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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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B9 wings are big because the stock wings are small. If you want small wings stock is your friend.

I use pWings now for everything wing related. Why lock myself with either big or small?

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I wonder why I can't attach docking ports inside the cargo bays. I have to fight simmetry and the game to get even close, and more than that to get it centered. Also, Clampotron Sr. ports won't attach to MkV cargo bays.

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So during *ROCKET* construction using this parts pack, I've noticed that the fuselages are very finicky when it comes to placing engine parts radially. Is there a way to overcome this? BTW - I love this parts pack!

Explanation: Specifically I was trying to use the HL fuselage and extensions and combine those into a VTOL craft (vertical landing craft in this case) sitting atop a launch stage - but none of the parts want to sit cleanly.

It's probably user error.

Don't tell me it's user error.

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Jeez, enough engines?

That aside, what is its performance? how many tons to orbit and how much fuel does it have?

For now, i only test it with a little space maneuver pod for one kerbin, around 10 tons.

And it get in space with 1000/500 m/s of Dv (without/with cargo)

But i did it to use on other celestial bodies with low gravity. Like maintenance to my Kethane spots on Moon, Minmus. etc. Today i give a try in Duna.

This is because the power of jets in Kerbin atmosphere with full tank is 1.10 TWR. I use the jets to go to 5km, and then start the rockets for orbit.

Still need some extra tryouts for the return on KSC, i do not have a solution in maneuvers yet. But getting close. To use it on atmosphere, the best is the Old ASAS (Mechjeb got crazy stuff and roll/crash), and i use ps3 joy to control it manually. It's ok, but not to joke around.

But after i take off and put the nose up, i can leave to Mj to get orbit without assist.

It uses the air compressed RCS trusters, together the common RCS (i press 0 to activate then in space when needed).

Room for 4 Kerbonauts, and a little cargo, it is a big mama for space travels with near 4000 dV when refuel in space. (128.73 T without cargo, 3869 m/s Dv Vac, 9213 oxi/7682 Liq/460 Mon)

I need to make some more tests, then i put it on the Forum to download, if you please.


Edited by Climberfx
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Yes you did. There's more than 1 part per folder. Counting the folders is not an accurate count of parts anymore. This is necessary to share textures and models.

If you mean in-game, if you don't see all the parts you did not follow the installation instructions. You MUST have 0.20.2, and you MUST install in GameData in without changing the names of the directories.

I did all of that and it still wont load any of the ships, because it missing half the parts.

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when you say extract just Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone: do you mean put all the source files in to there respective places and just put the file "parts" in with the rest of the files full of parts, or extract the parts into file of parts?

what are you on about. It has been said 100 times in this thread, it is said in the readme and it is said in the first post. You do not copy parts to parts and plugins to plugins anymore, KSP now uses the Gamedata folder. Extract Gamedata/B9_Aerospace into [your Ksp directory]/Gamedata

Exception is the B9_Aerospace ships/SPH folder, that never loads from gamedata for me so I still extract that to KSP/ships/SPH and its sorted.

Doing anything else just breaks the mod.

Why you would do otherwise when so many resources tell you NOT to is beyond me.

Oh you absolutely must be using KSP 0.20.2. It does not work on 0.20.1 or below.

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when you say extract just Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone: do you mean put all the source files in to there respective places and just put the file "parts" in with the rest of the files full of parts, or extract the parts into file of parts?

Forget how mods worked in .18. Most new mods, and especially b9, don't work that way anymore. So just forget about that. New way to install mods for KSP is thus:

Step one: Extract the zip.

Step two: Open the folder.

Step three: Drag the Gamedata and Ships folders from here:


and put them here


Step four: Click "Ok" and "Copy and Replace" or just "Replace" a lot.

Step five: There is no step five, but if you don't use steam, your ksp install will be located elsewhere.

If you're on a mac, I don't know what the differences will be because I don't care about macs.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just how the engine works, but the FS1PE propeller engines centre of thrust is no centred on the engine but about 2/3rd's a propeller length above. It's only that part, no other prop or jet engines do this.

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Putting railings or b9 lights on a ship causes instant game crashing. What do?

i can only give u 2 solutions.either delete those items from the b9 pack in your gamedata or delete some other mod that you dont really use so much.to be certain that deleting a mod will affect your performance(positively) you should check to see how many Mb that mod is.for example i remember that KWrocketry is about 408 Mb!!!that is killing the game.so i got rid of most of its items that i didnt use.most problems with crashing are usually ram issues.the less mods you have and as long as you keep your crafts parts within a reasonable amount you wont have to worry about the game crashing.

hope that helps a little

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First off, this is amazing work. I've been cutting my teeth on a very stock KSP for the past couple of months, just using Kerbal Engineer for more info, getting familiar with the basics before going all mod-crazy. Now that I've gotten a few solid inter-planetary transfers and landings, I'm starting down the mod path. This pack is legendary, and I'm psyched to get started with it.

I know it's probably frustrating to field yet another comment about the installation instructions, but I have a concern with the way you phrase it. (I didn't actually have a problem installing the pack.)

...find GameData and Ships folders that are already existing in your root KSP folder and overwrite them with Gamedata and Ships folders from the archive.

It's not, btw, that you are unclear, and I did install the pack without a problem. This is more about semantics.

As a developer, you don't need me to explain how the term "overwrite" implies a destructive replacement. If I already have other mods installed in Game Data, truly "overwriting" that folder will destroy them, right?

Windows has this extra convenience where the action of replacing a folder gives you the option of merging them... so your instructions make good sense in that context. On a Mac, unless a user specifically tries to copy the folder (a drag-and-drop operation is a move), it does not even attempt a merge, it only asks you if you want to replace the folder that already exists with the one you are moving. This would result in the deletion of already installed mods. I haven't tried under linux.

I realize it's not at simple as what you use right now, but in the interest of I'm offering the following wording:

"Place the contents of the B9-Aerospace-Pack 'GameData' folder into the 'GameData' folder in your KSP directory. Place the contents of the B9-Aerospace-Pack 'ships/SPH' folder into the 'ships/SPH' folder in your KSP directory. If you have previously installed the B9 Aerospace Pack, you will need to overwrite the existing files in those folders."

I don't want to be a pain in your ass or spark a windows/mac thing (well there's a 70% chance of that happening, but I just ignore replies that focus on platform wars instead of the substance of my comment), so by all means ignore this comment entirely this if you don't like the suggestion, do not feel the need to explain your reasons.

Anyhow, thanks again for the incredible parts, they are absolutely amazing. And I'm completely psyched to see the new SPH you're working on!

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or just how the engine works, but the FS1PE propeller engines centre of thrust is no centred on the engine but about 2/3rd's a propeller length above. It's only that part, no other prop or jet engines do this.

That is nothing to do with this mod. Thats a part from another mod

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