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Greetings, fellow Kerbs

El Gribbo

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Been playing KSP for about a week (Steam). A guy I work with stumbled across it a few days before that and told me about it as we are both sci-fi / space enthusiasts and gamers (nerds in other words). Got it that night and have had visions of planning space trips in my head since.

Googled and YouTube'd a lot before attempting anything just so I knew what I was doing and didn't put Jeb in any more danger than he already is every launch lol. Fan of the Scott Manley ones (Fly Safe!). Grabbed the ISA Map Sat mod because it seemed extremely cool and gave me something to do with satellites.

Thus far my own little Kerbal-sphere has a ISA Map Sat in polar orbit of Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus. Orbited and landed on the Mun with an apollo-esque craft where two Kerbals transferred to a lander from a command pod that stayed in orbit with 1 Kerbal, then redocked in orbit and came home. Looking to get started with building a space station this weekend and a landing on Minmus!

Kudos to Squad for making such a great game and proving it doesnt have to be the oompteenth iteration of Madden or Battlefield to be cool. See you out there!

Edited by El Gribbo
Mispelled Manley as Manly
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