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Why was the mk 1 command pod removed??


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It was during the introduction of EVA (0.16) when squad started to worry about the sizes of kerbals. The mk 1 pod was pretty much a 3 man pod but way to small to actually carry three kerbals, therefore it was replaced by the 1 man black pod we have today and the 3 man 3 meter one (can't remember the names) since it was pretty much obsolete.

Plus the new ones are cooler I think.

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It lacked IVA, it lacked an EVA hatch, it was textured with an alloy wheel, and it was way too small. Plus, you've got to admit that it had a bit of a silly shape, not at all aerodynamic.

All in all, it had to be completely redone, so they might as well have just got rid of it, so they replaced it with the Mk1-2, which is superior in just about every way.

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I put it back in my game as an unmanned robotic pod.

If someone knows where I could upload it, I could do that. I'd rather not use SpacePort as the last time I did people got upset that I uploaded an edited part (even though people seem to be downloading it and enjoying it).

Edited by Fiddlestyx
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Here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/369bxjnte9asmx8/mk1pod%20old.zip

Just unzip the file and drop the folder called "mk1pod old" into your parts folder. Let me know if it doesn't work.

The pod was renamed to "SMK Mk1", you can open the file name "part" with notepad and just edit the title (etc.) if you want. It is still the original size though. Rescaling the pod throws the attachment points off for some reason.

I'm actually in the process of putting all the old parts (the ones we don't have anymore) back in my game. I could upload those too if people want.

It will be a few days before they are done though.

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  Nibb31 said:

All in all, it had to be completely redone, so they might as well have just got rid of it, so they replaced it with the Mk1-2, which is superior in just about every way.

Better in every way, except that the hatch and ladder are rotated slightly, making it not line up with the crew tank ladder.

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I'll upload the old parts to SpacePort as soon as they are done (probably Monday or Tuesday). I will post a link here, so you all can bookmark this page and keep an eye out for them.

I probably won't be able to include the Liquid engines and RCS block as they are not working for some reason, but I'll keep trying to get them to work.

Edited by Fiddlestyx
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  Deadpangod3 said:
I wouldn't even know how to program jebs maniacle laughter, let alone create a mod

Its not hard. All you have to do is import the pods assets into unity. Place the ladder and airlocks and export. Then just config edit the scale you wish it to be and use the stock IVA. Nothing to it.

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  Fiddlestyx said:
Here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/369bxjnte9asmx8/mk1pod%20old.zip

Just unzip the file and drop the folder called "mk1pod old" into your parts folder. Let me know if it doesn't work.

The pod was renamed to "SMK Mk1", you can open the file name "part" with notepad and just edit the title (etc.) if you want. It is still the original size though. Rescaling the pod throws the attachment points off for some reason.

I'm actually in the process of putting all the old parts (the ones we don't have anymore) back in my game. I could upload those too if people want.

It will be a few days before they are done though.

lol Even the old asymmetrical tri-coupler? Cool. Post that thing. I can make a retro 13.3 rocket, for kicks. I wonder if the damn thing could even fly with FAR installed.

Edited by Nobody_1707
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  Endeavour said:
Better in every way, except that the hatch and ladder are rotated slightly, making it not line up with the crew tank ladder.

Can't you simply rotate the crew tank with Shift-A ?

It is superior because it actually has a hatch and ladder. The reason it is off center is so that the hatch doesn't interfere with any landing legs, RCS thrusters or radial parachutes that you might want to attach symettrically on the capsule or just below it. It is a great idea.

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