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Rareden's Projects


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really? im a little disappointed with it
Dissapointed?! The light and shadows are great, the whole composition of the picture is awesome, the twisted girders look good and the twin stars give it a nice final touch.
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Dissapointed?! The light and shadows are great, the whole composition of the picture is awesome, the twisted girders look good and the twin stars give it a nice final touch.

very singular coloring though, oh btw those 2 blue stars are actully a lens reflection :D

Edited by Rareden
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It is a venusian anologe, so, well, yeah.

its bigger than venus though and would have more mass if the scale was correct size

no idea what element would make the terrain purple though

whole surface made of potassium permanganate??

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Maybe heavy dark-rock with a 'frosting' of potassium permanganate (It is in the clouds), amethyst boulders, tanzanite/garnet boulders, lava flows and forms obsidian glaciers, hundreds of meters high.

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Maybe heavy dark-rock with a 'frosting' of potassium permanganate (It is in the clouds), amethyst boulders, tanzanite/garnet boulders, lava flows and forms obsidian glaciers, hundreds of meters high.

to the fluid simulation!! time to make some volcanic smoke

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All of these images are amazing. I can't even; thats how good they are.

Just out of curiosity, are you still doing commisions for images like these?

to the fluid simulation!! time to make some volcanic smoke

Yesss indeed.

Edited by FlandersNed
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All of these images are amazing. I can't even; thats how good they are.

Just out of curiosity, are you still doing commisions for images like these?

Yesss indeed.

i haven't done any commercially so yes im still accepting ideas and requests from people

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You don't happen to have any of these in 1920x1080 do you?

Nevermind, They're way bigger than that, had to open in new tab to find that out. Using a few of these as wallpaper, they're great

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Rareden- a conversion between me and orbitusII, we realized something- there would be aurora's on jool and laythe (Jool due to, well, everything, and Laythe, being heated by volcanic action, would nessesitate a large molten core, therefore a relatively powerful magnetic field that can protect the planet from Jool's radiation belt).

So, it seems like I am rambling, but keep reading, there is a point to this.

Imagine you are in a spaceship, and 'below' you is Jool, just before your burn for Laythe. Then an aurora sweeps across the millions of miles below you, a tsunami of multicolored fire that shimmers under your feet, while in the distance there is Laythe, rising, and crowned in a fiery halo.

Please, go mad with this. I am no artist, but I love how realistic your pictures look, and I hope you can do something with this mental image.

Anyway, love your work.

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Rareden- a conversion between me and orbitusII, we realized something- there would be aurora's on jool and laythe (Jool due to, well, everything, and Laythe, being heated by volcanic action, would nessesitate a large molten core, therefore a relatively powerful magnetic field that can protect the planet from Jool's radiation belt).

So, it seems like I am rambling, but keep reading, there is a point to this.

Imagine you are in a spaceship, and 'below' you is Jool, just before your burn for Laythe. Then an aurora sweeps across the millions of miles below you, a tsunami of multicolored fire that shimmers under your feet, while in the distance there is Laythe, rising, and crowned in a fiery halo.

Please, go mad with this. I am no artist, but I love how realistic your pictures look, and I hope you can do something with this mental image.

Anyway, love your work.

Well thats a hell of a good idea, good one for a video aswell, just have no idea on how to create an aurora like that atm, will have to do some research, i have access to fluid sim programs so fires not a problem, although wouldnt auroras be mainly around the poles, that being where the magnetic field emanates from so the charge particles would interact with the gasses there?

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Well thats a hell of a good idea, good one for a video aswell, just have no idea on how to create an aurora like that atm, will have to do some research, i have access to fluid sim programs so fires not a problem, although wouldnt auroras be mainly around the poles, that being where the magnetic field emanates from so the charge particles would interact with the gasses there?

Auroras do stretch down below the polar regions on Earth, depending on the radiation levels and energy (EM radiation energizing the electrons that are part of the gas molecules) so with all of the radiation in the path of Laythe's orbit the auroras could stretch down to the equator on occasion.

I'm not entirely sure how you would render those except as a set of planar meshes, so do some research to make sure you find the best way. :)

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