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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Will the original parts, the first B9 parts, be upped for 0.20?

Oh, and those parts are STILL making me drool, so... Please release soon!


Why do some of my planes explode suddenly after a quickload? anyone else who has this problem? I'm using 19.1

Commenting out the COMOffset line in the wing configurations has helped some people with that issue. Personally I can still make things exploder with it, but give it a try.

We've disabled the line for 2-6, which hopefully isn't too far off, now that we have all the major modelling and texturing work done.

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Wow. I go away for a while and come back to find this mod has expanded by about a thousand percent... great job, I'll be gleefully screwing around with these parts into the wee hours of the morning now...

Also, a question; do you think it would be possible to do a sorta "Escape/Drop Pod"? Something purpose built? I know I ask that a bit, but I've always enjoyed dropping my Kerbals from orbit and then seeing if I can retrieve them later on with a follow up mission....

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I know the B9 pack has a larger focus on planes. But could we get a radially mounted Nerva Yes I'm basically asking for something akin to a Warp Nacelle in shape I know but still having to rely on trusses to put a nerva on radially has always been dodgy.

Edited by HGGundamReviews
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Also, a question; do you think it would be possible to do a sorta "Escape/Drop Pod"? Something purpose built? I know I ask that a bit, but I've always enjoyed dropping my Kerbals from orbit and then seeing if I can retrieve them later on with a follow up mission....

I use the tiny capsule, couple of the doughnut shaped fuel tanks and the radial rockets to create tiny crew return vessels. With the new mini lander can a little more weight can be shaved off too. Can probably get away with an RCS tank and thrusters.

For real fun I've got a 10 ton SSTO capsule that is just a little too wide to fit in the B9 cargo bay. I have high hopes for the 2.6 engines and radial air intakes to shave off a bit of width. The capsule is capable of ground->orbit->ground flight.

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Commenting out the COMOffset line in the wing configurations has helped some people with that issue. Personally I can still make things exploder with it, but give it a try.

We've disabled the line for 2-6, which hopefully isn't too far off, now that we have all the major modelling and texturing work done.

Thank you, It stopped my ships from exploding

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in 2.0, I just had my wings drop off (no explosion) when I came out of warp

they were modded with the comoffset tweak

I was imagining you in the starship enterprise lol. That much deceleration will do that to your wings!

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Beautiful GenX Engine my friend! I created one a while back for personal use because I'm obsessed with that engine and i was sharping my 3D skills. It is not an easy engine to create. I had to keep Poly count in mind as well.


Yours blows mine out the water lol! I created this engine all from hand with no training or tools. Just lots and lots of real life reference pictures. I cant wait to use that one. Custom engine sounds as well?

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in 2.0, I just had my wings drop off (no explosion) when I came out of warp

they were modded with the comoffset tweak

OK, I had used an HW21 wing attached to a 4x4 wing. I had not commented out comoffset in the 4x4 - as soon as I did, it stopped popping off the HW21s

Interestingly, there was nothing in the flight log when the wings popped off.

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First of all great mod pack some of the best quality parts available for KSP.

I've been using the pack to make a shuttle using the HL Parts, the shuttle seems to withstand the launch and being in space but the moment I use any time acceleration and then return to normal speed the whole thing just breaks apart everytime. This only happens in orbit and not when doing physics warp in the atmosphere, although bearing in mind I have only tried this with the latest 0.20 of KSP I wondered if this was a known bug and there was a fix I tried looking for the values listed previously in this thread but couldn't seem them in these particular parts.



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Beautiful GenX Engine my friend! I created one a while back for personal use because I'm obsessed with that engine and i was sharping my 3D skills. It is not an easy engine to create. I had to keep Poly count in mind as well.


That looks really nice actually..

Yours blows mine out the water lol! I created this engine all from hand with no training or tools. Just lots and lots of real life reference pictures. I cant wait to use that one. Custom engine sounds as well?

That looks really nice actually. You should make some parts with those skills!

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There's only 1 plugin, firespitter. Just use the one from Firespitter 4.2, works fine in the legacy location.

Is it possible to like just make a folder in /Gamedata named "B9", make a folder named "Parts" and put all the B9 parts there.

After that make a folder called "Plugins" and put the Firespitter.dll file there?

Also, Taverius, any chance of updating your UAV&Jets Pack? :)

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Is it possible to like just make a folder in /Gamedata named "B9", make a folder named "Parts" and put all the B9 parts there.

After that make a folder called "Plugins" and put the Firespitter.dll file there?

Also, Taverius, any chance of updating your UAV&Jets Pack? :)

You also have to create the category subfolders (not sure if it's necessary to put them in proper subfolders yet.) However, you ALSO are forced to add the new "PART { }" lines if you move them out of the legacy folder. If you don't, they don't load. Seems the legacy compatibility only works if they're in the legacy location.

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Beautiful GenX Engine my friend! I created one a while back for personal use because I'm obsessed with that engine and i was sharping my 3D skills. It is not an easy engine to create. I had to keep Poly count in mind as well.


Yours blows mine out the water lol! I created this engine all from hand with no training or tools. Just lots and lots of real life reference pictures. I cant wait to use that one. Custom engine sounds as well?

you dont need take poly count into account, you only need to take into account draw calls, ksp uses far fewer polys than most games. just keep down the number of textures, materials, ect

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