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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Yeah, I'd like the Angara pack style. Also, you know that you can now do single axis gimbals with a plugin? B9 has done this.

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do inform me please.

Well, you'd have to ask him about it, but he's done F22-style engines which only gimbal on one axis. Not only that, they're capable of controlling roll if you have more than one. Check B9 aerospace for an example config.

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do inform me please.

Info as requested:

In the B9 aerospace forum topic's "splash image", it mentions that it includes "5 new jet engines", including one "F119 low-bypass turbofan engine featuring 2D thrust vectoring"

That's the "interesting" engine, as far as we're concerned for the moment. So, here's some specific info and stats about it.

The F119 in this pack looks and acts a lot like the engine used in the USAF's F-22 "Raptor" 5th generation air superiority fighter aircraft.

I took a look at the cfg for it, to see 'what makes it tick', and found the specific part module behind the 2D thrust vectoring that a pair of them is capable of (Pitch+Roll -NOT- Pitch+Yaw as provided by the stock "moduleGimbal")

Here it is:

name = SmarterGimbal
gimbalTransformName = thrust_transform
pitchRange = 20
useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
gimbalResponseSpeed = 60

I've narrowed it down to two plugins that this part module could belong to: ExsurgentEngineering.dll or KineTechAnimation.dll. I'm betting it's ExsurgentEngineering, but I can't rule the other one out for certain.

If anyone else is able to confirm which one is providing the functionality, that would be great.

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One thing I would like honestly is a set of Liquid Fuel and Oxy tanks. In the same structural truss design as the monoprop tanks you currently have in the pack. I self modded the Monoprop truss into rocket fuel tanks for my personal use. They work great, though my values aren't what they should be for the size, half an orange tank in storage. Had to put some massive breakingtorque values in the cfg file to stop them from tearing the crafts apart when they were filled with fuel.

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CBBP, any word on the fix for the solar panels that retract when switching between flights?

Thing is, this problem is on squad's end, it has something to do with parts only supporting one animation, there's nothing CBBP can do about it AFAIK, sadly.

Edited by PieGoesHere
Sounds less rude
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Thing is, this problem is on squad's end, it has something to do with parts only supporting one animation, there's nothing CBBP can do about it AFAIK, sadly.

Well i could learn to program for KSp again. but.. I have no iea how to go aobut starting to do that. i am decent at programming but it has been several years....

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Actually, I've heard there's already a plugin for that, too. :) Firespitter done something that allows proper handling of multiple animations. It has it's limitations, though, you'd have to ask him what exactly it can do.

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Well i could learn to program for KSp again. but.. I have no iea how to go aobut starting to do that. i am decent at programming but it has been several years....

I guess you could... would take some time and work but it may be possible afterall I think, however, about firespitter's plugin, I updated your dragon for my own use so that it uses his module, I made it so the umbilical on the trunk and all the capsules animations uses his module instead of squad's, it works wonders, however I don't think it supports solar panels, so I left the solar panel module on the trunk as it was;

about the balka solar wings, I'd suggest leaving them be or separating them into 2 parts, the center rotator and a special solar panel that has an attachment point that would fit in the center rotator and are just like the single ones, would increase part count but it would work after switching to another craft.

P.S: Here's the link to the Firespitter thread: Thread

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about the balka solar wings, I'd suggest leaving them be or separating them into 2 parts, the center rotator and a special solar panel that has an attachment point that would fit in the center rotator and are just like the single ones, would increase part count but it would work after switching to another craft.

I'd rather he didn't simply leave them be - it's very annoying to have to wait several minutes to fold and unfold the panels each time one switches craft.

The latter option might be a reasonable compromise, assuming folks don't mind having to rebuild their existing stations.

P.S: Here's the link to the Firespitter thread: Thread

Yeah, I incorrectly assumed CBBP would've known about Snjo and his Firespitter mod, since quite a few other prolific mod makers like B9 already use it.

Anyway, Snjo has also written a specific document on the FSanimateGeneric part module, which supports multiple animations per part. You'll need to contact Snjo to if id they work with the Solar panel's suncatcher system:

FSanimateGenericThis is a replacement module for the stock ModuleAnimateGeneric. In addition to the functionality of that module, this one supports:

-Custom Action name.

-Can start deployed, or toggle the animation in the hangar, via popup menu in the Action editor.

-Custom animation speed

-EVA context menu actions

-Handles more than one animation per part

-The animation can be reversed mid deployment

Does not support:


-Locking the animation while running


[COLOR=#000000][B]name [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= FSanimateGeneric[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// The name of the animation in Unity[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]animationName[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] =[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// The right click anim start Event name while in flight. Can be anything[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]startEventGUIName [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= Deploy[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// The right click anim reverse Event name while in flight. Can be anything[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]endEventGUIName [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= Retract[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// optional Action editor name. e.g. “Toggle Animationâ€Â. Defaults to the above Event names.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]toggleActionName[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] =[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// If true, the part starts at the end of the animation in SPH and in flight, (unless altered in the action editor)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]startDeployed [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= False[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// animation speed multiplier. 1.0 is the default speed. Does not care about custom Unity animation speeds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]customAnimationSpeed [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= 1.0[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// Is the right click menu Events available while on foot?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]availableInEVA [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= False[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// Is the right click menu Events available while controlling the craft?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]availableInVessel [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= True[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// The range the action is available in EVA[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]EVArange [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= 5[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// Animation Layer. If you have more than one animation on a part, this must be unique for each one in order for them to not interrupt each other. If the stock engine heat animation module is used, that’s probably on layer 0, so make this 1 or higher.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]layer [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= 1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// If true, clicking on the part in the Action Group editor pops up a menu asking if the part should start deployed. Also useful for things like cargo bay doors where you want o to open them to place stuff inside, then close before launch.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]useActionEditorPopup [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= True[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// If you have more than one FSanimateGeneric on a part, give each a unique ID to. This makes the popup menu appear in a separate location for each module, and not steal each others windows. values: 0-9.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]moduleID [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= 0[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]// To make it obvious that this part has animation abilities, the animation can play once, from deployed to retracted state when the part is spawned/loaded. This only happens in the editor, not in flight.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][B]playAnimationOnEditorSpawn [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]= True[/COLOR]

CBBP, if I have some time off working on my FusTek Station Parts Expansion this weekend, I might experiment with the Firespitter DLL myself to see if I could retrofit the multiple persistent animation feature into the existing Balka(s). I'll pass on anything usable back to you.

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as I recall people disliked the square mounting brackets my engines had? Yeah?

192 polies for round ones mind you. like 16 for square.

I liked the square ones, gave them a more industrial look.

Square works for me, too. The utilitarian look suits the style of the parts.

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So long as all it's trying to do is hold the engine to the bottom of the fuel tank, i don't see why it has to look "nice" aka "round"

Then again, I'm one of those people that could care less what something looks like, so long as it is capable of doing what it's designed for. I'm also one of those people that knows buying a more expensive tool usually ends up saving time and money, because work goes so much faster when you're not fighting the job AND your tool-kit!

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