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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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  MrWizerd said:
Yeah I know that feeling Banana... I built these T and + junctions...



Not sure what I am going to do with them yet...

What are those parts on the ends of the 'arms' in the second picture?

Grrr, it really bothers me to see in-game pictures of parts I can't have! ;P


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I am having tweak troubles Firefly is on hold for a bit till i sort it out, Also attempting to help Helldiver out with the 64-bit compatibility of his KSOS mod. this is being done without asking by him, just something I am doing as i like the mod he made soo much, But that doesn't mean i dis-like this one its just i have items before this one is all. :)

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  GregroxMun said:
Can we get the Cars and Trucks from KerbinSide/KSC++ as rover parts?

There are going to be similar flat bed trucks included in Phase 4 of the KSO System.

EDIT: Also is anyone noticing that while under .24 with Kerbtown installed that the launch stability enhancers begin to follow launched craft into orbit? I only noticed this after installing kerb town and ksc++

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  GregroxMun said:
Can we get the Cars and Trucks from KerbinSide/KSC++ as rover parts?

Yup yup. I know someone else was working on rover parts similar to the ones seen in the VAB and SPH but I have no idea where those are. I also know that LLL has those rover cockpit parts sort of like the VAB rovers but it'd be nice to have a whole set of parts for building rovers for use around KSC.

Edit: oh, those parts are with KSOS P4... Gotcha, just need to wait for them to be done :D

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Have you ever watched the vehicles in the space plane hanger? The one holding the rocket party like rolls through hauling that hull piece and he like executes a perfect drift turn then some other dude like comes out and literally runs circles around either him or another one... there like uh go carts hauling rocket parts.. if we can make them move like that OMG sign me up!

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  Lack said:
Really? And I had them all set up and everything for the next SXT.

It would still be nice if you could include them in the next SXT as it would add more options and I think the KOS pack would melt my computer. Don't worry though if you don't want to it would just be nice.

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  MrWizerd said:
Just wanted some input on the kspi parts I built


Oddly I have to set the 64bit versions stripe and sign to scale 1.25 whereas the 32 bit 23.5 version doesn't

Nice, KSPI parts for LLL, I like it :)

And your hangar bay is awesome too!

What size is this reactor? I would suggest the following sizes:

0.625m - 1x1 parts

1.25m - long 1x1 or short 2x1

2.5m - like your part is now

3.75m - 2x2 parts?

Maybe add some more detail (control panel, blinky lights, grey-ish middle section to show the containment area?) to the reactor. Cherenkov radiation around the middle part when active would be nice too :)

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  Stage said:
Nice, KSPI parts for LLL, I like it :)

And your hangar bay is awesome too!

What size is this reactor? I would suggest the following sizes:

0.625m - 1x1 parts

1.25m - long 1x1 or short 2x1

2.5m - like your part is now

3.75m - 2x2 parts?

Maybe add some more detail (control panel, blinky lights, grey-ish middle section to show the containment area?) to the reactor. Cherenkov radiation around the middle part when active would be nice too :)

I will look at the different sizes in KSPI... as for your skinning ideas, I was hoping to do some more detail to it, but I am not very good at skinning yet... or with emmisives for that matter... I will look into it. The yellow part that is the containment unit is "theoretically" able to be jettisoned. The problem however is that KSPI only supports reactors that are in stack with the other parts, and if the containment portion of the reactor is attached via a decoupler on a stack node perpendicular to the engines or generator they wont function. So I had to hard attach the part. I plan to add a detail ring around the reactor area like the dual solar panel has, and add warnings for the faux "explosive bolts" and I am going to try to see if there is a way to make it work, like making the housing a dummy reactor or something so that they see the two pieces as a whole piece, that could be KAS attachable, but that is not going to happen any time soon if my experience with KSPI thus far is any indication. Love the mod, but I don't know who is in charge over there at the moment, so it is making it hard.

I was thinking maybe a control panel to "manually eject" the containment unit... I don't know if it matters if it actually does anything. I am basing the way it looks off of the building I know that this is in space, but I guess I figure that the vast majority of what goes on happens inside the ship... I don't want to make it livable because its not somewhere you want to live ... radiation... I think some day someone will make a mod, or the devs will make it so you can walk around inside the ship but until then I wont worry about insides. Could you clarify about the greyish middle? I have only ever seen one portable reactor inside my friends sub when he was working on one, and asside from it being made of metal the core didnt have any overtly grey area that I saw, of course most everthing is painted to avoid corrosion in a sub so...

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ok uhm i'm just wondering if this works with 0.24.1? lack? Mr.wizard?

honestly every damn time i stop playing ksp to play minecraft or starcraft i spend a good month mucking about doing other things and come back to ksp just to update/ reinstall all my mods due to an updated ksp...

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  AntiMatter001 said:
ok uhm i'm just wondering if this works with 0.24.1? lack? Mr.wizard?

honestly every damn time i stop playing ksp to play minecraft or starcraft i spend a good month mucking about doing other things and come back to ksp just to update/ reinstall all my mods due to an updated ksp...

Which pack are you wondering about? LLL, SXT, or KSC++?

Since LLL and SXT are just parts they should work in 0.24.x just fine, and if you have an updated version of Kerbtown then KSC++ will work as well.

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I'm currently looking through the LLL prices a lot are close some not... I am basically attempting match them there stock counterparts. The biggest problem see the cost situation as technology increases it typically gets cheaper here the opposite is true hopefully rewards get bigger to compensate.

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  Lack said:
Really? And I had them all set up and everything for the next SXT.

Yep, Phase IV of the KSO System includes ground support trucks and trailers, sedans, a patrol car, a fire engine, a bus and a chopper. Here are a couple pics of the trucks:

http://i.imgur.com/nsSA5qV.png (on the left)


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