then there's the problem. You'll need to copy them across from a stock install, or do what I suggested a few pages back with making a seperate folder with the stock textures and then changing the configs.

Here's some examples from the parts in your screenshots

texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/CockpitDiffuse

texture = model003 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin

Thanks Lack. It's because my heavily modded main game is still on 0.23 and some of the MBM's referenced in the new version of SXT don't exist in .23.

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Thanks Lack. It's because my heavily modded main game is still on 0.23 and some of the MBM's referenced in the new version of SXT don't exist in .23.

Yeah, they changed a load of the texture names in .23.5. Looks like they've re-exported them from Unity, and since the current part tools don't automatically re-name textures (unlike the old one), it's just used whatever working name the dev was using at the time, rather than model000.mbm, etc.

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That deployable tank is simply ingenious!

I just ordered another 8gb ram cause my game keeps running out of memory and I am tiered of it HAHAHA you know you have a problem when you upgrade your computer because you want to run more mods!

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That deployable tank is simply ingenious!

I just ordered another 8gb ram cause my game keeps running out of memory and I am tiered of it HAHAHA you know you have a problem when you upgrade your computer because you want to run more mods!

If your running the windows version the 8GB won't help. KSP is 32 bit and can't access more than 4GB. My install usually bombs when it hits about 3.8GB allocated to it.

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If your running the windows version the 8GB won't help. KSP is 32 bit and can't access more than 4GB. My install usually bombs when it hits about 3.8GB allocated to it.

I think it's less if you're running an old operating system as well. I've still got Unity and KSP running on XP, so I tend to crash when much over 1.8Gb. Should probably relegate this machine to an off-line set up now. I've got one running win8 (not my choice) upstairs that could work.


Yeah, decided to re-size the Copernicus rip offs to 3.75m. The 2.5m parts are still in there, just set category to -1, so I can set up an MM file that'll put them back in propulsion and structural.

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Yeah... well I really hope they come up with a 64 bit version... I may setup a smaller hard drive to boot Linux for the soul purpose of running ksp. I just don't know how well it will run in triple monitor mode there if at all.

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Yeah, they changed a load of the texture names in .23.5. Looks like they've re-exported them from Unity, and since the current part tools don't automatically re-name textures (unlike the old one), it's just used whatever working name the dev was using at the time, rather than model000.mbm, etc.




this guy is epic. not only does he have enough time to go about his mod he also helps other people with (sometimes) vague quesyions... he's even helpped me mod my stock KSP docking ports XD

EDIT: on second thought "this guy" is rude. Lack i meant to say :P oh btw lack what do you do in your (if any) spare time? o.O you seem pretty busy here and there...

EDIT2: whoops that came out sounding wrong... i mean to ask if you get some R&R sometimes... i worry we overwork you o.o

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Yeah... well I really hope they come up with a 64 bit version... I may setup a smaller hard drive to boot Linux for the soul purpose of running ksp. I just don't know how well it will run in triple monitor mode there if at all.

I've got enough mods at this point I'm about to set up the same thing.

What I found was really strange is my computer used to have 4gb of ram, and I was running 3.86GB aloted to KSP. Anything more than that it wouldn't load.

Bought another 4GB, now if I get above ~3.3 it starts crashing during play.

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You could always try making one yourself :)

I'd love too buuuuutttttt........

A: I don't have a professional modeling software that can make .mu files.

B: I haven't downloaded unity.(It would take 6 hours to download with my crappy internet)

C: I would want to make a good IVA to do with it, which would take months.

D: I'm in school most of the time.

E: I'm going to summer camps for most of the summer.

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