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Make the game perform better?

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Sorry if there already a thread on this, though I did look and couldn't find anything.

I was looking for a general discussion on how to improve the overall smoothness and speed of the game. Everyone on the forum, coming together and posting there ideas would be good (again, if there's not already a thread like this). Maybe everyone could also post there computer specs for comparison? I find the game can be frustrating sometimes with lag/crashes/longer loading times than expected. I know this is a physics heavy game, but iv'e never really had problems like this in any other games. It's not that the problems are huge, just that they take away from this otherwise beautiful and near-perfect game.

So I guess I'll start.

I run:

Windows 7

6 core AMD


Asus Radon HD 6670 Gfx card

The first thing I though of was to turn down the graphics options. While this did improve lag very slightly, it was not worth loosing the visual effect. I run the game in windowed mode (non-full screen) by default, and was wondering if that would already be helping at all.

Also I remember doing this for Minecraft a very long time ago: My friend told me how to do it. Something about allocating more memory usage to the game or something?

Anyway I think this thread would be beneficial for the majority who play this game. So there it is guys, fire away!

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I run:

Windows 7 64bit

AMD FX 8350

8Gb Ram

Radeon HD 6870

I run the game max settings without lag, and your friend is partialy correct, physics intense games use Ram and cpu power more than anything else. Only time i lag is not due to my system specs but due to what the game engine itself can handle such as having monsterously huge ships with 700 parts+...

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Your visual settings won't have a great impact on framerate.

Lowering the "max physics delta per frame" will reduce the physics calculation lag but may result in some peculiar structure behavior.

Other than that, try reducing the parts count on your rockets.

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I read somewehere taht the game only supports 1 CPU so you could, in therory, disable multicore and only run on 1 core + overclocking that óne core if you got the cooling.

I only have problems when exceeding 1500 parts or so.

My specs.

Asus P6T Deluxe

i7 920 - 3,2 Ghz overclocked

12 GB OCZ ram

2 x GTX 560 Ti 1 GB - SLI setup

Win 7 64-bit

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i got:

windows 7

a core two duo at two gigahertz

two gigs of ram

asus version of the geforce 610 GT with two gigs of ram

on an old optiplex motherboard

i can run ksp smoothly up to one hundred and forty parts. And i built it for under one hundred pounds :D

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"I find the game can be frustrating sometimes with lag/crashes/longer loading times than expected. I know this is a physics heavy game, but iv'e never really had problems like this in any other games. It's not that the problems are huge, just that they take away from this otherwise beautiful and near-perfect game."

The game is nowhere near perfect because it is nowhere near finished.

The game's performance depends greatly on the number of parts per ship, and to a lesser degree on number of ships in flight and the number of installed parts and mods.

If you want to improve performance, decrease one or more of those.

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There's also a graphics element that slows things down a lot. I work off of a technically obsolete laptop (Vista 64bit, 4GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo T6500, and the intigrated, low-end Intel Mobile graphics card), and I've found that if you keep your camera pointed away from the planet during flight, your game will run more smoothly.

Edited by EndOfTheEarth
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"I find the game can be frustrating sometimes with lag/crashes/longer loading times than expected. I know this is a physics heavy game, but iv'e never really had problems like this in any other games. It's not that the problems are huge, just that they take away from this otherwise beautiful and near-perfect game."

The game is nowhere near perfect because it is nowhere near finished.

The game's performance depends greatly on the number of parts per ship, and to a lesser degree on number of ships in flight and the number of installed parts and mods.

If you want to improve performance, decrease one or more of those.

no mods for me, im always a vanilla kind of guy in games. also im sure once the game becomes closer to completion, it will be fine-tuned and this stuff will get better with time.

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