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[AnyOS] KSP Mod Admin v2 - Mod install with a few clicks


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OK, i have identified the problem.

Some modders declare more then one part in a single part.cfg file (like MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/AdjustableRail/Part.cfg).

I'll adjust my algorythems with the next version!

Thank's Jivaii!

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WOOT! I helped fix a bug by finding it =P

Was ticking me off a little that it was doing that. If I come across something again, I'll let you know. In the middle of refreshing my mods, so will use KSP Mod Admin from start to finish on the install. Might make a list of mods that don't like to install with it.

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I'm done with the TreeViewList changes and have fixed the part parsing bugs.

Here a list of changes:

  • Part parsing redone (support of multible part declaration in one *.cfg file) -> Thanks to "Jivaii"
  • Launch KSP option to start KSP with a borderless window (-popupwindow). -> Thanks to "cy-one"
  • ModSelection:
    • TreeView changed to TreeListView
    • Editable version and note column.
    • Sorting by Name, AddDate, Version
    • Warning on reset/select a destination when node/childs is/are installed.
    • "Expand/collapse all nodes" Bug fixed.

    [*]Backup & Options Tab:

    • TreeView changed to TreeListView.
    • Editable note column added.

    [*]Crafts & Parts Tab:

    • TreeView changed to TreeListView.


    • Checkbox support added
    • Cell editing added
    • Auto column resize added
    • ActionKey handling added
    • Sort on column header click added

And some pics:


Prerelease download of v1.3.7 will coming soon. :D

@Jivaii: A list of problematic mods would help.

Edited by MacTee
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Just in time for me, yet AGAIN!!... :D


I'm currently updating my spreadsheet index of mods, and updating and adding even more mods as I go. So far the list is over 160 mods!! :o

So once I'm done, it will again be time to start a new KSP install from scratch and reinstall TONS of mods...Using KSPMA of course!! :)

I hope you're ready, MacTee!! Like I said before, I guess I'm pretty good at breaking things!! LOL

Now I just need that mod "auto-update" function for KSPMA... (hint hint) LOL :D

Edited by Stone Blue
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Hmm.. With the new user-editable "version" and "notes" fields, is there any chance those could all be filled automatically, by reading a .csv that I could feed it? Even if i could just do it behind the scenes somehow, without you having to code that in, to do it?

That would fit in NICELY with the spreadsheet index of mods I already have going, and have been pushing on the masses; along with recommending use of KSPMA to people. lol

One of the fields it has is mod current version number, and several others that would work in the Notes field. (As a matter of fact, any chance you could add 9 more user-editable data columns to the main mod tab page?...My list has 13 columns... :D j/k ... I know, I know!...I'm so bad and greedy, and a bugger for suggesting such things again, so soon after you just made a nice update again...LOL)

Is the Notes field formatted to accept URLs, for links to the mod download?...And if so, would you be able to open the link in the built-in browser just by clicking it? I know while most of the Spaceport and direct download links for mods are usually pretty short, the forum links can be QUITE long... :(

Are the fields able to take HTML, so long links could be tagged and displayed with the mod name, or something, so at least displaying a long link wouldnt clutter things up... ??

Also, how many characters can the "version" field hold? And is it limited, or can it take any alpha-numerical value? I think the longest version number I have seen is for MechJeb, but I have to double check it yet...Its: 2.0.13252.2353 ..14 characters .. :P

Edited by Stone Blue
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Hi Stone Blue,

i'll think about a csv file import and a possibility to give ths User a chance to add columns dynamicly.

The editable fields don't have a character limit (as long as your PC have enough memory ;)),

they are just simple TextBoxes, so there is no HTML or Link support.

I'll think about a solution with buttons to open a link, but i have to enhance the TreeListView again so it supports buttons within a cell.

But, all of this will take some time!

For now i'm on my first KSP Plugin, KSP MA will still be debuged but new features are

limited to the Plugin (for now=)).

PS: Maybe you can write yourself a importer that reads your csv file and writes it to the appropriate XMLNode Attributes in the KSPModAdmin.cfg file in the KSP install folder.

Edited by MacTee
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Thanx MacTee.

No rush to ADD anything I suggested...I was just wondering if it was PRESENTLY do-able, and what the limits/restrictions may be with what you have NOW. :) I know I joke about what I would like to see next, but I really do understand these things take time, and a developer already has ideas what they do/do not want to do, and what direction they want to go. I'll be happy with when ever and what ever you release to us.

Anyway, hopefully by this weekend I can start trying the _PR out, and have some feedback for you.

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I hope its just positive feedback :)

Some of my further plans:

  • Add .craft files via add dialog or drag & drop.
  • Search enhancing - Jump to node, search for title, ...
  • Folder Drag & Drop for BackupPath and DownloadPath
  • Autoinstall of KSP MA updates
  • Part Tweaking:
    Will come in a new window, that opens when you doubleclick a part from the Part Tab.
    Here you will be able to manipulate the core values of the part. In future version there may be a support of Module adding as well.
    To save the changes there will be two options:
    • Save changes to the part.cfg file or
    • Save changes in ModuleManager format in an extra file.

    [*]Button support for the TreeViewList

    [*]Profiles to manage multible mod sets for 1 KSP installation.

    [*]Help Tab, News Tab, Tab to start extra programs like Partgenerator

    [*]May be there will be a savegame analyser/manipulator and a craft manipulator

    [*]and far in the future there may be a Mono version of KSP MA to support Linux as well.

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Hi cy-one,

i save the state of the CheckBoxes befor a change of KSP install path, but when i load a KSP install path i rescan the GameData directory and check the checkbox if the folde/file or subfolders are installed.

So it is possible that i override the last saved checkbox states with the actual install state of a Mod.

The checkbox state will only change permanently, if you un/install a folder/file with a click on the proceed buttons.

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Nope, it's not the "actual install state of a mod", as I don't have all my mods installed. Don't know the exact states in my main install, but I do in my workbench-install (which is easier, as there are no mods that are just partially installed).

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Did you update the first-page-download to include the fix?

Edit: Got an error message when opening the crafts tab "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Edited by cy-one
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No the fix and the 1.3.7 aren't released yet.

Can you give me more details, can you reproduce the error, is it possible to determine which vessel causes the error?

Your KSPModAdmin.cfg of the KSP install dir and a zip of your ship folder would help :)

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Simply Amazing !

This is awesome even though I dunno half of what it does.

I got to try this.

I am wondering about using similar physical parts with different modes;uses. I think you talked about adding this capability a few posts up above. It is easy for me to work on parts seperately in the folders; but copying and resaving parts, moving old parts; I hope this helps in this way; cant wait to check it out and thank you for the program !!


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What's new:

  • Part parsing redone (support of multiple part declaration in one *.cfg file) -> Thanks to "Jivaii"
  • Launch KSP option to start KSP with a borderless window (-popupwindow). -> Thanks to "cy-one"
  • ModSelection:
    • TreeView changed to TreeListView
    • Editable version and note column.
    • Sorting by Name, AddDate, Version
    • Warning on reset/select a destination when node/childs is/are installed.
    • "Expand/collapse all nodes" Bug fixed.
    • "Mod checked state on KSP MA start or KPS path change" bug fixed. -> Thanks to "cy-one"

    [*]Backup & Options Tab:

    • TreeView changed to TreeListView.
    • Editable note column added.

    [*]Crafts & Parts Tab:

    • TreeView changed to TreeListView.


    • Checkbox support added
    • Cell editing added
    • Auto column resize added
    • ActionKey handling added
    • Sort on column header click added

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Not quite sure what your doing, Cdr_Zeta, but I'm pretty sure once you "modify" a mod the way you want it, either by trimming out some unnecessary parts, or going in and modifying part .cfgs or files, you can just archive (.zip or .rar) the "new" folder and save it with a new name. Then, if you archived it with the correct folder structure, I'm pretty sure that KSPMA can handle the "new" archive just like any other mod....Saves you having to keep changing mods to your own needs each time you install/uninstall the mod, or do fresh KSP installs.

I did this with the Squad folder per MacTees suggestion. I trimmed out all the stock parts I dont want, or that have an equivalent part in a mod I'm using, then saved the cut down folder to .zip under a different name...Now I can just delete the whole Squad folder on a fresh KSP install, then install/uninstall my "custom" Squad folder instead. Takes about 30 seconds, instead of having to spend hours going through and cutting down the stock folder again... :)

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