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[1.0.x] KSP Keyboard Map v2.5 - Old School Gaming (Aug 5)


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  Nao said:
Just noticed you have I and K reversed under RCS translation control. (It's something that's bugging me for quite a while that by default stands for translate down and [K] for up.)

Also (for the sake of completeness) you could include EVA [shift]+[WSAD] on ladders for lean and jump directions.

Cheers! :)

Myself I always switch I K and W S because I fly rockets not planes and my brain works it out that way. First setting I change. Didn`t know about the ladder lean and jump thing. I`ll try that out!

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  John FX said:
Myself I always switch I K and W S because I fly rockets not planes and my brain works it out that way. First setting I change. Didn`t know about the ladder lean and jump thing. I`ll try that out!

Oh me to! RCS is so much easier with I/K reversed, although I leave W/S as it is, spent too many hours on flight sims already so its natural.

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  Commander Gizmo said:
I agree. This is awesomely handy! However, I too would like a larger version. Any chance we could get one on a black background? I like to toss these things onto my second 1080p screen and the white is blinding against the black of space.

There is a link to a larger version in the OP - is 2560*1700. I'll look at a dark background when 0.22 is released and add a second one then

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Frederf said:
I can never remember the way to click nodes (AP/PE) in map view to get them to "stick" as displayed. It's alt+double right click or something. I can't find that command in this chart.

It's just clicking on the Ap/Pe marker to make it happen, hard though as you need to try and click the marker and not the orbit or it brings up the "add a maneuver node" option

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  • 4 weeks later...
  JakeGrey said:
Great work; I may have to borrow a printer and run these off. It's certainly handier than frantically scrolling through a PDF file on the netbook in my lap as Jeb drifts away from the capsule.

Thats "almost" exactly what I was doing when I decided to make this :)

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  • 1 month later...

There's a typo in the VAB section on the Build map - "Asembly" should be "Assembly"

The primary colours of the Modifier keys and the respective text labels on other keys are rather stinging. Perhaps you could soften them up slightly?

The Mouse boxes as well as the Docking and EVA boxes overwhelm the dark stuff inside. Perhaps you could dispense with the colour fill, reduce its alpha and/or swap the brighter with the darker tones (ie. dark-blue box, bright-blue text)?

The text labels are overall very small. Even full-screen on a secondary monitor, they are hard to read. I suggest to increase text size, drop more unnecessary words and work more with icons. For instance, you could use triangles or entire arrows for directional keys, bent and straight arrows for rotation and translation in conjunction with a stylised spaceship (eg. triangle-box-triangle resembling Apollo CSM) to distinguish "forward/back" from "up/down", and different symbols for toggle/trigger/hold (eg. the power symbol, a positive pulse of square wave, and a stylised spring perhaps) where necessary.

Edited by Andersenman
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Hi Andersenman, Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix that typo and look at the tones when 0.23 releases and I need to update it.

For the styling/text size stuff that is all based on some very old game keyboard maps/overlays and the colors actually come from one I have at home. I pointedly made it match that for nostalgia reasons. I'l have a think about it and see what makes sense, but I have a few other things on the go at the moment, so anything more than text/color updates is likely a longer term item for me.

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So, clothing and music wasn't the only thing the 80's had bad taste in? Haha, just kidding. I remember my Silent Service II for Amiga coming with several glossy-paper cut-outs, each one for a different Amiga model's keyboard! Ah, nostalgia.

Anyhow. One reason why I suggested "pastellising" those primaries was: printed colours are usually not emissive unlike screen colours, and would rarely show or even allow min-maxed colour channels; therefore, toned-down, less aggressive colours would help imitating the "printed" look. Just my thoughts, though. :)

Edit: Then again, as players do print them, this aggressiveness solves itself. But could still cause bleeding or swamping if the printer's colour profile is cruel enough. And more often than not, it is.

Edited by Andersenman
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  • 4 months later...

Anyone else noticed that there are two 'Yaw part left 5" one in the right place and one on the 'yaw part right 90' button?

EDIT : Also pitch part down 90 underneath says pitch part LEFT 5

EDIT 2: this is on the VAB control overlay of course.

Edited by John FX
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Kulebron said:
Has anyone a good mapping for all cases for Dvorak layout?

I second that question!

Having spent far too long in the 'settings' editor changing key bindings, I've begun to suspect that there's something strange going on with the keybind code. Which, if true, would be unsurprising, since most folk won't mess with it, as it ain't broke for them, and so any bugs there are unlikely to come to light. I think I may just plug in a Sholes (QWERTY) keyboard just to play this fine game...

Edit: ... having spent most of today creating a KSP Dvorak layout mapping, I thought I'd offer the link to it:

KSP Sholes-to-Dvorak keybind conversion.DROPBOX MS-Excel 97/200/XP (legacy compatible)

It's a work in progress, but barring any errors I believe it includes a complete mapping of the default KSP keybinds from Sholes ('QWERTY') to ANSI Dvorak.

Some odd things have come to light as a result; I'm digging into them some more...

Edited by pendant
spreading goodness
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