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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Why do the Balka Solar Wings have 3 buttons for operating the wings, even though there are just 2 of them? Using the third (bottommost) button seems to screw up the whole thing, resulting in the panels disappearing and appearing or causing them to get stuck in a partially opened position.

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Why do the Balka Solar Wings have 3 buttons for operating the wings, even though there are just 2 of them? Using the third (bottommost) button seems to screw up the whole thing, resulting in the panels disappearing and appearing or causing them to get stuck in a partially opened position.

Do the animations one at a time. When the 2 first are finished, enable the 3rd one. This one will orient the panels to allways have the max solar intensity

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Do the animations one at a time. When the 2 first are finished, enable the 3rd one. This one will orient the panels to allways have the max solar intensity

So that's iswhat it is for. I had assumed that the first 2 buttons were for each panel to move and lock into the open position while the last one was orientation. Thanks for clarification!

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There's a syntax error in part.cfg for Kosmos_APAS_69 that prevents LazorDockingCamera from working. There's an extra curly brace at the end of the ModuleAnimateGeneric block:

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = fin_deploy
startEventGUIName = Close Guide Fins
endEventGUIName = Open Guide Fins
} <--- remove this!

Remove it, save the file, reload KSP, and enjoy your functioning docking camera!

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Just wondering, should the RD-0440 nuclear thermal rocket really have only 60 thrust? I would expect it to have more thrust, given that it weighs 4 times as much as the stock LV-N. However, for some reason they are equal in thrust and ISP! I remember the old one from 0.17 had 400 thrust and a vacuum specific impulse of 1000s.

While I am glad to see it's return, perhaps someone should put on their lead-lined HazMat suit and clean out the plumbing on it!

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my opinion: you made the best engines and landing struts in the past history of KSP,if you wanna be hired too just make engines,gears,struts.

seems they no need another IVA or any other part designer :) (sorry for my bad english)

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welll I mean i don't expect them t hire me. nor is the the goal. Not saying that if they didn't hire the normal way via openings postings I would not apply but... they don't do that lol. if they did post what they wanted for a content dev I would probably model som and submit them. but they don't do that. picking and choosing from modders seems both good and bad at the same time. but currently there doe snot seem to have been any issues.

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Hey, I have a question: Why do you make your own versions of everything? I see why you made your own version of, f.ex. the rockomax HubMax connector - it simply doesn't fit the visual style. But why did you make your own docking ring?

Also, why is the angara engine 4 times as heavy as a standard nuclear engine, while only having the same thrust and ISP? You should increase its ISP, and/or decrease the weight.

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Well, you know, it does mean the Angara one has some shielding, so it can be used by manned ships (f.ex., the Salyut in Moho orbit(was it a Salyut,or VA,or even TKS?!)), the docking ring looks awesome (but because of the model, it cant be used to dock properly with ORDA...)

Anyways, cant you atleast bring us the non-gimballing Angara engines?Or even better, the NK series of rocket engines?People would really like to have them...ofcourse, after 0.20

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I think you can fix that problem by adding "scale = 1" to the .cfg of the part.

This method does not work, along with this there are problems with the animation of large rotary solar panels.

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Don't want to sound ignorant, I've been reading through the last pages, I can't help but ask

Is the SSPP going to get a proper update to integrate it with 0.20?

and is there any hope at all we'll see the angara pack getting an update?

Edited by PieGoesHere
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Hello. I love Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack, but I have a problem with APAS 69. I mean, it can be docked to the original one in 3 orientations. What happens to me (kerbal 0.19) is:

1) Docks

2) Nothing

3) Spins my vehicles so hard they break.

I use lowest settings for everything, as my computer isn't exactly a game machine. Any idea if this can be fixed? And how, if it's something I need to do myself?

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just saw this:


on the B9 Aerospace thread

among the features is: "can handle more than one animation on a part"

any chance we see this included with the SSPP (and possibly with the Dragon) as a fix for the animations on the Balka solar panels?

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Yup, the only reason im not using the balka panels is because of that bug

the single balka panel works fine though. just the dual with the center pivot is what has the issue.

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Any .cfg guru here?If yes...


Please tell me how I can turn a model via .cfg edit, cause else this is not gonna work, really...

edit:I 1st wanted to say this thing is more than ridicoules...but this tops off everything youve ever seen:

More than 1/1000th of c...


goes to shoot himself...-.-

Edited by dimovski
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