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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Regarding the "missing" parts. bac9 has packaged the parts in a Gamedata directory in the zip archive, on platforms with case sensitive file systems (Linux, Max OS) the game will only check GameData. That might be the culprit.

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the mod works now after scaling my graphic settings down to minimum. I can play aslong i dont reset a flight back to sph. After that my KSP "freezes" (its not actually a real freeze, cause i can still build. But thats all i can do. Cant save a plane or load something. Cant even quit the game). Only Alt+F4 works.

When i start the game now, ALL parts except a few stock parts a gone, even uninstalling all mods dont help, only reinstalling ksp completly fix it, but after installing B9 again, same procedure again. I already reinstalled ksp 5 times today. :< Maybe someone can help me, and btw sorry for my bad english ;).

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I just want the Intakes from 3.0C back please. If someone has those, could they post the cfg please so I can fix these useless intakes we have now? I really don't know what happened, but they are 6 times bigger and 4 times heavier than the in game intakes. THE REASON THEY NEED TO BE GOOD IS SO I DON'T HAVE TO USE 25 INTAKES TO MAKE MY SSTO WORK!

My shuttle that has four of the giant moving ramp intakes can't get to 15k without running out of air. I was forced to add SIXTEEN stock ram intakes. I am sorry that some people choose to abuse this so they don't even need rockets to get to 100k apokee. That is their prerogative. You always could airhog. You always could infiniglide. You can still do it. This Intake nerf is just making those parts useless. They are effectively the worst Intake in the game now. No reason to use them.

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Everybody that is plagued by reduced intake air please check out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43045-Has-Kerbin-s-atmosphere-been-changed-with-0-21

Please post a detailed report there of the behavior of your craft in 0.20 and 0.21.

A reply that just states "I have this too." isn't contributing anything. Instead post your method of testing and results, preferably with screenshots.

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There was a range of B9 versions for 0.20 that did significantly overproduce intake air by a factor of 10 in some cases. When it was fixed in 3.1, the release notes said that it was only a display problem, but that's incorrect - the intakes did produce excessive air.

Edit: link to the relevant discussion in the FAR thread.

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RE: the supersonic cockpit's variable geometry, AFAIK the animation for it is still in the current model, but the config doesn't have a module to animate it. The reason they chose to disable that animation was because it and the cockpit lights ends up being 2 animations on the same part, and KSP can't handle that correctly with the stock modules. So they kept the cockpit lights, and deleted the lines in the part.cfg for the variable geometry animation.

Some time after that was done, the Firespitter plugin used by the B9 pack had a module added to it (called FSanimateGeneric) that CAN handle multiple animations per part.

Now that that module is available (and being used), I wonder why the hypersonic cockpit hasn't gotten it's "high-speed mode" animation back? I sincerely doubt that it was left out intentionally, because why leave it in the model otherwise? However, it IS missing, so I suspect that it has been simply overlooked.

Here's where I think I can help out.

I looked thru the part.cfg for an older version of this cockpit (from R2.5) to find the name of the transformation animation, then I used the module that handles the cockpit lights in the most recent version (R3.3) as a template for the transformation animation's module. The older (R2.5) cockpit also had lines for "startEventGUIName" and "endEventGUIName" that were able to be directly copied over, so I used those as well.

Here's the end result of my (admittedly not difficult) endeavor:

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_hypersonic
startEventGUIName = Enter hypersonic mode
endEventGUIName = Enter subsonic mode
toggleActionName = Hypersonic-Subsonic Mode Switch

Put that code in "GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts/B9_Cockpit_S3/part.cfg" after the other "FSanimateGeneric" part module's ending "}", and the transformation animation should show up in the right-click menu for the part, as well as in the action groups.

Hope that helps!

PS: I used to keep old versions of KSP (and KSP mods) even when a new version comes out purely for nostalgia, now I keep them because I can look at old ships, and because occasionally I can help out with this kind of issue.

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Engine and intakes are B9 - THANKS !! Maybe the speed brakes?

Badly in need of an all moving stabilator for this bad boy, as if you had nothing better to do.


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just downloaded this pack and when i tried to dock the stock plane with my station...but the nav ball pink mark was so misplaced making it impossible to dock with the navball and forced me to eyeball the two docking port (and using docking cam as well)

is it just me running in this problem?

or is it B9's inline port has this issue innately?

(well...i controlled from the station because the plane's battery was dead)


(yes of cos i clicked control from here and targeted the port; i aint newbie who just downloaded the game...registered April 2012if you look a little left...)

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  BananaDealer said:
Are you sure you've put them in the right place?

When I put the parts in, I opened Winrar, and dragged the Gamedata folder into the one in KSP. I've tried each download once or twice, and as far as I can tell, the parts are in the folder, and I see them in the loading-bar-thing, but not in game.

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  MagicSquid said:
When I put the parts in, I opened Winrar, and dragged the Gamedata folder into the one in KSP. I've tried each download once or twice, and as far as I can tell, the parts are in the folder, and I see them in the loading-bar-thing, but not in game.

You should not drop the zipped Gamedata into the KSP gamedata, now you have one gamedata inside another. Instead drop the zipped gamedata into the KSP root folder to merge them.

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Didn't work :(

Rightclick doesn't show anything new, Actiongroups now have "Activate", "Deactivate" and one or two "Toggle" ... and those don't do anything either :(

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  Tex_NL said:
You should not drop the zipped Gamedata into the KSP gamedata, now you have one gamedata inside another. Instead drop the zipped gamedata into the KSP root folder to merge them.

I didn't think that was the problem, I moved the parts out of the second folder, and it works now, thanks.

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  cy-one said:

Didn't work :(

Rightclick doesn't show anything new, Actiongroups now have "Activate", "Deactivate" and one or two "Toggle" ... and those don't do anything either :(

Did you paste the code fragment I posted in the right place? I have to ask, because the first 2 rules of tech support are: 1. Is it plugged in? 2. Did you try unplugging it and then plugging it back in again?.

Here's the relevant part of the part.cfg for the cockpit BEFORE the changes:

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_light
startEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights on
endEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights off
toggleActionName = Toggle cockpit lights

name = ModuleSAS

And here's what it should look like after adding the new code:

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_light
startEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights on
endEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights off
toggleActionName = Toggle cockpit lights

[COLOR=#ff0000]// --- start of added code
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_hypersonic
startEventGUIName = Enter hypersonic mode
endEventGUIName = Enter subsonic mode
toggleActionName = Hypersonic-Subsonic Mode Switch
// --- end of added code[/COLOR]

name = ModuleSAS

Also, make sure that you are using the latest firespitter.dll. It was updated today.

If those don't help fix it, the animation has likely been taken out of the S3 cockpit's model, or had its name changed.

If that IS the case, then I can't make it work, because I'm good at part.cfg editing, but I don't have the source 3d models or the knowledge to use the software required to re-add the animation if it was taken out.

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  cy-one said:
Look under Structural... Although I have no idea what for to use it :D

Btw, the pictures in the first post show the supersonic cockpit to be able to "sink" into it's fuselage... Has that feature been deleted? Because I seem to be only able to turn the lights on and off.

B9 said in a post a while back that that animation was removed, because animations for cockpits are limited to one at a time I believe, and lights were the more requested feature or something like that. But it is confirmed, no more retractable cockpit.

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  Teek said:
B9 said in a post a while back that that animation was removed, because animations for cockpits are limited to one at a time I believe, and lights were the more requested feature or something like that. But it is confirmed, no more retractable cockpit.

It's a really big shame... Hey Bac9, if you read this, could you maybe put up a tiny alternate file that has the .cfg for the S3 cockpit, but with the retracting feature? I'm sure a lot of us would really appreciate it!

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  Sapphire said:
It's a really big shame... Hey Bac9, if you read this, could you maybe put up a tiny alternate file that has the .cfg for the S3 cockpit, but with the retracting feature? I'm sure a lot of us would really appreciate it!

Yeah, I was about to ask for that. It's really a much cooler feature than lights.

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If I could make a request of Bac9 - any chance you can add battery modules that complement your reaction wheel selection? Now that the SAS system uses electricity it would be nice to not have unsightly batteries bolted on or stuck inside a cargo bay.

With that request made, this is a great set of parts for building spaceplanes, can't fly without it!

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Can someone point me to a post explaining the easiest way(s) to use the cargo bays?

I must have spent 2 hours getting a payload to work in there.

Ended up (if I remember correctly) I had to build my design (in this case a rocket), then I had to put a radial attachment point in the bay and then start the payload with a docking port off the radial attachment point. It worked, but took me a long time in trial and error mode, and I'm not sure that was the best way to go about building the ship.

At least I got my station core in orbit ( in style I might add :) )

Oh ya, almost forgot: I tried using the sample cargo plane that comes with the pack. When I tried to drive a small rover up the loading ramp it exploded.

Is there some kind of clipping thing or physics bug with the cargo ramps?

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  SciMan said:
Did you paste the code fragment I posted in the right place? I have to ask, because the first 2 rules of tech support are: 1. Is it plugged in? 2. Did you try unplugging it and then plugging it back in again?.

Here's the relevant part of the part.cfg for the cockpit BEFORE the changes:

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_light
startEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights on
endEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights off
toggleActionName = Toggle cockpit lights

name = ModuleSAS

And here's what it should look like after adding the new code:

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_light
startEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights on
endEventGUIName = Turn cockpit lights off
toggleActionName = Toggle cockpit lights

[COLOR=#ff0000]// --- start of added code
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cockpit_s3_hypersonic
startEventGUIName = Enter hypersonic mode
endEventGUIName = Enter subsonic mode
toggleActionName = Hypersonic-Subsonic Mode Switch
// --- end of added code[/COLOR]

name = ModuleSAS

Also, make sure that you are using the latest firespitter.dll. It was updated today.

If those don't help fix it, the animation has likely been taken out of the S3 cockpit's model, or had its name changed.

If that IS the case, then I can't make it work, because I'm good at part.cfg editing, but I don't have the source 3d models or the knowledge to use the software required to re-add the animation if it was taken out.

Sorry SciMan this has not worked for me either. :(

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  rottielover said:
Can someone point me to a post explaining the easiest way(s) to use the cargo bays?

Attach your cargo bay onto a structural airplane piece, attach a stock KSP panel flat onto the part, attach a decoupler and your cargo to that. Attach some radial decouplers inside the bay and strut between them and the cargo to hold it up.

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