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Rareden's Projects


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If there's even a remote chance that there is the potential to profit off of intellectual property owned by Squad, I wouldn't consider that a good idea.

Yeah, thing is what we're talking about is surrounding Rareden's own interpretive work. Yes, they feature images that are obviously inspired by KSP, but they are his own work based on the visuals alone, meaning he's not replicating game assets and trying to make his own game to compete.

If SQUAD were so tight with copyright claims based on visuals alone, YouTube channels that make some decent money like Scott Manley's or Danny2462's wouldn't exist.

After all, they're posting content recorded directly from the game, and getting paid from advertising views attached directly to it!

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Yeah, thing is what we're talking about is surrounding Rareden's own interpretive work. Yes, they feature images that are obviously inspired by KSP, but they are his own work based on the visuals alone, meaning he's not replicating game assets and trying to make his own game to compete.

If SQUAD were so tight with copyright claims based on visuals alone, YouTube channels that make some decent money like Scott Manley's or Danny2462's wouldn't exist.

After all, they're posting content recorded directly from the game, and getting paid from advertising views attached directly to it!

or even nassault and I

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EDIT: accidentally hit "quote" ignore the quote....

So. From what I've gathered so far, the current topic is... Selling prints, right?

Well, to ship one print from the US to new Zealand, it would cost me between 40-70 USD.

That being said, it would probably be easier to send the print files to someone in 'MURICA, and have them printed in full color quality, and shipped locally (saving BUTT TONS of cash.)

Let's say you wanted to sell a full sized (8.5 IN. x 11 IN.) Munbug print for 10 dollars.

You'd probably use a standard document envelope, a 50 cent stamp, and be done with it.

so, total cost to ship so far: about 1.50$- 2.00$ (give or take)

the person shipping the prints would get say, 1$ per print. (or whatever the rate would be)

3.00$ cost

SQUAD get's about... let's say 3$ per prints (for the kerbal copyright and whatnot)

That leaves the original artist 4$ USD or about 5 New Zealand dollars (yes, i actually checked, it's about 4.87 NZDs)

And now the biggest question.

Will Squad accept such a deal?

Also, still waiting for you to challenge my cans...

Edited by rewdew2
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EDIT: accidentally hit "quote" ignore the quote....

So. From what I've gathered so far, the current topic is... Selling prints, right?

Well, to ship one print from the US to new Zealand, it would cost me between 40-70 USD.

That being said, it would probably be easier to send the print files to someone in 'MURICA, and have them printed in full color quality, and shipped locally (saving BUTT TONS of cash.)

Let's say you wanted to sell a full sized (8.5 IN. x 11 IN.) Munbug print for 10 dollars.

You'd probably use a standard document envelope, a 50 cent stamp, and be done with it.

so, total cost to ship so far: about 1.50$- 2.00$ (give or take)

the person shipping the prints would get say, 1$ per print. (or whatever the rate would be)

3.00$ cost

SQUAD get's about... let's say 3$ per prints (for the kerbal copyright and whatnot)

That leaves the original artist 4$ USD or about 5 New Zealand dollars (yes, i actually checked, it's about 4.87 NZDs)

And now the biggest question.

Will Squad accept such a deal?

Also, still waiting for you to challenge my cans...

Ill get around to it once i finish this video, but yes deadweasel suggested the idea of using that site to sell and distribute the posters

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Ill get around to it once i finish this video, but yes deadweasel suggested the idea of using that site to sell and distribute the posters

Well yeah. but this would be. probably the simplest way to get it started, at least until you could get a site up to do it automatically.

PS: i live in america, i can make get them printed and shipped if necessary.

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But still,how did you place the planet models and all that.Was it the game's coordinates or did you place them?

Currently Ripping,taking a long time :|

well i guess the game is setup in meters so you need to set your scene in max to the same scale(google it) although then you are going to have a very large scene, what i do is if i have a planet nearby i render it separately as a spherical map then use that for lighting and reflections or just put it in there in post if its a still image

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Your work is awesome, man!

You know, whenever someone is this good I feel like they are god to me :D I try to do rendering myself and it is not the skills I lack - but the hardware...

Your renders are awesome and you keep inspiring me to make something, but what ever it is, it will never reach these standards, your work is super nice and your wallpapers are mind blowing with all the effects!

I hope to seem more ;)

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Yeah, thing is what we're talking about is surrounding Rareden's own interpretive work. Yes, they feature images that are obviously inspired by KSP, but they are his own work based on the visuals alone, meaning he's not replicating game assets and trying to make his own game to compete.

The artwork may have been created by Rareden, but the likeness of Kerbals and other assets included within the art are still the intellectual property of Squad. It's standard practice for a copyright holder to protect their brand and prevent anyone, fans included, from selling it. The community's artistic streak is absolutely unreal but when it turns into a commercialism of our brand, we are well within our rights to restrict and stop it.

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Exactly. Why can a YouTuber make money off of a video DIRECTLY from the game, or say, Twitch streamers. They are ALL using something that is "property" of SQUAD. So if you can make money off of YouTube videos, then there is no reason you can't off prints, as prints really are just this "property" printed out on some paper.

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This. This right here.

Where is the border between "property" and art. I can see restricting selling OF the models, but seriously, this is art. Not "property".

Mojang is very lenient about this, people produce minecraft animations and posters and sell them and mojang dosnt care as long as they are of good quality because it draws more attention to their game thus bringing them more profit

seems that SQUAD's a lot more restrictive on this kind of thing.

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Where is the border between "property" and art. I can see restricting selling OF the models, but seriously, this is art. Not "property".

He's more than welcome to create his art. He just can't sell it without Squad's permission as long as a Kerbal - visually recognizable as a Kerbal, no less - is featured.

Edited by Rowsdower
Added quote from RocketTurtle for context.
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If there's even a remote chance that there is the potential to profit off of intellectual property owned by Squad, I wouldn't consider that a good idea.

hold on are you saying that the stuff i create is owned by you?

He's more than welcome to create his art. He just can't sell it without Squad's permission as long as a Kerbal - visually recognizable as a Kerbal, no less - is featured.

by that logic i can sell any picture that dosnt have a kerbal in it

Edited by Rareden
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If it's plainly recognizable as Squad IP - which Kerbals generally are - it's a no go.

but you didnt say that, you said "He just can't sell it without Squad's permission as long as a Kerbal - visually recognizable as a Kerbal, no less - is featured.

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