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Rendezvous, I can't do it!!! D:

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I have watch lots of tutorials on youtube but I just cant get it!

I got this big cruser up in a orbit aroun kerbin but it took all fuel to get there so now I need to re-fuel it, Im also planing on docking some parts and ships to it and travel to different planets and make bases using the kethane mod as soon as I've figured that out as well... :P

Could someone please help me and teach me how to make rendezvous?

Edited by sal_vager
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If you have already read/watched all the available tutorials then I recommend that you Get MechJeb 2.0.7


Even if you want to be a purist, and always fly manually, using MechJeb once to walk you through the steps necessary for rendezvous will teach you, in game, what you need to do.

The new version has an excellent 'Rendevous guidance' window that can be very helpful.

I use MechJeb to get the paths set, but I still dock/land manually.

This, of course, assumes that you have a good build that is maneuverable and manageable.

I also recommend using a couple of smaller pods to get the hang of things before you start trying to dock big ships together.

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Assuming unlimited ÃŽâ€-v, if you align your planes and burn your apoapsis out you're guaranteed to get an interception.

Short version:

1. Set your cruiser as the target(make sure your rocket has some extra fuel for this method).

2. Launch into the target plane.

3. Circularize.

4. At periapsis, create a maneuver node and drag prograde until you see an interception that you like.

5. Execute maneuver node.

6. ???

7. Profit.

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Reads title...

Congrats! Wohoo!!!

Reads first post...

Now I feel like an ***

First, align planes.

Second, create a maneuvering node and create an orbit that intersects the target's. Move the node around in your orbit until it shows you will end up very close to your target.

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Yeah, I spelt the title wrong... :P Is there a way to change it? Cant see an edit button.

Thanks for the help btw. I am getting closer now! :D

I get to the point where I'm around 100m away from the Cruser (or is it Cruiser???), here I ether slow down to much or not enough, I cant get the target velocity to stay at 0! It keeps on accelerating so I cant get closer to it! (Not close enough to dock)

Is this the bit that is called "Circularize"? If so, how do I do it? If not, how do I get it to work anyway!?

Also, a little change of plans! xD

I have enough fuel in my cruser/cruiser to get in orbit around the Mun and since I got the Kethane mod I'm planing on making a fuel base there since it will be much easier to get up full 9 ton (orange) fuel tanks to my ship that way! :)

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I fixed the title for you :)

And 100 meters is excellent! Don't worry about trying to get zero velocity, just point retrograde relative to the target and slow to nearly zero, 0.1m/s is fine.

Then face the target and thrust towards it, 0.5m/s is plenty of speed, you won't go straight towards it but don't worry as lateral RCS can help.

When you are really close, say 10 meters, slow to 0.1 or 0.2 and carefully line yourself up with he docking port, the key here is SLOWLY!

Take your time, use small puffs of RCS (turn on fine control mode with caplock) and try to deal with one axis at a time, vertical, horizontal and distance.

The slower you take things, the more time you will have to deal with the approach and the less fuel you will need, and at 10 meters from the station it's easy to get around with just RCS, when in front of the docking port thrust forwards at 0.1 m/s hold the craft steady.

Oh and good luck :)

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Yeah, docking is both easy and hard... but I've learned a few tricks.

1. having MJ2 for alot of the planning and/or flight data, While I do the actual burns and docking. This makes your life a heck of alot easier.

2. start slowing your approach at the 2m mark roughly, low amounts of thrust and work on nulling out your seperation distance. This is achieved by burning a bit "off course" away from the retro-marker (but on the side of the retro-marker) and getting the retro-marker on the pink bullseye. If your retro-grade is pointing at a pitch of 0°, but the bullsye is at a pitch of 5°, pitch down to -5° and thrust. This will move your retro-marker towards the bullseye. Once its on the bullsye, cut thrust and point at the retro-marker. start thrusting again, adjust as necessary. Coming in at 50 m/s at 1Km is bad, so make sure you slow down to adjust for it. When within 100m, kill your motion and then move forward at about 2 m/s until roughly 15+m away.

3. There is no friction, any course corrections will need to be canceled later on. If you translate left, you need to translate right to counteract it. Slow, careful applications of RCS thrust is vital, you cant just mash a button to get there.

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