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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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  lilwills51 said:
Can somebody help me please. I am missing a ton of parts. I installed the gamedata folder in the KSP-win -> gamedata folder and added the ships folder to KSP_win. I am missing lots of parts, mostly structural parts.

do you have the SABRE?

make sure you read the fix from Bac9 and Taverius (do you look at the front page recently?)

EDIT : *look back and see all the journey we've done since Bac9 creat the heavy drone core (I failed to remember the name, MK-27?)

Edited by mrrpamplemousse
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When KSP hangs, I get one of two blocks as the last line of my log:

Kerbal Space Program(1508,0xac9512c0) malloc: *** mmap(size=4198400) failed (error code=12) *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


(Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

Receiving unhandled NULL exception

Any ideas?

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  mrrpamplemousse said:
do you have the SABRE?

make sure you read the fix from Bac9 and Taverius (do you look at the front page recently?)

EDIT : *look back and see all the journey we've done since Bac9 creat the heavy drone core (I failed to remember the name, MK-27?)

I fixed it. Thank you very much. Sorry

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Sadly this mod doesn't seem to work for me.

I've tried installing it in a completely clean install. First weird thing is, it takes a good 5 to 6 minutes to load the whole mod, even though it's mentioned in the Spaceport description that it should supposedly take less than the stock parts. I can access the editor with no problems and build a full, visually functional spaceship (hangar doors work, the menu thing under the science tab works as well, etc). But once I actually try to launch the ship, the game immediately crashes. For spaceplanes, there is a five seconds latency before it crashes. I've tried allocating more pagefile from my harddrive (my 4gb of ram may not be enough) and I've set the graphics settings as low as possible, but nothing works.

The crash logs indicates there is an "access violation". The last five write locations that caused these violations were these :

Write to location 00000008 caused an access violation.

Write to location 00000008 caused an access violation.

Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.

Write to location 00000016 caused an access violation.

I'd love to get this mod to work. I am certain I am on the latest version because I have the game on Steam.


This is really infuriating. The whole thing just crashes to desktop with no warning if I use any of the built in pieces. I managed to actually access the launchpad once, and it crashed something like 1 minute in.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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  Mekan1k said:
Turn down the resolution to minimum, the framerate to 80, and make the render speed as fast as possible.

That will take care of any crashes.

The odd part is that even loading a 4 part ship made out of B9 stuff is enough to crash, but making a 150 part ship made with only Truss Pack stuff will run without a crash, though it'll lag a bit.

Kind of out of topic but is the moderator-confirmation thing for message for everyone, every time I want to post something?


Actually, I've just retried building a vanilla ship while B9 is installed, and the game also immediately crashes. Even when following your instructions.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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I'm also having write access violations causing spontaneous crashes on decouple/time-warp/VAB-to-Launch Pad. Going to have a go at uninstalling B9 and see the difference. B9 definitely takes the longest to load by far.

And turning my resolution down is not going to happen. YouTube needs full HD. :P

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  EnterElysium said:
I'm also having write access violations causing spontaneous crashes on decouple/time-warp/VAB-to-Launch Pad. Going to have a go at uninstalling B9 and see the difference. B9 definitely takes the longest to load by far.

And turning my resolution down is not going to happen. YouTube needs full HD. :P

Something is up with your installation. B9 3.0 takes less time to load than the stock parts. Please check that you have the correct KSP version, installed correctly, etc.

If you have a 32-bit machine, sorry, you're out of luck. We reduced the memory load of B9 from 1.8Gb to under 800Mb, but if you're running under a 2GB per-process limit there's no way you're going to load this, or any other large packs.

  Ganerumo said:
This is really infuriating. The whole thing just crashes to desktop with no warning if I use any of the built in pieces. I managed to actually access the launchpad once, and it crashed something like 1 minute in.

I'm not sure what's going on for you. Either you simply do not enough ram to run B9 (we optimized as much as possible but it is still a LOT of parts), you did not follow the installation instructions, or you're not using 0.20.2.

  Netris said:
Sjno has made a plugin that allows 2 or more animations for a part in his Firespitter mod. Maybe it could be usefull

We're using it everywhere. Have you noticed how many things can be toggles in VAB? However, you can't get around a KSP limitation with 2 animations affecting the same GameObject.

  smarky55 said:
The S2 issue is due to the parts being named 'cargo hold' instead of 'cargo bay' FARchecks for the latter and will ignore the first. If you change the 'title' line in the .cfg's to replace hold with bay they should work. :)

I'll have a talk with ferram about it, to check if there's any other things which need a special name as well.

  lilwills51 said:
So i have a little problem. I am missing lots of parts. I installed this mod from spaceport (duh) and when it installed, i exported the parts, props, resources, spaces (B9 aerospace folder in gamedata) into the KSP_win gamedata folder. Then i added all the plugins including ResGen.dll to the plugins folder. Then I merged the 2 ships folders together. I cant load any of the stock planes. I am missing a ton of stuff from the structural panel and more. I don't know whats wrong. Please help. Thank you :(

You did not follow the installation instructions. Please follow the installation instructions. They are there for a reason.

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Argh, having a rough time with the new version, KSP just refuses to load. I was ok on the last version, and have gone back to vanilla which solved it. I will see if I can find out what part its crashing on.

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  Taverius said:
We're using it everywhere. Have you noticed how many things can be toggles in VAB? However, you can't get around a KSP limitation with 2 animations affecting the same GameObject.

I still didn't had the time to check everything ^^ I just took a little sneak peak but that's all. Anyway, I'm not complaining at all, and even with my poor 3Gb of RAM, everything runs good :)

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  Ganerumo said:
Actually, I've just retried building a vanilla ship while B9 is installed, and the game also immediately crashes. Even when following your instructions.

Kind of out of topic but is the moderator-confirmation thing for message for everyone, every time I want to post something ?

How many other parts packs do you have installed? I had the same issue before with having too many addon parts installed, because they eat up too much memory, and trying to load a ship on the launchpad or runway would push it over the edge and crash it.

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  Castun said:
How many other parts packs do you have installed? I had the same issue before with having too many addon parts installed, because they eat up too much memory, and trying to load a ship on the launchpad or runway would push it over the edge and crash it.

Really not all that much. Just KSPX, Mechjeb, HOME, DEMV mk5 and mk3.

I'll try removing HOME, DEMV then KSPX. It's really just 54 parts total, but we'll see.

If all else fails I can always get rid of the parts I don't use such as the biggest wings and the jet engines, I guess. But really, is 4GB of ram + 2GB of pagefile virtual ram not enough to load that, even at the lowest possible resolution ?

Edited by Ganerumo
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Yea this mod when updating KSP from .20.1 to .20.2 you loose half the parts needed. I updated so that I could use the craft files but I lost all the parts for them that I had with the older version of .20 and it is the same download from the above.

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Well removing all of my mods except Mechjeb does make it usable. The game still crashed when I tried to reach the tracking station, but that's a good start.

Time to remove most of the parts I don't use. Including the stock parts, considering B9 has some good replacements.

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  sounthernrebel78 said:
The release 3 didn't work properly so he took it down and I had downloaded it before I updated.

When? It's been updated twice since release yesterday.

@Ganerumo the moderator validation of posts disappears after your first 5 validated posts. Also I had to merge 4 of your posts into 2. I do recommend using the edit button to prevent occurrences of double posts.

@Elysium how many mods are you running? B9 was incredibly optimized. I personally have 13 mods installed including B9, LLL, HOME, and the Soviet Pack. I only have 4 gigs of RAM and it loads just fine.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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  EnterElysium said:
Turns out that 8GB of RAM isn't enough to run all the mods any more. B9 being a very large memory hog I've had to chop it. :( But it's pretty...

To be honest at this point B9 is complete enough to actually run on its own without the 145-something vanilla parts.

  shadowsutekh said:
When? It's been updated twice since release yesterday.

@Ganerumo the moderator validation of posts disappears after your first 5 validated posts. Also I had to merge 4 of your posts into 2. I do recommend using the edit button to prevent occurrences of double posts.

Yeah sorry about that, I couldn't actually see my first five posts because of the whole validation business so editing wasn't possible. Editing is usually a feature I use up and down the butt whenever It's available on a message board.

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hope someday they make a 64bit version of KSP...im sittin at 640something parts right now....would love to double that...or triple...whatever works =)

kinda a couple things I saw (oddly enough) in the support forum makes me think they may be, or at least gonna think about doing so

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No problem Ganerumo, it happens, wasn't a warning, just a friendly reminder :)

@Khaos That will not happen until Unity is a 64 bit engine. This is a known desire by everyone including the devs but their hands are tied unfortunately, though they do the best with what they have, like that totally kerbal-y MacGuyver-style Linux scroll wheel fix.

I really like all the various light fixtures that the B9 pack contains, they really fit better in situations than most other mods or even vanilla lights.

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  Simplicity said:
Amazing Mod pack, thank you to all concerned for making it happen :) Here's one of the B9 craft coming in for a docking at my brand new station, I thought it was fitting for brand new pack to dock with a brand new station :D


I know this really isn't the place to be asking this, but does anybody know what mod that is for those station parts. I've been trying to find it on spaceport forever but it doesn't seem to be under any categories.

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Thought I'd give this mod a try, and I too am getting issues with memory use. 4 GB RAM, with the few programs I have running along with KSP, it idles around 77% used. Once I try getting something flying, it goes up to around 85%. I've noticed with some other games, getting to around that percent is risking the game just crashing. Been pruning off parts I wasn't likely to use to try lowering that use percent.

To compare, before I added B9 to my mods list, the memory useage percents were about 10 less. Hm. :huh:

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