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Challenging YouTubers! w/ HOCgaming and TheMattDennis - Submission Thread

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if you want the download link, here's the challenge with the rules


Thanks, although the episode hasn't been released yet i'll restate something that we said; we loved the Pentathlon challenge and love scenarios like this. Thanks for your scenario submission, it makes things much easier for us when things are planned and provided for us. :)

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I have another one for you guys if you can't find any other challenges:

So you had fun in episode 02 launching kerbals away from the space center.

But can you handle them being launched towards the space center?

In this challenge you must build a device that can safely stop a flying kerbal launched towards the runway.

Can you do it? But more importantly- do you want to do it?


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The Challenge:

Successfully land a kerbal on the Mun using only RCS and Solid Rocket Boosters and step onto on the Munar surface.

Note: using liquid rocket engines to get the spacecraft into a Mun orbit IS ALLOWED. also, the kerbal CANNOT exit the spacecraft until it touches down on the Munar surface (e.g., you cannot use the kerbal's RCS pack to land)

Definition of Successfully: The rocket is undamaged by the landing AND the kerbal didn't die.

Sorry about this... I didn't see that this challenge was already posted before I posted it. Credit goes to macbernick for the original post.

Edited by 5donuts
more clarification/giving credit where credit is due
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How about this: get to the Mun, land, and get back to Kerbin using ONLY Solid fuel as your propellant. Sounds hard, but I'm sure staging all those sepratrons will be fun. Additionally, you can somewhat cheat and use Structural Pylons, as their impact tolerance is 999.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Make a rover you both must use the exact same rover and take it to duna. This must be a polar orbit. Land the rover and race around the north or south pole you guys decide

Btw sorry for bad english im swedish and only thirteen years old


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Just watched the "Land" video :D nice work! I do indeed had too much spare time on my hands. (need to finish my thesis now :P)

I loved the Pentathlon and designed a driving challenge myself. It's nowhere near the quality of zarakon's challenge but i had a lot of fun with it. Since you guys mentioned you liked the idea of a driving challenge i'll post it here.

Here is the scenario file.

You start at the top of Dres ravine with a silly looking rover, and the mission is to see how deep you can go while keeping the rover at least semi intact (the rover has some cosmetic parts that can blow up before it's undrivable).

There is more than 4km difference between the highest cliff near the ravine to its bottom, the lowest i got was around 666m

It was done in 0.19 (stock) before the nice lander cans were introduced so it has a few quirks. For example switching to IVA view focuses controls on the lander can thus switching things around. To "reset" controls in standard view click control from here on the probe body on the front of the "turret".

Since this is a downhill challenge the forward motion is provided by the gravity thus no drive force is required after the start - so best control setup is standard or docking mode [roll]. Also SAS works in dampening mode (its either SAS or avionics nosecone, i don't remember now :P) so it can be turned on at all times.


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Well guys you could have a crack at the Cupcake Challenge Cup, so far no-ones managed to complete it, (myself excluded but I didn't do a very good job of it). You can find the thread here:


...and this is a little clip showing what's involved.

Cupcake... :)

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I was going to say build a space plane that can land on the mun.It can be multi-stage.

You could do most accurate sputnik recreation. Build it to look like the real thing, then put it into orbit.

Or my personal favorite, Launch a rocket into orbit and try to land it back at the space center.Closest proximity to the launch pad wins.

Rule 1. Must be a 130,000 Km orbit

Rule 2. The spot where your craft touches the ground is where it counts.

Rule 3. Crew must survive.

If you end up using this one, and I see the video. I will make a special flag for the winner. If you could just please message me in advance.

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A race to the poles. Whoever can land nearest to both the North and South poles of Kerbin the quickest wins! One of you can go North first, while the other goes South first. You then have to meet back up at KSC. I like the real time better than using game time, so I'd nudge you guys to do that.

(P.S. I hope you liked the shiny colors :3)

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Build a spacecraft that contains at least 15 Kerbals, 2 Landers, 4 probes, and has a working artificial gravity module.

Ship has to travel and get in orbit of one the Moons of Jool, and return to Kerbin with all the Kerbals.

Ship has to release the 4 probes into the atmosphere of Jool.

Both landers have to land on the selected Moon of Jool, and then return/dock again with the ship.

All Kerbals must survive the return to Kerbin in order to win.

Quick saves only aloud in Orbit.

Enjoy and Good Luck ::sticktongue:

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Build a VTOL using the command chair in the SPH, and land on top of the VAB and plant a flag on it. If that is not challenging enough for you, the VTOL must have an odd number of engines and/or must weigh over 10 tones. :)

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