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Docking help

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Well after many hours of trying to dock two space station parts together i've come to the conclusion that i might be doing something wrong or using the wrong parts maybe?

I've touched the "clam o-tron docking port" (otherwise known as the male end) to the "rockomax hubmax Multi-point connector" at around 0.1 m/s. and after about 7 hours total of learning to use the docking controls i managed to get them lined up better then a lot of the you tube video's i've seen. As in lined up, squared up, and touching so softly you can hardly see them moving.

Not sure what i am doing wrong. Am i using the correct parts? do i need to somehow prep the parts to tell them to connect?

I'm using the steam version of kerbal if it makes any difference.

Any help MUCH appreciated.

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I've touched the "clam o-tron docking port" (otherwise known as the male end) to the "rockomax hubmax Multi-point connector" at around 0.1 m/s.

Docking ports aren't suction cups that'll stick to anything, you have to touch one docking port to another to dock - touching a docking port to a hubmax connector is just a standard part to part collision and won't do anything special.

Docking ports are not male and female.

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Yep. There's got to be a corresponding port attached to the hubmax...

Well that would have been usefull information before lifting two things into orbit lol. I like the tongue in cheek descriptions for parts but sometimes they could be a lot more helpful. Thanks i'll try it out.

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