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Challenging YouTubers! w/ HOCgaming and TheMattDennis - Submission Thread

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I think you and Matt/Elysium could put 2 DIFFERENT planes into one of the two hangars on the dirt runway (all the planes should be inside one hangar). The planes should be built first, before flying them. You should do it by who finishes first, start by building. I did this before, but with eight of the same planes.

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  • 1 month later...

Make a ship that can transport a Kerbal to Duna. However, there is a catch, you can only use 10 parts in your rocket. Parts are anything you attach to your rocket, there are no exclusions (that means that you can find out how many parts are used in the load menu in the VAB). The only requirement is that you get the Kerbal on to the surface of Duna and can plant a flag, there need not be a working craft on the surface, an example of where this might happen is a mass-relay. You can use any means of getting there, such as ion engines and the EVA pack. The winner is the first person to complete this in out-of-game time.

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I got a challenge for ya: it's called "Starflight One: The Tube Rescue".

DISASTER! The first stage of our new Space Colony construction has hit on one or two little snags. For a start, some dimwit forgot to attach the Clamptron Senior to the ass of the beast to allow the attachment of major station parts including science, a docking hub with escape pods, and long-term life support systems. The second crew capsule sent up with constructors including Bill and Bob also carried an unwanted passenger. A computer virus invaded the guidance system, and sent the station core on a direct course into the Sun, right before it jettisoned the entire propulsion system! The last communication we had from the crew suggested that the docking port had taken some damage when the propulsion systems were jettisoned as the rockets were still firing. The last bit of that transmission indicated that they had in fact enough air and power to survive until impact, but radio range of only about 3,000km. Suits and EVA systems are all nominal.


Create and execute a mission to rescue the seven stranded Kerbals before the station crashes into the Sun, and return them to Kerbin. Your FIRST and ONLY priority is the crew! The station is fully expendable.

See linked Forum challenge for full challenge rules and the scenario file, mod recommendations and hints (and shock horror, even a solution!) to complete this insanely *hard* challenge!

Edited by ihtoit
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  • 1 month later...


Kerbal Space Center is low on parachutes! The manned space program must continue, in order to keep the government interested until parachutes arrive

Goal: Land safely.

1. After deorbiting, only solid fuel, torque, decouplers, and rcs can be used.

2. Orbit must be over 100 km.

3. The reentry module must have have a total lift rating of 0.6 or under.

4. Wheels are not allowed.

5. Ion drives, liquid fuel engines, jet engines, and R.A.P.I.E.R. engines cannot reenter the atmosphere while activated.

6. Parachutes cannot be on the spacecraft.

7. 3 Kerbonauts must return to the surface unharmed.

8. The command pod must remain intact.

9. Spacecraft must launch and land vertically

10. Have fun!

Edited by 736
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  • 1 month later...

fighter plane challenge:

build a working jet plane(weapons optional), and aim to destroy a jumbo orange fuel tank. be careful though, if your plane is destroyed, you have to start over(revert to launch). the first person to destroy the target, and safely land on the runway(in terms of spent time), wins!

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Challenge: go to the Mun, Duna, or any other body. You may use only one of any part. You must use every part. First to land and have every Kerbal plant a flag wins. (Manley mode): Return all Kerbals to Kerbin.

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Ok Harv? You want a challenge, I have one for you.

Side-note: I have been doing a lot of development in the SPH recently, designing "drop ships," or sub-orbital planes that are capable of taking off and launching a playload, either mid-flight, or after a landing.

Your challenge is a race. A race to launch a rocket into a stable orbit. Sounds easy, right?


Rather than launching as your normally do, you have to launch a rocket from the Inlaid Kerbal Space Center (AKA KSC 2). You will have to construct a plane (or car or boat or helicopter, all of which sound like awful ideas compared to the plane.) capable of carrying a rocket to the launch pad, launching the rocket and 1 or more Kerbals up, then returning said Kerbal back to Kerbin, after achieving a sustained orbit.

It sounds hard, I know, but it would be hilarious to watch you fumble with the SPH, and if you can actually pull it off, it would be a major achievement for you.

And, if you are feeling really stupid, you can try part two of the challenge!

Part two is plain and simple. Well, I say that, but it will be hard. You must land your returning Kerbal at or near KSC 2, and have the plane taxi over, pick up his pod, and land it all back at the KSP.

Saves would be allowed upon landing at KSC 2, before taking off from KSC 2, and if you choose to do the second part, saves will be allowed upon reaching orbit, and when you link the pod back to the plane.

Good luck, and have fun!


P.S. I hope I didn't make this too hard of a challenge. If for some reason you think not, then drop me a message. I have some that will make this seem like a walk in the park ^.^

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Harv you said in the latest video you needed some craft for your Duna series. And in the threads first post you say you don't want space stations that have to be assembled. So I have a solution for both.

Duna Fuel Station


It's a single launch station that has a 3.5 meter half fuel tank as the core with 4 large RCS tanks. It has internal RTG power generation so no need of solar panels and has room for 6 kerbals.

It's taken to Duna via this Drive Section.


It has enough fuel to deliver this to Duna and return to Kerbin with out refueling. It is probe driven so you can send the whole station to Duna with out a crew if you desire for the first launch.

Duna Aero-breaking for this station is 12.5km any lower and it crashes.

Station has 5, 1 meter docking ports, 4 radially positioned with Shield coverings, 1 mounted vertically on the tower coming out of the command pod at the top. There is also a 2.5 meter docking port on the bottom.

Station has 8 RTGs located inside the 3 meter to 2 meter adapters as well as batteries. As such I felt it didn't need any solar panels but feel free to alter as you see fit. I also left lights off the station again for your choice of alterations.

Launch Profile

Stations Fuel and RCS tanks need to be Empty at launch or it weighs to much for the drive section to push to Duna. Designed with a 12km altitude for start of Gravity Turn.

Craft File here - https://www./?blel0aw31nqw5y5

Launch Stage is included in the craft file and designed specifically for this station.

Edited by HGGundamReviews
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Create Vehicles with a launch mass of UNDER 1000 tonnes that can achieve 25% the speed of light or more. Then race them. I recommend just racing to top speed, but a race to another planet would be 120% more awesome. (If necessary the launch mass restriction can be overlooked)

Edited by SomeRandomeGuy
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How about, build a mun shuttle for yourselves, and build 2 or more bases where you have to shuttle Kerbals around as quickly as possible. The shuttles must not use driving as their main method of getting around. You must have an aerial docking port, perhaps with railings and a platform for Kerbals to walk to the shuttle. The objective of the game is to deliver your kerbals/payload as quickly as possible with points for bringing extra kerbals or not damaging anything. You start at one of the bases, load your kerbals/payload, and hurry on to the second base.

And, can we submit more than one suggestion?

Edited by It'snorocketscience
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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