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[AnyOS] KSP Mod Admin v2 - Mod install with a few clicks


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mhm, wouldn't it be possible to let KSPMA download the exe (and third party DLLs, if necessary), and a second tool (i guess, even a batch would do the job) deleting the old and renaming the new exe, after which the update tool starts KSPMA again and terminates itself?

Maybe not the most elegant way, but should be easy, wouldn't it?

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Oh, mhm, yes >.>

Well, at least for the Spaceport-Stuff it should be easy. IIRC, the info when the mod was updated last is written on the page... Just parse the DOM accordingly, save the "last updated" somewhere and perform an update-test (if last updated is newer than what you have saved) in the background while a) KSPMA is running (obviously :D) and B) the browser-tab isn't used.

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More or less yes.

I've discussed that on the german forum thread.

Its a possibillity but quite a brute force hack. That way i have to download a complete web site for each mod, just to get a date wich is more or less usefull to determine a "version" for a mod.

Another thing is that forum mods (or prereleases) won't be supported.

I think about a community driven Mods DataBase.

But let me do some other things first (TreeList with columns, part tweaking, enhance part & craft tab, bug fixes ... :))

Edited by MacTee
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Here the prerelease of KSP MA v1.3.6.

This should fix/improve the following:

  • Parts Tab:
    • Multiselect and remove now works.
    • Parts will now be sorted by title not name.
    • Category filter works again.
    • Category numbers will be converted in category name.

    [*]Craft Tab:

    • Multiselect and remove now works.
    • Craft parts now show title not name.
    • Craft parts are sorted now.
    • Required Mods are shown in the Info part of a craft.


  • Broken search function on Mod Selection repaired


  • Parts Tab:
    • Related crafts are now shown.
    • Warining message when removing a part and it is used by a craft
    • All part files (*.cfg) are scaned now not only the part files with default name (part.cfg).

    [*]Crafts Tab:

    • Parts are listed just once with count of this part.
    • Remove of a craft removes relation on part tab.
    • Refresh causes a refrash of parts too.

Redownload required.

EDIT3: Link removed

Edited by MacTee
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Just one more, small thing, if possible...

On the Craft tab, info shows currently INSTALLED, required mods for craft...Any way to also show required mods that are NOT currently installed, but ARE in the Mod Download folder?

Also, it displays part NAME, not Title, for the invalid parts...Which I assume is because its not looking at the missing mods to retrieve part Title?

Also, with 1.3.6.PR installed, its checking for, and telling me a newer update is available: 1.3.5

Is it just because I have a PR installed, and its checking for the newest STABLE release?

I LOVE how KSPMA is coming along...This thing is the cat's MEOW!!

Edited by Stone Blue
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The part have to be installed so i could get the mod from it. I won't search all arichves in Download folder, this will take way to long!

I can only display the name of the part, thats needed for a craft and isn't installed, cause this is the "only" info i can parse from the *.craft file.

The version thing: Yes your absolutly right :)

OK, for real, im just lazy with this version compare, i just test for equilaty not bigger or smaller ;)

Redownload the prerelease above.

If the 1.3.6 is stable the next release (1.4.0) will take a while cause i'll change the TreeViews to the TreeListViews.

But first a little more testing :D

Edited by MacTee
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The part have to be installed so i could get the mod from it. I won't search all arichves in Download folder, this will take way to long!

I can only display the name of the part, thats needed for a craft and isn't installed, cause this is the "only" info i can parse from the *.craft file.

No problem!... I figured THAT one might take some doing to accomplish.

I also like how you cut the craft parts list down by showing quantities of each part, rather than a single line for each INDIVIDUAL part. :thumbsup:

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I have an unhandled exception to report.. :(

When removing a part that is associated with a craft, in the Part tab, at the warning dialog, whether I click "Yes" OR "No", an exception shows up:

"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode' to type 'KSPMODAdmin.Utils.TreeNodeCraft'."

Removing parts that have no associated craft seem to delete OK.

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I have fixed this error and updated the link to the new prerelease.

Please redownload it.

Thanks! :)


No more bugs??



The ModuleManager mod adds a interesting feature! I'll think about a way to integrate a MM.cfg file generator for KSP MA's part tweaking :D

EDIT3: Link removed

Edited by MacTee
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Sorry, i didnt spend much time today messing with KSPMA and customizing mods...I actually PLAYED KSP for several hours today!... I have LOTS of plugins installed and working, and the best (for me), parts of several large parts packs installed, with those I dont use at all (or yet, especially the atmospheric stuff) removed....All thanx to KSPMA!!...lol

I decided to install a dual-boot Win7 partition on my laptop, and trimmed it down immensely, so the system only uses about 630MB of RAM at idle, vs the 1.3GB I normally have running, at idle, on my primary partition. The ONLY software installed is basic drivers, and KSP and KSPMA...Most of the system processes and drivers I trimmed out were network related. Anyway, between the separate KSP "dedicated" partition, and using KSPMA to trim down the stock parts, and optimize my favorite parts packs, I currently have 341 parts, and 41 mods installed, and my GameData folder is only at 640MB ondisk (granted, I skipped a lot of the BIG parts packs, so far)...When I had about 105 plugins and parts packs installed, it was up to 2.9GB...My total RAM usage was hitting 3.8GB or so, and my computer was CTD'ing. Now on this dedicated partition and optimized GameData folder, my frame rates are SOOO much better, and I can turn up some of my graphics settings, while my TOTAL RAM only peaks at about 2.1GB...CPU usage seems to be almost a steady 25% lower as well....And NO CTD's so far!! :)

So I might not HAVE to try running KSP on Linux like I thought about....Although...., any chance of you developing a Linux version of KSPMA, MacTee??...lol

Anyway, sorry for rambling off-topic, but KSPMA has made a BIG difference in improving my gameplay. THANX again!

Also, I DID try deleteing a couple parts after downloading the latest PR...Yup...seems to be working now. :D

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Good to hear that you have time to play KSP and there are no big issues with KSP MA :)

Thanks for testing!!!

Actualy i'am reading much about Mono (a framework for Linux and Mac OSx). It let you run .Net application on Linux or Mac.

Unfortunatly i have to redo the complete GUI stuff. This will take quite a whilie and i'am not sure if i'll do this :(

First i want to implement the Table like TreeView (TreeListView) for a better info presentation. When i have finished this, i'll have a deeper look into the Mono support.

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What's new:

  • Broken search function on Mod Selection repaired
  • Parts Tab:
    • Multiselect and remove now works.
    • Parts will now be sorted by title not name.
    • Category filter works again.
    • Category numbers will be converted in category name.
    • Related crafts are now shown.
    • Warning message when removing a part and it is used by a craft
    • All part files (*.cfg) are scaned now not only the part files with default name (part.cfg).

    [*]Craft Tab:

    • Multiselect and remove now works.
    • Craft parts now show title not name.
    • Craft parts are sorted now.
    • Required Mods are shown in the Info part of a craft.
    • Parts are listed just once with count of this part.
    • Remove of a craft removes relation on part tab.
    • Refresh causes a refrash of parts too.

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Yeay, I did the same blasphemy... actually played KSP :D

And glad you're interested in the ModuleManager-stuff. Would be awesome to have that functionality included and be able to add/tweak stuff without modding files... So one can just re-apply the changes when one updates a mod.

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I hope you read this here (the german forum seems to be down).

I have decided that i won't use GitHub, i'll use http://www.assembla.com instead (SVN).

It's easy to use, i'm comfortable with my TortoiseSVN client and i don't have to learn the new GitHub way :)

So if you are still interested, please send me a mail with your username on assembla so i can add you.

(The GitHub rep. will be deleted ...)

EDIT: ha, my new page :D

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A few Questions to KSP MA users:

  • Which information you want on first glance:
    1. for the Mod Selection?
    2. for the Parts & Craft Tab?
    3. for the Backup Tab?

    [*]What is your most wanted feature for KSP MA (except mod update ;)?

    [*]What do you don't like (or is to complicated) on KSP MA?

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Mod Selection: Uhm, I'm fine here

Parts Tab: As already mentioned earlier, I would prefer a more... hum... dunno... in-depth-tree. Instead of just all the parts, I'd prefer a hierarchy. Two modes, either /Mod/Category/Part or /Category/Part

Crafts Tab: Mhm, dunno... But the scanning is still not really working correctly. Seems to be a thing with either multiple parts in one part.cfg or non-part-named cfgs.

Backups Tab: A few infos to each backup, directly on the same row. number of gamedata-folders, number of parts. Active flights. Stuff like that helps identifying the "state" of a Backup.

Most wanted for me would currently be the ModuleManager-Stuff (as you're already working on the table-tree-thingy).

Mhm, honestly, just small stuff... For example, I would like an option for KSPMA to do stuff in the background. Load the Spaceport-Page before I open the ModBrowser. Load/Scan Parts and Crafts. If those tasks use a lot of power (meaning, KSPMA would freeze a little), then the background-version of it should be... hum... "slower". Don't know how to explain :(

Edit: And a small request... I'd love to have a "Launch KSP"-button with a "borderless maximized window"-toggle. I have a shortcut for my main-ksp in the taskbar that has that toggle (-popupwindow) as parameter. But it's a bit annoying to have to make a shortcut for each installation, just to be able to play in a decent manner :D And a.... Ah, forget the "have a launch ksp-button"-part, I just saw the huge button >.>

See? I never use that one because it doesn't start in borderless mode. So please add a toggle for that <3 (and save the state of it per installation path)

Edited by cy-one
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  • 2 weeks later...

In the next version KSP MA supports *.craft file drag and drop for installation of crafts.

Validation of installed crafts is already implemeted. Check the crafts tab. Crafts with missing parts will be displayed in red.

But without a database with all mods, it will be impossible to determine the mod of a missing part.

A workaround to install crafts with KSP MA 1.3.6, zip the craft file and add it to the ModSelection.

This should install the craft to the right folder. (if not select the install folder manually :)

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I know about the validation portion already being there, just have it check to see if we have all the parts already there, don't need it to tell us what mods, though a list of missing parts (can be retrieved from the .craft file, which is already getting a look at) we could possibly figure it out ourselves.

That said, I've got it throwing red for a few craft that I recently put together saying I don't have the mods for them, when I built them an hour earlier and haven't removed/installed any mods.

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