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[Stock] VTOL SSTO with capabilities to land on any planet an return to orbit

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Maybe you can have better results with this mix in the no atmospheric bodies Magnemoe, but will fall out on the atmospheric ones, like the Scot Manley Rocket, that works only on no atmospheric ones.

But so, i have the rocket that can land, take off and get a 100km orbit from any celestial body on the game, Except Kerbol, Eve and Jool.

Here is the craft and three pics of it. I already test it on Tylo from a 100km to full stop landing (i put ladders so the kerbin can EVA on ground too) to a lift off and 100km orbit again, the fuel left for that is only 60 m/s dv (on Mechjeb, maybe can be better on manual, on a optimum situation).

For Kerbin, i did the take off, orbit at a 100 km and than landing 500m from the pad, is good enough ?

I couldn't make it prettier than it is, sorry. Any part more would make it ineffective.

I could too use the Scot Manley metod, of using a low weight control module and put the kerbin on a ladder, but i don't thing this is nice, for a space traveler. This would give me near or more then 6000 m/s of Dv.

Son i put a video from the harder ones, like Tylo, Duna, Laythe, Kerbin.

I present to You: Universal (Mj)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/vx2pejre49gdcb8/Universal.craft (Stock)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/3sg59yd7suuojb8/Universal%20Mj.craft (Mechjeb)


Edited by Climberfx
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Would love to see a Space Plane but these two rockets are awesome, too.

I like how people said it's impossible and now we have some relatively simple rockets achieving this.

Nicely done guys.

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Would love to see a Space Plane but these two rockets are awesome, too.

I like how people said it's impossible and now we have some relatively simple rockets achieving this.

Nicely done guys.

Before the forums went down was someone slandering SSTOs or something, every time i post pics of my SSTOs people are like "i like how people said they couldn't be done", i've had Interplanetary SSTOs for months now, all i do nowdays is refine and improve them,speaking of which my smallest interplanetary SSTO is now alive, i don't think they can get much smaller but thats what i said about my other one ;)

here it is, it is the current smallest ship i can make which can exit the Kerbol system


Here is its final trajectory, this is the test i use to see if my new SSTO designs are worth it


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