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Challenging YouTubers! w/ HOCgaming and TheMattDennis - Submission Thread

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Build a replica of the Top Gear reliant robin rocket and get it to a stable orbit of kerbin. The first person to complete this in real time wins construction is included in the time. Thanks a lot Max Rimmer :)


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Build a replica of the Top Gear reliant robin rocket and get it to a stable orbit of kerbin. The first person to complete this in real time wins construction is included in the time. Thanks a lot Max Rimmer :)

Yes, you need to do this!

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Here's a challenge. Build a rotary stabilizing rocket that can reach low orbit. The rocket must stabilize itself by spinning and can contain no SAS at all. To do this, slant your engines like shown in the picture below:


The rocket must be able to reach a minimum altitude above the Kerbin atmosphere. The ability to execute a gravity burn is unimportant. You must be crewed by at least one kerbal and that kerbal must be safely returned to the ground near KSC. The highest altitude wins. The rocket must contain a minimum of 2 stages and may use liquid fuel or solid fuel.


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Since ThemattDennis asked.

Create a space shuttle style design along the lines of the Top Gear Reliant Robbin Space Programme.

Then take this (Hopefully angular) shuttle and land INTACT upon the munar surface. Any breakages cause the landing not to count.

Supplemental: Only a single quicksave allowed per flight which must be in Kerbal orbit.


The space shuttle must have only 3 wheels.

Victory conditions: The person who completes the challenge with the shortest mission time (not realtime)

(Bonus points for the most spectacular crash because I'm pretty sure that your going to spiral this thing on launch several times because of the weight and aerodynamic problems inherent in this kind of design)

Aforementioned Top Gear Episode:

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Make a space craft that could send a 3 man crew+a rover to a pre built base on the planet Eeloo in the shortest time. I also have another challenge (you don't have to do this in the same video). Get a large satellite into orbit around Moho in the shortest time.

The first challenge should take about 20-25 minutes depending on the design.

The second challenge should take about 15-20 minutes depending on the design.

Good luck to both of you. (hope you win hocgaming :))

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems the Astronaut Complex has a broken air conditioning unit. You must assist in the repair by putting your expert VTOL piloting skills to use and place the new AC unit on the roof of the building where the awaiting Kerbals will install it. The craft will be supplied. Perhaps in scenario if/when I figure out how.

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Create a fuel tanker truck out of a cockpit, pod, or remote guidance unit (no probe bodies), and get a full Rockomax X200-32 past the northern mountains by either being a suicidal Jeb and scaling them or by going around to the right. Your destination is the northern base of K2, if you go around you'll have to drive north-east and then back west to get to the destination at the northern base of the mountain. I couldn't find any map of Kerbin for .21 sadly but +points for looks, speed, and you'll be disqualified for using any rockets/jets/engines.

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Land a rocket-powered vehicle on Minimus (beforehand) and see who can do the longest Dukes of Hazzard jump (duration might be easier to measure). You can only use rockets while on the surface (or reasonably close to it).

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Challenge 1: STOCK Rover on Gilly that doesn't fly off the ground first one to get a working rover there wins(also must have all science gadgets)

Challenge 2: Build a STOCK vehicle that propells itself through collision. Like it crashes objects to propell itself. I invented this way of propulsion for ideas search josea74 on the spaceport and see the 2 designs

Edited by josea74
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Apollo 13;

Your challenge is to build a ship with full moon landing capabilities. You must then not land on the moon but instead loop around it and land safelf back at the station.

It's like the real Apollo 13 but you will instead want to not land on the moon and do what Apollo 13 really did ^^

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How about an LLRV/LLTV; or should i say MLRV/MLTV?


The Lunar Landing Research/Training Vehicle was a free flying machine, witch was used to train the Mission(LM)-Commanders.

For that there was an vertically build in jet-engine in that craft, witch was used for liftoff. Then it was throttled back to simulate 1/6 of earth gravity.

Several little rocket-engines - positioned around the jet-engine - simulated the descend-engine.

Attitude-control was done by RCS-Thrusters.

Avarage flighttime was about five minutes with a full tank of jet-fuel.

If you want to know more about this craft download LLRV_Monograph.pdf at history.nasa.gov/alsj/alsj-LLRV.html

Due to the fact that in KSP you can only alter the thrust generally for all engines simultaniously, there have to be some changes.


Build an craft with a vertically mounted jet engine, witch's thrust nearly equals the gravitation on the launchsite. Launch it with RCS-Thrusters from the launchpad/runway and land it safely beside the lauchsite (aside from lauchpad/runway).

- Wings are not allowed.

- Use RCS-Thrusters for lift- and attitude control.

- U can use any SAS and Remote-control/Probe-core for stability issues.

- The Pilot have to sit horizontally.

- There have to be an escape-system for the pilot with zero-zero capabilitys.

- Minimum altitude witch have to be exceed is 20 meters above the ground.


If you use (small) weels you can see at the lauchsite when the thrust of the jet is high enough. The suspension will be near it's highest point.


I have already build such a craft in v 19.1 of KSP. So the goal is achieveble.

It will be that you have to adjust the throttle of the jet a little during the flight, especially at a longer flightduration.

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