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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Just redownload the pack. Solved it for me.

I have done so for both links three times now.

I always get 83 folders...

Can you PM me your link or download? I'm fairly clueless as how to get those remaining parts. :c

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May I present?


The Spider. Although it also slightly resembles a bee.

A fast, extremly agile little craft with a 9+ TWR. It's one of these planes which are to complex/awesome/stupid to fly without computer assistance. You probably won't even get off the launch pad by yourself.

However, it's a joy to fly when you're in the air. And it can, surprisingly, even land in one piece. I love these little turbofans.

The new parts are great. Especially the engine designs and their versatility really outdo the stock parts. Not to forget the extremly helpful collection of wings and utility, or the afair improved balance of the tanks.

If i had to nitpick, the space mode of the sabre's is a bit to powerful and efficient at the same time, even more than e.g. KW Rocketry's high efficiency engines. And a bit biggger jet engines would be nice. Although the last one is pretty much solved by the flexibility of the new engines.

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I seem to be locking up on the runway about half the time when I use B9 parts. I have to Opt+Cmd+Esc to close KSP. With some planes it happens immediately; with others it happens as soon as I hit 'Restart flight' after crashing.

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Crashes whenever I try to load ships with B9 parts to the runway for launch...

I can't build craft from scratch and launch them in the same session, so I have to restart KSP everythime I want to fly something.

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It's normal that you can only see 83 folders. Take a closer look at their content, and you can see multiple files e.g. for the variants of fuselage parts. It's a recent feature of ksp and the reason this mod got even smaller, since it's now possibler to avoid redundant part files.

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It's normal that you can only see 83 folders. Take a closer look at their content, and you can see multiple files e.g. for the variants of fuselage parts. It's a recent feature of ksp and the reason this mod got even smaller, since it's now possibler to avoid redundant part files.

And you are right good sir. Thanks for clearing that up :)

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Im having one problem with this entire pack is that the variable air intakes dont like to snap on where the green dot is is there any way to do this ive tried every way that i know to try to get them to stick to the engine mounts

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Well... It now lets me load ships... Reasons? Honey badgers and whimsical whims!

Also... Damn you... Just as Cabana Corp is working on it's own F119-looking engines...

Also, the VTOL engines don't appear to be attaching properly when in symmetry... One deploys right way up, the other is reversed...

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Okay, about these reports that you have "only 83 part folders and no SABREs"

I have double checked all downloads, only the latest version of the mod is available, all parts are in place. That gives us the following:

First of all, are you sure you are not counting folders in Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder instead of counting actual parts? Many folders contain more than one part thanks to 0.20+ database system to reduce the size of the mod, so you can no longer count the parts by folders.

Second, make sure you have 0.20.2 version of the game, and that version alone! Nothing else is compatible, 0.20 will fail to load these, not to mention 0.19.

Third, are you sure you are installing it correctly? Everything should go to the root folder of KSP, right over "Gamedata" and "Ships" folders that are already present in it. Do not, under any circumstances, extract just Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone, the mod won't work this way.

Additionally, if your mod manager is old, it will fail to install this mod properly, do not use those.

Well... It now lets me load ships... Reasons? Honey badgers and whimsical whims!

Also... Damn you... Just as Cabana Corp is working on it's own F119-looking engines...

Also, the VTOL engines don't appear to be attaching properly when in symmetry... One deploys right way up, the other is reversed...

That should not happen if plugins are installed correctly, they are handling the bugs of stock symmetry and should reverse the VTOLs to face in one direction.

I am having a very similar predicament as others in this thread.

My parts folder under B9 Aerospace only has 83 parts, instead of 175. And I downloaded from both Spaceport and Mediafire.

Do I need to download the 0.19 parts to get all of them? :/

No, nothing was removed. See above. Do not count the folders, they are not related to total part count anymore. Make sure you are installing everything correctly. 0.19 mod is obsolete and should only ever be used with 0.19.

I seem to get a message that there are incompatible craft files when the new demo planes are added to the SPH folder. The B9*craft* can not be opened. I am using the Mod Manager, I am not sure that makes any difference.

Edit: all the structural panels are missing too, as well some other parts might be that I missed.

Edit 2: it just occurred to me that it might have to do with me playing version 0.20. I will investigate.

Do not use mod managers, install the mod like described above. Also, yes, 0.20 is NOT supported, it will fail to load configs in new format and will fail to load some of the plugins properly.

i had the same problem i think there are missing parts from previous versions of the mod

Nothing was removed, check whether you have installed the mod properly.

Is anyone else having the issue where the 4x4 reinforced plates won't attatch to the plate adapters? It's somewhat annoying.

It's a bug of stock attachment system, same thing happens with StationHub adapter. I hope it will be fixed eventually, but right now, you can only parent parts with nodes on one axis, even though all subsequent attachments work fine with every node.

It turns out that the saber S precooler turns into a M precooler on launch too. That is sort of a big problem. Oh well, I'll just remove it. I guess it is supposed to be a useless knockoff.

Thanks, will fix it immidiately. Yes, it's a purely structural part that was added in case you would want externally mounted SABREs to have proper length. It would have been weird to add all that length to SABRE model itself, as then you will end up with being unable to attach them to the backs of your crafts nicely. Easy to fix, I guess there is a duplicate name that has gone unnoticed.

Edited by bac9
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I should maybe clarify, The Sabre S works just fine but for some reason the M refuses to work. I do use FAR, and I've got TV aerospace installed, also am using mechjeb, Ioncross life support, Ampyear power management, KW rocketry, various other small part mods...

I personally don't see why the Sabre M isn't working, any ideas??

I've tried stack mounts, pylon mounting, even building the engine and just slapping a probe to the side with some fuel and a battery......

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I narrowed down that the ExsurgentEngineering Plugin is causing any ModuleManager override to no longer work. I tested this with a fresh download of B9 and was trying to use the remotetech probe compatibility plugin with it(which is just a config and modulemanager). As soon as I removed ExsurgentEngineering it started working again.

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Fixed version is up on spaceport, see the first post.

  • Fixed MK2 monopropellant tank fuel type.
  • Fixed SABRE body parts attachment nodes and naming.
  • Changed folder name to GameData to avoid issues on Linux.

Mediafire link to be available shortly.

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I narrowed down that the ExsurgentEngineering Plugin is causing any ModuleManager override to no longer work. I tested this with a fresh download of B9 and was trying to use the remotetech probe compatibility plugin with it(which is just a config and modulemanager). As soon as I removed ExsurgentEngineering it started working again.

Thanks tomato. I got the same problem, and was wondering what caused it.

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S2 Fuselage Wide Body 3.75m Adapter LFO has no fuel. And there is no just LF version.

Thanks, will fix in the next version. LF version isn't planned, there is no need for that amount of fuel with modest fuel consumption atmospheric engines have.

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I narrowed down that the ExsurgentEngineering Plugin is causing any ModuleManager override to no longer work. I tested this with a fresh download of B9 and was trying to use the remotetech probe compatibility plugin with it(which is just a config and modulemanager). As soon as I removed ExsurgentEngineering it started working again.
Thanks tomato. I got the same problem, and was wondering what caused it.

ExsurgentEngineering.dll should not be removed, it is required for SABREs and new thrust vectoring module.

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