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Ksp on Extra Credits

Xaryn Mar

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Just thought I would let everyone know that Kerbal Space Program was featured in todays Extra Credits (http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/games-you-might-not-have-tried-5) along with several other indie games.

I find this to be a very good thing since we will reach even more people.

Greetings and may your rockets explode beautifully

Xaryn Mar.

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From playing this game I learned more about space physics and flight then I ever knew before.

I can't help but wince when watching some tv shows or films that show objects in space moving in impossible ways, even though before I never thought anything of it. I'm looking at you Armageddon.

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  • 11 months later...

That's because this thread is a year old. Likely as not, the video was taken down months ago. Please check dates in threads before posting, guys. :)

The link is dead, and there's not much to add, so I guess this is just /thread.

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