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[0.19.1] STAR, STAR Junior, STAR Baby - Rocket SSTO

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STAR - Do you wanna a Little Rocket to get one Kerbin into Orbit? Or Mun? Maybe Duna? Or Even Laythe?

So, here it is. The STAR.

STAR is a Hybrid Rocket, that launches and land vertically, but use Jets most of the part.

Because use Jets, it is super efficient. So efficient that you can take off, get an orbit and land twice without refuel (maybe 3x if you put low orbit and use the chutes and repack)

You believe it?

But you don't need the chutes, you can land it on Jets. The Chutes are an extra.

To get the most of it's efficiency, better to use with Mechjeb, but the clean craft is stock.

Here is the models, stock, and Mechjeb. And now the Star Junior (Mj version too).

The Junior still can enter Low orbit and come back to KSC twice without refuel. Even landing with jets on both.

If you wanna use the Mj version, please take a look on the video that show you the basic config for the ascendent curve, and remember to put 10% on flame out jet prevention.

I recommend Mechjeb version, preferably because the flame out thing...

Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/1cqw5ixzkltl5hx/Star.craft

Mechjeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/80naegy95lxju8b/Star%20Mj.craft

Mechjeb with node cargo https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7c3glwmzq88ak5/Star%20Mj%20Node.craft

Junior Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/9t6z3xfd5z3nm8a/Star%20Junior.craft

Junior Mechjeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/dyi7jkqq6gg9u90/Star%20Junior%20Mj.craft


I have an extra just for fun. It still hold 500 m/s of dV on 100 Km Orbit. Not to much, but still enough to go back and land on KSC, only with jets. Or go to an SS and refuel. (SS = Space Station) (Baby pic follow on Thread)

Baby Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/eo5s3orewo8wp71/Star%20Baby.craft

Baby MechJeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1jzl40qty4j3y3/Star%20Baby%20Mj.craft





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Thank you Custard. I hope you could enjoy the START as much as i am now.

For a such small vehicle, get into orbit with 2000 m/s of dV in tank is a wonderful thing.

So, know i'm optimizing it for better work, and i put new craft's on the principal thread.

Is one with a cargo on top, to show you it can even bring small parts into orbit.

At this exactly moment i'm putting a new nod with mechjeb in an old SS on Mun Orbit (SS = Space Station)

So, sun i put here in this thread a young brother of this Rocket, that will be smaller then this one, but with less fuel to expend.

Just for fun!

Good flights.



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For the fanatics i have this, the no clipping version of STAR.

I will call it STAR ICE, Junior and Baby coming too!

Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/galk3vpxlgcf6k5/Star%20No%20Cliping.craft

Mechjeb https://www.dropbox.com/s/fuztbs5c6wod3sv/Star%20No%20Cliping%20Mj.craft



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These look pretty awesome man. Have you tried modifying it for horizontal landing? I'll give them a try later.

They are made to Orbit maneuvers. Not to fly around in atmosphere.

Still unstable for that.

A 30 minutes ago i was trying to convert one of then to runway, but for now, ti won't work there.

Will need and reconstruction...

The wheels gears are to heavy and have other problems on horizontal take off...

If you wanna try one or two, pic the new better series Turbo.


or even the 3 Kerbin version (the newest)


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I made one that can go vertical then transfer to horizontal and fly well. Put canards on the frontish. Wheels on a pole of the lightest possible pole. The struggle with this is making the wheelbase stable because of the angles.

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I heard that to, when they are up, only. The problem is on Runway, to take off. and in the structure of it.

But i don't see the advantage to transform this STAR series for horizontal take off and flight.

The purpose of then is to go into orbit, transfer crew, interplanetary travels, and things like that. Can be used even to reach every part of Kerbin ground fast, but always in that manner, vertically, the way that it can land in every part. Even on the inclined ones, with some skills.

The STAR is made to be able to fly front and backwards, on the way back. The bigger models will go unstable if you put an angle to far from velocity poles on navball. But the little ones, can handle better.

But i have a lot of other planes, and planes with rovers attached, etc, so this one is not for that area.

But you can see it have what it need, for it's purpose. And are amazing effective and efficient. i made a try new model, a little more fuel than the STAR TURBO original, that have 3500 m/s of dV after it got orbit. So, that one will be my interplanetar model. I already put an STAR Turbo in Laythe, but i needed to made 2 refuels on the way, one on Kerbin high orbit, and another on Laythe orbit.

This new model will be possible to refuel only in laythe.

The 3 Kerbin got on Laythe too. That is my most efficient reusable vehicle to transport 3 Kerbin's to Laythe surface and back.

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