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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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The Mun has been NUKED, Mission complete!


After crashing this sizable nuclear engine into the northern most point on the Mun, the prob over head observed a massive explosion which would have killed any mun bears within a 10km radius.


The KSS Hilton Luxury Suite is ready for liftoff! Just as Space odyssey 2001 had predicted, the Hilton corp. will be the first hotel chain to commercialize space! They have created the finest room and accommodation's for our boys up in space so they can travel in style and comfort for their long journey to Duna!

Dock said luxury suite to the Act-Corp Duna Station Core! Good luck we are all counting on you!

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6nL9MxOsSgTRWFOb2FNRkd2cXc/edit <---save file

Edited by Mardoc
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jenkins :( im not happy with that modification to my craft i needed that extra fuel and engines to kickstart my burn to duna

To fly my craft all you needed to do was hit sas then watch the fuel and stage when engines kick off

First 3 stages were all with the boosters rockets. then you watch the top fuel tank and stage after that then repeat the process. if a engine cuts out you stage. I did put thought and testing into my craft and it does fly well.

Im going to have to either rescue the crew and deorbit this thing or add onto it.

Edited by Actzoltan
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I agree it was upside down and pretty big i do over engineer my crafts :) but i do test them also and it works well for me you just have to understand the stageing and watch fuel

I do plan to attach things to this pre burn to duna then place it into orbit. So this thing does have to be over engineered a bit

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Act, I did my research and figured out how you had your staging. That wasn't the issue. The problem was that the mainsail engines would fly off randomly. Sometimes in the first 5000 meters, sometimes over 60000 meters. I tried it at LEAST a dozen times with the same results.

I'm sorry I upset you. That was not my intention, but to put your station core into orbit, I had to make the modification. You are welcome to fix my error yourself later if you like. I figure, you have a zillion docking ports on that bad boy. What's an extra mission or two to give it some engines?

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I guess so that means i might not be able to return kerbals to kerbin or from duna to the station. Ill just work with it as long as you haven't touched my docking ports i can continue

There was a issue with spontaneous explosions but it didn't happen that often for me i'm sure i could have fixed it with another hour and i was able to get it to orbit 3 times in a row in my tests.

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Sorry for snapping at you Jenkins it seems the metal tank on my mainsails were wobbling a bit too much even with the minimal reinforcement i put on them. Along with a few other small additions to keep the big fuel stacks on the engine. Guess once my craft is good enough to make orbit i have to test orbit 10 times in a row instead of 3.

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The Mun has been NUKED, Mission complete!


After crashing this sizable nuclear engine into the northern most point on the Mun, the prob over head observed a massive explosion which would have killed any mun bears within a 10km radius.


The KSS Hilton Luxury Suite is ready for liftoff. Just as Space odyssey 2001 had predicted, the Hilton corp. will be the first hotel chain to commercialize space. They have created the finest room and accommodation's for our boys up in space so they can travel in style and comfort for their long journey to Duna!

Dock said luxury suite to the Act-Corp Duna Station Core, Good luck we are all counting on you!

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6nL...FNRkd2cXc/edit <---save file

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:P It's all good. This is a blast, I love the free form nature of this space program. It could go any direction at any time. We can plainly see how things have not gone to plan so far

Edit: So I'm betting Mardoc is done by now, but needs mod approval for his post. Hmmmm...

Edited by Jenkinz
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Luxury suite docked at the Act-Corp Duna Station Core

But as a highly commercial company they hired some cheap workforce to control the probe at the docket, and it used up mostly all on the monopropellant and placed it in a dump position; the solanpanels are now blocking another docking port. Ah well, would be to expansive to fix it by redocking.


With the arrival of the luxury suit there is a growing interest for taking a vacation into space - and kerbal govement is scared that something might go wrong at the spacestation. To counter this a new health and security regulation is implemented: all kerbal space station that are intended for use as commercial hotels is now required to have emergency escape mods that can get the ketbals back to Kerbin.

Dock the escape-pods onto the Act-Corp Duna Station Core. It should already be ready for launch at the Launch pad. If something goes wrong, the ship is stored as "Act-Corp Escape Pods"

The file can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10768358/Almost%20Multiplayer%20Kerbal.zip


Edited by etse
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My post would have been up much much sooner but because I just created an account on the KSP forum it had to be checked by the moderator. So you are not going crazy seeing my posts showing up and then disappearing. :)

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Mission Complete... Kinda!

The Escape Pod module achieved orbit and rendezvous with great efficiency and ease. During the undocking sequence with the launch vehicle, however, a malfunction occurred leaving the pod cluster without RCS power. Fuel tanks read 100% and SAS torque is available, but no thrust.


Fear not! Kerbal Space Command responded swiftly, re purposing the escape pod launch vehicle to carry a Space Tug and a large dockable RCS fuel tank to the station. It is currently floating a few hundred meters from the Act Duna Core, ready to clean up the mess.


Mission Objective: Use the Space Tug to clean up the construction site! First, attach the large RCS tank and launch vehicle to the Act Station. The LV has probe power and can do this on its own. Transfer the liquid and oxidizer to the ACT station and de-orbit the LV, leaving the RCS tank on the station. Use the space tug to retieve the Pod cluster and bring it to the station.

Bonus! Bring the other launch vehicle to the station and transfer its fuel in as well!

File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cObUpwdzNHRzluak0/edit

Edited by Jenkinz
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:0.0: Im in pain right now that no one used my docking port standarization to build their docking modules. The reason there are so many ports is that they are all docked at once. Im working on getting this thing to duna and ill have to fix this mess. ;.;
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Im sorry about that. I tried to use them, but when I loaded them it became a mess. Whenever I tried to move it parts separated and I had troubles putting them back together - it felt impossible to build anything starting with that module.

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By the way, I completed the mission, but it's a page back ;)

There definitely is something wrong with the save file provided for your docking port node. Nothing wants to attach properly to the object although I assume that file is just for reference. It's just a Probodobodyne QBE probe body with 5 small docking ports on all but the top then flipped on its side.

Still, I'm sorry you're frustrated that we aren't all thinking the exact same way you are, but I thought that was part of the fun of this challenge.

Edited by Jenkinz
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