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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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  bac9 said:
0.20.2 released, PNG/JPEG loading is fixed there.

R3 still isn't ready and probably won't be released until weekend. Good news though, it's actually smaller than R2.5 while featuring almost double the parts, thanks to awesome feature of 0.20 allowing to share textures and meshes across multiple parts. It's unbelievably small now for amount of content within, which is good both for poor spaceport servers, for your loading times, and for your in-flight performance.

Amazing. Twice the content for half the price... Give or take.

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Its like really late, but ive been checking this thread a lot lately! I just wanted to say to the modders that B9 is one of the best mode I've ever seen, really good and polished work so I dont mind the waiting for an awesome mod! I take my hat before you!

Having said that, I just want to build a freaking big plane, just so kerbing ends rotating around it!

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Horray for 0.20.2! I want that one cockpit for my Trans-Munar space truck. I've used it for carting crap back and forth between the Mun and Kerbin's orbit. Mostly space station parts for future Mun surface stuff, like our power array.

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  volki said:
Bac 9, Taverius, I'm begging you!! Could we have a few screenshots just to tide us over until the weekend.

I wouldn't mind a screenshot or two but then it would just make me want it so much more XD, I think its fair to say this is the most loved parts mod on the forum.

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  bac9 said:
OS doesn't change anything, KSP still won't be able to use more than 4gb.

OS does have an affect here.

32 bit oses see 3.33 gigs of ram. Period. That means if a user is using more that 1.33 gigs of ram before launching KSP, then ksp doesnt get its full 2 gig memory allocation.

64 bit users, who presumably have 4+ gigs of ram, are more likely to have at least 2 full gigs available for KSP

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  volki said:
Bac 9, Taverius, I'm begging you!! Could we have a few screenshots just to tide us over until the weekend.

I'd rather just be pleasantly surprised. The sneak preview of the new jet engine is enough for me.

It's like Christmas to me...once I grew up, I didn't want to spoil the surprise of opening presents one by one by sneaking around the house looking for the stash of gifts.

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im using the b9 stuff strictly for spaceships.i dont do aero cause it just feels weird for me.but look what kind of crafts im making!this is just a prototype.waiting on 0.20x compatibility realese to go from prototype phase to mass production.imagine a nice spacestation with a few of these docked!i plan to change it a little so it can be able to take different kind of modules and carry stuff around the solar system!with a few cheaty fuel generators this thing is gonna be perfect!

neet it to make stuff like that one.do you guys know any mods with powerfull rcs thrusters?cause this one is really hard to roll or steer.

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  Railgunner2160 said:
Nice ship, mind releasing the .craft file for the rest of us?

Does look sweet only thing i dont know what those things are between the wings looks like nose cones of some sort or something like that

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those things between the wings up and down are ...lolz dont remember, but they are the part thats supposed to be put radial.u know that one that fits with radial fuel tanks(its from this mod pack).u allready see it on the main hull of the ship.i just put it there to hide the ugly look of where the wings meet each other.also thats where its lasers go cause its a good place to put them.in my minds concept those things are supposed to be short range swarmer missile packs that launch missiles vertically and the where most of the fighters sensors and flares and chaff or whatever.obviously i have watched too many anime :P

that one is just a prototype and its from 0.19 so it doesnt exist anymore.when the b9 pack gets updated for 0.20x i'll upload the final version.i'll make sure to remember to post something so that you guys can enjoy.i'll probably post a pack of different ships.i made many different smaller ones that were a lot easyer to control and launch(they launch as spaceships not as aerospace craft).in the final version they will all have cheat fuel gens on them cause as you can obviously see it looks a lot more advanced that current kerbtech plus you dont want it to be very heavy,trust me they will be perfect when i upload.

any tips for making this more stable without adding a ton of strats?(which will kill fps)

anyway.since i got this pack i stopped making missiles and im only making anime looking fighters.gonna change the main hull so it can take 2.5m modules.crew,fuel,landers...you name it.i've got many other crafts in mind.got them all drawn on paper.waiting for the 0.20x release of the mod and everything i make i will share.

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got it already.hmmm.i wish someone made some invisible strats.i mean the so that the "strat" between the two bases/connection points/whatever you call it,wouldnt be visible outside of vab.now that an awesome idea!

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