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Get docking ports aligned

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I have one question: If you dock, you always end up a little bit rolled. For example, the 1-to-4 docking module is not aligned. it's rolled.

This is what I mean:


How can I get those docking ports aligned?

anyway, thanks.

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I slowly undock, then rotate, and dock back in if my first attempt is off. If it's an error in the VAB though, you'll need to rebuild the part.

I have a small "bee" for small docking ports and a "constructor" for large ones. By the engines on this one are the "bees" :P


This transport has a large modal servicing craft on the left. It's basically 2 RCS tanks and 2 docking ports (though this one has 4) and a some panels and batteries. Plus a probe core/Kerbal capsule or mechjeb.


I use these either alone or in multiples to adjust and dock craft. I can do it without mechjeb, but tend to as if I don't have to worry about my rotation, I can have more fun flying around. :P

Edited by Technical Ben
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Oh I hate it when that happens. Makes the screenshots look all wonky. After the fact, you can undock and adjust, as Technical Ben suggested. Or, you could prevent it in the VAB, by using multiple docking ports for each section. With two or three ports, the vessel will be (almost) forced to align automagically.

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i just make sure my alignment is nice and strait i also change my cam to chase and then use the navball and normally RCS thrusters as a good ref as u normally have them set correctly with the alignment on both craft anyways so its strait forward really

that moving about 5 - 10 meters works nice to get the magnetic part working again just get lined up 2 meters away and rotate with the motors not the thrusters till your nice then its simply press R then H then R again then T and the SAS will do the rest for you

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Wow, this thread is rich with good tips! I just started trying multiple docking ports yesterday and I love it; works much more cleanly than I expected. I've been able to dock normally and get it real close though -- say within 5 degrees -- but since I like to use quantum struts it needs to be perfect.

My advice is simply to trust your instruments. I mess up more often when I use the camera at all; once you're in the neighborhood of the other ship's docking port, set it as your target, rotate more or less in its direction, switch to docking/translation controls, and keep your eye on that navball as you nudge toward it.

Also, I do almost all my docking by aiming both docking ports in normal/antinormal directions. This means they won't rotate as they orbit (for a 90 minute period, the vessel turns 4 degrees a minute around that axis), and you can easily find the right heading on the navball regardless of where you are relative to the other vessel.

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