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NFJ Inc. presents: The NFJ Truss Pack


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Inspired by Sherbetlemons Truss Pack and seeing that no update was coming, I decided to open a new company, hire some cheep labor hand out some hammers, hack saws, welders, and some other stuff to them and see what they could do.

After much yelling and shouting and one worker that seemed to have lost his arm, I also got an engineer and a janitor.

Now that all staff positions are filled I am proud to present NFJ Inc. to the world!

For now there are two sized of trusses 0.5m(small) and 1m, all come with controllable fuel flow.

It took me a full night of yelling scouting and saying many many very bad words but finally I got my engineer to write down a list of stuff we sell, so here's the list:

Version 0.14:

Fixed to work with the new file structure in 0.20.

Version 0.13 alpha:

Added 4 new parts:

  • Truss1M2X - A longer Truss1M.
  • Truss1M4X - A longer Truss1M2X.
  • TrussSmall2X - A longer small Truss1M.
  • TrussSmall4X - A longer small Truss1M.

Added the source for the plugin to the package.

Version 0.12 alpha:

Fixed the In Space Connector, it now docks properly.

Version 0.11 alpha:

The pack contains the following small(.5m) and 1m parts:

  • Truss
  • Corner
  • T
  • Side T( needed because for the way parts attach in KSP)
  • X
  • In space connector - this is basically a docking port but with a truss model for is space construction. Currently there is a problem with them but it should be fixed soon.
  • There are also two adaptors from .5m to 1m and from 1m to .5 this is also need because of the way things attach in KSP.

The pack also contains a plugin that gives you the ability to control the fuel flow through the parts(click on part and enable/disable).

There is also another module in the plugin that will be used for fuel tanks, it gives you the ability to add or remove fuel from a tank but only when you are landed at the launch pad, this will be useful if you want to launch empty or partly filled tanks. This module can be added to any tank but currently works only on liquid fuel, I'm planning to generalize it for use on any resource in the future.

Note: I have already kicked one kerbol to the mun for the problem in building the IN space connector, as soon as I get some dumb kerbol to take his place ill have him rebuild it and hopefully he won't have to follow his predecessor.

Note on the note: I'm not evil so I tried to aim for free return trajectory with my kick, and gave him a suit with a RCS pack. I also told him that if he makes it back I will consider rehiring him!

Edited by String
Version update.
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I'm starting to feel sorry for that pool kebol I kicked to the moon...

It turns out that it wan't even his fault! My engneer tried to explain it to me with equasions and numbers and all kind of stats about marerial tensile strength, magnetics, robotics... I acually fell asleep and woke up two hours later and he was still talking!

Anyway I asked him for some real proof that it works and again he started with numbers, so I just told him to SHOW me it works.

Five hours later he built this contraption:


He even had the Lazor docking camera in there, and used some of my newely purchased Damned Robotics parts!

I was so happy when he showed me how it docks I yelled out you got a big fat bonus coming in, then I cought my self and told him that Im taking the cost of this thing out of his salary(that just happend to be exactly the same as the bouns he was getting).

Any way after a long day of work I can go sleep happy that the docking parts now work!

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Now that our part are working, I have starter to construct station to make sure thay really work. I have some pictures for you that one of my employees took while on a EVA.

In this one you can see my two tugs(built mostly for spare parts we found laying aroud) at the bottom and way in the back is the comman/habitat module.


Here you can see another angle with the command/habitat module on the right side:


I'v been talking to whats his name... the employee I kicked to the moon and his doing well, hope he hits the sweet spot and makes it back, I'll even send one of my tugs to pick him up from orbit if he dose.

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Good idea about the long parts ill put that on my stuff to yell at the employees list!

The inflatable module is this part my janitor found while cleaning one of our wharhouses, a word of caution the end pieces are NOT docking ports...

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