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Now is the hard part- picking one for a scrensaver. They are all so great! If I am correct, you have the giant eiffel tower next and then my little rover :P

canopus sent a pm request in before you sorry

but hopefully i will have one out tonight.

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Same question!... I know mine was complex so understand if it has to go down the list...

screw it lol, im just going by order now, seems much easier to keep track of

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Hm. It's just somewhat out of place. I thought it was DOF but I was not sure. Due to it focusing on the Kerb but it did not blur the lander.

because of the focal distance, it begins to blur some distance behind the lander

if people dont like it i can change it easily enough

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You photo bombed your photo :D. Great work as always.

lol what?

BTW any one got thoughts on the kerbal, had a go at making a more.....realistic?? kerbal. or featured might be a better word for it.

do people prefer the traditional faces or is it worth me continuing this with the kerbals

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