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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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Challenge #22 Complete

Kerbals lost: 0

Ships lost: 2

Joolian event ETA: 183 days

Dockings w/o RCS: too many

The link rover has met up with the engineers aboard Shiva station and are currently enjoying a game of canasta while their ship is resupplied (Shepmore is pretty good at it). The Dionysus and the LRA have been taxied West of KSC, out of physics range, and recycling crews have been dispatched to the two destroyed ships.


We have just discovered that we failed to scout the Joolian system before we sent the brave Jenlorf upon his quest to conquer it! In order to prevent this in the future, we have developed a magnificently reusable spaceplane for deploying small probes. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create an ultra-lightweight recon/communications probe with at least 2000 delta-V, which attaches to the front of the Manticore (replaces the dummy weight seen below) and deliver it into low orbit.



It has been tested with that 0.3T cone and had 700 dV leftover on the rockets from my shakedown (upon landing), so it can probably handle at least twice that much mass. Action Groups are 1=turbojet, 2=rockets, 3=inner intakes, 4=ladders, 5/6 = lateral/rotational RCS ports. The Manticore is also capable of single-crew transfer, due to the integrated computer systems. The deluxe model includes the dorsal floodlight!

Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Beautiful SSTO probe launcher :) Your right, we didn't send a probe, we should have, and originally, the Delta Class Probe was going to do that, but we repurposed it. The Soyuz is actually a probe, but, its not so much for data, its just to check it out!

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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 23

Total kerbals lost: 0

Total Vehicles lost: 2



The probe is on a ~100km parking LKO.

Some of the onboard fuel was used to allow the spaceplane to descend on it's own while having enough fuel.

The probe, full, has just over 2,600 dV. Fuel used was nominal, and it can safely be assumed to still have over 2,000 dV.

The spaceplane has not landed, it is on a temporary orbit with a Periapsis of 34km, Apoapsis of 100km.

The next Challenge voluntee must land the Manticore spaceplane back at KSC, and then send our Mobile Base (currently docked and refueled with the Shiva Station around Kerbin) onwards to the Mun. Merely put it into an Munar intercept trajectory, don't put it in parking orbit.


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Challenge Complete!

Kerbals killed: 0

Kerbals saved: 4

Challenges completed: 24

First, the return from orbit. I ended the flight after a "safe" return. Who needs runways anyway?


Just a general picture of some current missions. You can see that the base is on its way and is a little farther along by now. The Soyuz is close to Duna's orbit and is still headed for Jool, soon to be followed by something new.


Finally, I built a Jool fuel depot, and it's currently sitting on the pad.


I also did some generally unimportant cleanup, but not much else.


First, get the base into a stable parking orbit around the Mun, preferably 50-100 km. Then, launch the massive fuel depot into a circular Kerbin orbit. Make sure to give an update on the Soyuz and other missions too! Good luck!



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CHllange complete

kerbal killed: 0

Challenges completed: 25


Pics of the craft:


I forgot, the challenges:

Send the craft above uo to kerbin orbit (100*100)

Land the rover base on Mun

The tanker must be cleraed out of the way,so we must put it on a 350+350 km orbit...

Im new to this, if i broke any rules please tell me!

Edited by Nullspace250
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Challenge Series 26 Complete

Lost Kerbals: 0

Lost vehicles: 4

Non-Kerbin touchdowns: 2


Sitrep: Soyuz event in 178 days. Hermes probe in a 100km orbit. Jool supply module in a 350km orbit. Shiva station is operating as expected. Link rover base has touched down on the mun. The Manticore One and Delta probes are awaiting new assignments. Jeb, Bill, and Bob appear to have absconded with the Rescue Plane B, as both are reported missing. The Dionysus was unable to be taxied back to the air vehicle staging area due to equipment malfunctions; recycling crews had to be called in to remove her.


The Manticore has returned from an "unexpected refit" and is currently being loaded with a Long Range Science Probe from the RUV (recycle-able Utility Vehicle).


That was a mouth-full! In order to help our Kerbal command get some rest, they simply request this challenge to be that the Manticore One probe be sent on an intercept course for the Duna system. We're not going to listen to them though, so here is the NH71:


It is a special SSTO design, theoretically capable of round-trip flight to the Mun, so she will be going to Minmus for safety reasons. It is imperative that she not dock with other vessels (unless she becomes stranded) for -plot device here-. She just needs to get to (any) orbit for now, so that her equipment may be tested before the transfer.


Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 27

Total kerbals lost: 0

Total lost vehicles: 4

Hey there! I'm here to announce I have FINALLY completed my challenge. I had MANY difficulties put in front of me and I forced to make some moves on my own behalf. My first goal was to put the NH71 into an orbit around Kerbin, for a future mission to Minmus and back without refueling. That is complete. Check that off my list. Second, I had to take the Manticore probe to Duna, but Duna had a window of opportunity over 200 days away! So, we chose to go to Dres instead. Unfortunately, due to poor planning, we had to skip a LOT of time ahead just to get the final encounter, and we succeeded. Thankfully at the cost of no lives, and ruining no other missions. KASA, thank you for waiting!

Lastly, Jool had a horrible periapsis, so through advanced maneuvering, I have dropped its final encounter to 108km, a small adjustment to about 100km will be needed at a later date for proper and efficient aero breaking to occur. Other than that, a successful challenge!

Check out my brief gallery here!



We are smaller than you think, space is a vast emptiness

Next Challenge My challenge is very simple, my friends and I have troubles catching our favorite cartoons! Please help us by making a TV Network satellite that will pass our houses near the north pole and the equator. Our teachers recommend you put them in semi-synchronous orbits as well just because. Remember, we don't like debris, but, you're not allowed to remove it through save editing, attach a probe on it and deorbit it if you can!

Download the save file

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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 28

Total kerbals lost: 0

Total lost vehicles: 0

Polar Orbit TV Probe




Equator TV probe



Next Challenge: The scientists at KSC have always wanted to know about the composition of Munar soil, so you'll need to build an impactor and impact the Mun at the highest speed possible


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