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Chobit was a guy, not a gal?

Anyways, his/her work was great and it's a shame s/he doesn't do anything KSP related anymore. I don't know why chobit was banned and I don't care - I remember him as a good artist and a nice person, who was kind enough to make some artwork for some dude on the Internet (me, in that case).

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I'm kind of dissapointed at his lack of improvement. All of his recent pictures are way too dark and hide all of the details. I'd like to give advice but I'm considered a "troll".

Anyways to be more on topic, Rareden can I see the material setup of your planetary atmospheres? More precisely, how the gradient works. I can make atmospheric glow, but I don't understand how you made the atmosphere bright white and then sharpley fade to blue and then black. Here's what I have, made in blender, but 3d is like coding. Once you understand one software, you understand the basic features of them all.


my atmospheres are volumetric not stacked spheres. and i dont really like annoucing all the programs i use because they are commercial and quite high end stuff that people may pirate in order to replicate my images.

Guys get back on topic, If you want to know why Chobit was banned Ask Nutt007 :P

Rareden are you taking requests now for when you get back from break?

no, i dont even know when/if i will be returning in the way i have been working, i may do the occasional pic and may need some good looking crafts but i dont plan to be taking requests.

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oh damn, just watched the video, i dont want to go now! :(

Eh, I respect the stuff he did while here, but in the end he's too elitist and takes himself far too seriously to warrant any attempt at interaction or support.

Back on topic myself, Rareden your work continually demonstrates some pretty epic skills! Even the works-in-progress you post keep inspiring me to have another go at this stuff. I seem to recall somewhere you mentioning that you're self-taught; can you point an aspiring Blender/3Ds newbie to a tutorial resource you might have found particularly eye-opening in the modeling field?

mmm i cant remember any specific tutorial that made a huge difference, mostly just experimenting, google problems and things, for modeling its manly getting the polygon topology and flow as efficient as possible and adding lots of detail if you want super realistic stuff

some of my old modeling stuff




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So Rareden, i'm curious about something.

What would just a basic cube with no textures or materials applied look like when placed in one of the scenes in your image.

Mostly i'm wondering how much of your artwork is in the lighting...

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So Rareden, i'm curious about something.

What would just a basic cube with no textures or materials applied look like when placed in one of the scenes in your image.

Mostly i'm wondering how much of your artwork is in the lighting...

like this


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so... It appears the lighting only adds a small portion to the artwork.

Do items in maya by default not cast shadows?

Edit: okay, looking closer i can see the lighting does add a bit more of reality, but i can see it's one of the little things that helps add to the artwork.

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so... It appears the lighting only adds a small portion to the artwork.

Do items in maya by default not cast shadows?

Edit: okay, looking closer i can see the lighting does add a bit more of reality, but i can see it's one of the little things that helps add to the artwork.

things will always cast shadows unless you tell them not to, the lighting in that scene is more slightly overcast/ambiant rather than a strong sun, plus i think the sun is nearly directly overhead

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Nice one!

But i thought my rocket would be slightly larger on the pic :D

no dont worry ill be doing another but close up during ignition

Wow, Good job on that one! It looks great.

So, i'm not sure if you've been asked this before or not but, are these images straight out of Maya, or do you enhance them and add effects in another program?

i always do post work on them

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