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Mun Orbit Scenario

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Hey all. I've tried to find the answer to this, the closest thing I found was the wiki:


I'm trying to do the Mun Orbit scenario. I start out by moving two of my Kerbals to the lander can. I then right click the clamp-o-tron docking port (on the lander can side) and click "control from here" and then "decouple node". However, every time I do that the control transfers to the command pod.

First of all, am I doing the undocking wrong? I want to undock and control the lander for descent. I know in the Station One scenario, there is a specific part where I can select 'undock' instead of 'decouple'. Is there a part like that on the lander can that I'm missing?

Second of all, is there a way to switch control between ships after undocking? Thanks!

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Yes, I think whenever you undock two parts of what is effectively one craft, you always stay in control of the part with more mass. It might be random and I'm just seeing a pattern that doesn't exist, but I'm pretty sure that you can't manage to control the part you want by the way you undock. However, yes, the [ and ] keys are just what you need to know about.

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It changes your orientation. For example, if you select 'control from here' on a docking port, it changes your 'forward' to straight out from the port, instead of wherever the front of your command pod is. It flips around your navball accordingly, so it makes lining up with another docking port easier. Remember that orientations are very weird and relative in space. :)

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Thanks so much everyone! Man, this community is great :-)

Did you ever complete this scenario? I've found the docking to be *wretchedly* difficult ( The lander has SAS and the Command module has RCS. If one or the other had both it would be so much easier.

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Did you ever complete this scenario? I've found the docking to be *wretchedly* difficult ( The lander has SAS and the Command module has RCS. If one or the other had both it would be so much easier.

Tell me about it! Getting them lined up without both having RCS is such a nuisance. I crashed then together like six times before getting it remotely right.

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Did you ever complete this scenario? I've found the docking to be *wretchedly* difficult ( The lander has SAS and the Command module has RCS. If one or the other had both it would be so much easier.

Yeah, it is a huge milestone for beginners. the lander has very little thrust and the SAS should be replaced with ASAS. Did you noticed how *many* monopropelant in the command module? It should be 40, but it is 10! Luckly enough it was pretty easy for me to dock thought.

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I've finished the scenario (undock, land, rendezvous, re-dock, transfer the crew) - and that was with the lander legs coming right off the lander as soon as the scenario began; I always assumed that was done to make it more challenging.

I trained up on docking with the Gemini 6A and 7 mission off the wiki, so I've gotten used to using RCS for docking purposes. Docking it in the scenario was no harder than the Gemini mission; it just took patience. The trick is getting them aligned as always; both the Command Pod and the Lander Can have enough torque to do that, though.

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