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Which Space Station to use now that ive mapped kerbain

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Which Space Station to use now that ive mapped kerbain?

Ovisaly i want to use the kethane resorces so i was gona use the fatnose thingy etc but cant get damed thing into orbit are there any other stations that will use kethane etc

have used the robotic kethane miner on the mun but want to place a station in orbit and a mining base on kerbain then do same for the mun and expand out.

any ideas etc wud be gratefully recieved

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Come up with your own design. It's so much more fun and gives lots of hilarious explosions! :wink:

And you will learn a lot about the game. This is my first space station:


I sent it up in two parts, a main body and a long arm with big solar panels. The ship on the other side brought the panels and then redocked closer to the crew unit for some EVA fun. I had the great idea to make the solar array symmetrical, so there was quite some mass on both ends. The best way to describe the station was "metronome". Not a big success. I moved the crew to another station and sent it back into the atmosphere after about 8 in-game-hours.

But what I learned there about building rockets that launch unwieldy stuff, docking unwieldy stuff to even more unwieldy stuff, and avoiding that stuff becomes unwieldy in the first place, will improve my skills in station building for sure. Really, build you own stuff.

And it's so much more satisfying to do your own thing than to just copy the designs of experienced players.

Edited by Chruschtschow
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