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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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  Firov said:

Edit - On another note, Bac9, have you considered making an "HL Fuselage Front Adapter" that can serve as a crew tank for maybe 3 or 4 Kerbals as a sort of extended cockpit? I was thinking something like that would be great for space shuttles, since so many space shuttles are based around your HL fuselage anyway and it would allow us to conveniently carry roughly the same number of personnel as the actual space shuttle.


Haha, did you steal my design?? xD


Even the OMS and Shuttle engines are there.. Only the wings are different, I'm using FAR and it needs lot more lift. How does your launcher look like?

I was planning to do a Shuttle looking and B9 styled modular cockpit that would fit on HL fuselage directly without the need for adapters, but I'm sort of overrun by working on other projects xD

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  nothke said:

I was planning to do a Shuttle looking and B9 styled modular cockpit that would fit on HL fuselage directly without the need for adapters, but I'm sort of overrun by working on other projects xD

Aaah. Stop the other stuff! Make a shuttle cockpit for the HL and I'll throw in a larger X3 engine, OMS and a nice adapter plate!

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Here is the craft file for my KSP Interstellar SSTO WIP...


Contains 3 craft, 1 with B9 wings that is almost 350 parts(at half time im to lazy to get it into orbit), and 2 PW versions that are unstable in there own ways. All my PW variants either are unstable at near Mach 1 or once you get past 10Km its no longer possible to keep the nose up... If anyone has luck modifying them to actually work as SSTO's please share :P

Mods should be FAR, B9, KSP Interstellar, Mechjeb and PW.

Key 1 may or may not work to change engine fuel types, every time I move them I have to redo it and I got tired of setting it since I have not needed to change fuels on the PW versions.

Key 2 closes all the cargo bay doors, the small bay up front houses a small nuclear reactor used to get everything started. It also has a parachute incase for some reason you have to dump it.

Key 9/10 are flaps but I don't have control surfaces set up for flaps.


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  nothke said:
Haha, did you steal my design?? xD

Even the OMS and Shuttle engines are there.. Only the wings are different, I'm using FAR and it needs lot more lift. How does your launcher look like?

I was planning to do a Shuttle looking and B9 styled modular cockpit that would fit on HL fuselage directly without the need for adapters, but I'm sort of overrun by working on other projects xD

Heh. I guess that depends. I'd say we both stole from NASA. :D

Your shuttle clearly has a much larger cargo bay which explains the need for larger wings. My shuttle was also designed around FAR and DeadlyReentry and can carry ~40 tons to orbit, and I've tested landings with up to 20 tons in the cargo bay. Out of curiosity, what is the cargo capacity of that shuttle? I'd guess 100 tons?

As for the launcher, much like the shuttle itself, I tried to mirror the actual STS as closely as I could, considering the smaller scale of Kerbin. The SRB's deliver around 2/3's of the overall liftoff thrust until they burn out 2 minutes, 5 seconds after launch. The only concession I made to get this to work is installing 3 S2 reaction wheels under the external tank, which you can see are hidden under a procedural fairing in the second picture. I decided to do that since the stretchy SRBs aren't capable of the massive 8 degree gimbal of the actual STS SRBs, which leaves my shuttle lacking effective roll control during initial ascent.


Anyway, I'd love to see that modular cockpit. That's exactly what these B9 HL fuselage shuttles need, well, that and those larger X3 engines and adapter plate, Dtobi. :)

Edited by Firov
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Hey, just ran into an interesting bug, not sure if anyone else has seen this yet. I'm using the previous (0.22) version in 0.23 so I'm not expecting any sort of fix, just thought it might be illuminating.

So, I'm building a heavy lander in career mode on top of a 2.5m asparagus lifter but when I launch the main engines (skippers) don't work. If I take the asparagus portion off the final stage engine (atlas) works, but what fixes the stage 1 engines is, oddly, removing the MT4 RCS tank, but placing an MT4 anywhere on the rocket causes them to stop working again. I can't imagine what kind of code on RCS tanks might interfere with LFO motors, but.. *shrug* Just thought I'd toss it out there as a curiosity.

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  Firov said:
Heh. I guess that depends. I'd say we both stole from NASA. :D

Your shuttle clearly has a much larger cargo bay which explains the need for larger wings. My shuttle was also designed around FAR and DeadlyReentry and can carry ~40 tons to orbit, and I've tested landings with up to 20 tons in the cargo bay. Out of curiosity, what is the cargo capacity of that shuttle? I'd guess 100 tons?

As for the launcher, much like the shuttle itself, I tried to mirror the actual STS as closely as I could, considering the smaller scale of Kerbin. The SRB's deliver around 2/3's of the overall liftoff thrust until they burn out 2 minutes, 5 seconds after launch. The only concession I made to get this to work is installing 3 S2 reaction wheels under the external tank, which you can see are hidden under a procedural fairing in the second picture. I decided to do that since the stretchy SRBs aren't capable of the massive 8 degree gimbal of the actual STS SRBs, which leaves my shuttle lacking effective roll control during initial ascent.

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/506951799517085491/6E524DC8D19F8338771EEF20AA0404BAD362CA70/348x615.resizedimage https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-EpLOD1C2nZQ/UquxC4cguyI/AAAAAAAAAk8/eL4rGHhuEm0/w1095-h616-no/2013-11-23_00019.jpg

Anyway, I'd love to see that modular cockpit. That's exactly what these B9 HL fuselage shuttles need, well, that and those larger X3 engines and adapter plate, Dtobi. :)

That is really cool and interesting. I actually did not try to base my design on the real shuttle, but I wanted to make my own shuttle space program and think in the way that shuttle designers were trying to think giving myself a similar task, caring about flexibility, (imaginary) cost, safety, etc. And also run a program that I would closely care about and log every mission =)

So I really wanted to go through this "design process" where I was always adding something new to improve reliability or safety or to cut costs, and you can clearly see that by the improving mission successes.

Not to say that I was even developing some mods, for example DROMOMAN robotic arms, primarily cause of using it in my program, therefore the mod is sort of like a "spinoff" of my program xD That is why intend to make the cockpit too.

I am currently developing the third generation KTS orbiters, right now using the weaker shuttle engines (FSX2), and with them I can carry only up to 10 tonnes, and for that I also don't need a big booster, I am using 8 KW rocketry engines under the orange tank, but I need to turn some on and off during flight to keep the thrust balance. I also made an access tower with elevator and the "white room" on the top. I am using multiple small engines to reduce cost and speed up production since the tank is produced new every time.


I have tested the "heavy" variant that can carry up to (what I tested) 25 tonnes with big engines and similar to real launcher with 2 KW thor SRBs and an engineless tank. That is sort of the weight you need, there is no really need to carry more than 25t cause you

You are correct, I extended the cargo bay cause I really needed more space. I introduced a new docking and airlock module made out of Fustek Kuest module.

I've done 35 missions so far, and will continue it

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Probably largest spaceplane I would ever use (anything larger would noticeably impact performance, though things are better now in 0.23):


Yes, I know the proposed Skylon has no cockpit, but it's more fun that way (and less parts, too).

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  LMA said:
Does B9 work ok in 0.23?

My Sabre engine doesn't seem to ignite I have the three sabre parts together and a fuel pipe going to it.

It does if you replace the outdated plugin .dlls. You might want to read how it works on this thread (go some pages back).

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  LMA said:

If you're trying to be helpful at least post a working URL. Simply copying the abbreviated URL does not work. You need to post the ENTIRE URL: https://github.com/careo/ExsurgentEngineering/raw/master/ExsurgentEngineering/obj/Release/ExsurgentEngineering.dll (Yes, I know they LOOK the same but they aren't!)

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  dtobi said:
It does if you replace the outdated plugin .dlls. You might want to read how it works on this thread (go some pages back).

so.. I got the dll for exurgent engineering, is this the only one that needs replacing? I thought this mod had more dll's in it then just this one? and yes, i did look back a few pages (quite a few) but couldn't find anything.

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  Carcharhinidae said:
so.. I got the dll for exurgent engineering, is this the only one that needs replacing? I thought this mod had more dll's in it then just this one? and yes, i did look back a few pages (quite a few) but couldn't find anything.

It also uses the ResGen and Firespitter plugins so you might as well get those updated...

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  Carcharhinidae said:
so.. I got the dll for exurgent engineering, is this the only one that needs replacing? I thought this mod had more dll's in it then just this one? and yes, i did look back a few pages (quite a few) but couldn't find anything.

I think you need to replace Firespitter too?

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  Tex_NL said:
If you're trying to be helpful at least post a working URL. Simply copying the abbreviated URL does not work. You need to post the ENTIRE URL: https://github.com/careo/ExsurgentEngineering/raw/master/ExsurgentEngineering/obj/Release/ExsurgentEngineering.dll (Yes, I know they LOOK the same but they aren't!)

Thank you very much!

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  BananaDealer said:
It also uses the ResGen and Firespitter plugins so you might as well get those updated...

the only resgen I can find is for ksp version 0.20.2 (?), and firespitter I guess I have to download from the spaceport and pull out the .dll? I have no interest in firespitter's parts, so it'd only extend so far as it's used by b9.

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There was a discussion several pages ago about landing gear stiffness, and I have an observation. Before 0.23, the only issues I've seen with B9 wheels were caused by improper placement; but now, no matter how I palce them, wobbling ensues, rendering anything with fuselage larger than Mk2 unable to land and, most of the time, to take off.

Problems disappear with stock landing gear, so I believe there were some changes in KSP update that could affect the gear behavior (after all, current B9 version is not yet updated for 0.23).

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  nothke said:

I was planning to do a Shuttle looking and B9 styled modular cockpit that would fit on HL fuselage directly without the need for adapters, but I'm sort of overrun by working on other projects xD

I have kind of planned to do that for several months but still yet to learn blender...

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  Carcharhinidae said:
the only resgen I can find is for ksp version 0.20.2 (?), and firespitter I guess I have to download from the spaceport and pull out the .dll? I have no interest in firespitter's parts, so it'd only extend so far as it's used by b9.

I tested the latest version of resgen just after 23 was released. It works but it conflicts with one of the other resource mods (dont recall which). But i looked through the current b9 cfg files and it dont look like a lot(if any) of the parts use that plugin. Im sure ill be corrected if im wrong.

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