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Hello fellow kerbonauts!

I've been playing Kerbal since the .13 demo and bought it at .16.

I made this account last august(woohoo it survived the great forum purge!) but this is the first post I'm actually making so i thought it would be good to say hello.

Anyways so far my major achievements have been landing on the Mun and Minmus, learning how to rendivous and dock, and landing a rover on Duna. Right now I'm constructing a station in orbit and also in the planning stages of launching my first manned flight to Duna.

Finally I would like to say I love this game and squad is awesome for making it!

My rover


The beginnings of my station


I apologize if this isn't the correct way to post images but I heard spoilers were broken. Please correct me if i'm supposed to post them a different way.

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