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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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  Jenkinz said:

Mission Objective: Use the Space Tug to clean up the construction site! First, attach the large RCS tank and launch vehicle to the Act Station. The LV has probe power and can do this on its own. Transfer the liquid and oxidizer to the ACT station and de-orbit the LV, leaving the RCS tank on the station. Use the space tug to retieve the Pod cluster and bring it to the station.

Bonus! Bring the other launch vehicle to the station and transfer its fuel in as well!

File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cObUpwdzNHRzluak0/edit

Sounds like an interesting challenge.

Edited by ZingidyZongxxx
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ILL give this one a go! Wait for me

So far i have docked the escape pods going for the lv

Everything is docked i just need to make my challenge :)

Testing craft for interplanetary engine launch stages.

Ill be putting up my challenge in a few mins.

Edited by Actzoltan
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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 41

Total kerbals lost: 1

Total lost vehicles: 5

Total planetetary landings: 1

Everything has been attached, debris has been deorbited, the Act Corp. Station has been refueled and i fixed the solar panels.


The Act Corp. Engine MK I is on standby for this next mission.


My Challenge is:

1. First get the Act Corp. Core to geosynchronous orbit 2800km

2. Launch the Act Corp. Engine MK I into a low orbit 70,000 - 80,000

3. Have the next challenger after you get the Act Corp. Engine MK I setup for a docking encounter with the Act Corp. Core and dock it with the help of the attached SpaceTug.

Flight Tips:

1. Watch fuel

2. Gravity turn at 8600m

3. Transfer spare fuel from 4 side engine columns to tanks above before 70,000m

4. set docking port on top of ship to control there.

5. The 10th and 9th action groups control the ion engines and solar panels.

6. When flying the station dont go above 1/4 thrust even that is risky and make sure only the main engine is on. i left the escape pod engine active.


Edited by Actzoltan
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Don't worry guys, we'll get this girl to geosynch if we have to baby the engine and turn on unbreakable joints. (pic by request)


Also; for the love of all that is holy, please reduce the part counts!

Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Mission #42 Complete

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Vehicles lost: 5

Successful landings: 2


The Duna transporter now has a thruster module that should hopefully deliver it to its namesake when the time comes, and is parked in a nearly geosynchronous orbit.


The next challenge shall be to deliver the Charon mobility package to orbit and dock with the Manticore Two. (When the transfer window arrives, it will perform a Moho ejection burn, decouple from the satellite, make a re-capture burn, and subsequently refuel at Shiva station. There is an alarm for this event for 1day before the window in the archive file.)


The Charon launch vehicle has 4825 dV. The Charon itself has two main nuclear engines (group1) and eight R24 boosters (group2) for when you need additional thrust. A large tank of mono-propellant feeds lateral (group5) and rotational (group6) RCS ports. Comes with ASAS, auxiliary computer, and both docking port sizes.

It also appears that Bill is bored of Minmus now that his experiments are complete, and is requesting clearance to launch and dock with the Delta probe for its almost-semi-annual inspection. (It's been droning on about some answer to life or some such. It's clearly malfunctioning.)


Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Alright, see what you said didn't make any sense, how are we supposed to know who is on NH71 XD You gave my brain the biggest jfodypefa ever.. It's too early for this lol.

Charon and Manticore Two have been docked, going for NH71 and Delta.

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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 43

Total kerbals lost: 1

Total lost vehicles: 5

Total planetetary landings: 2

Alright, so that challenge wasn't too bad, two simple dockings; However, I forgot how unmaneuverable the Delta Class probe was... Anyways, good job so far everyone.

Check out my brief gallery here!


"Roger, Tranquility. Be advised there are lots of smiling faces in this room and all over the world. Over." - Charlie Duke

Next Challenge I love popcorn... so, I have made a popcorn interplanetary explorer. We were tasked to go to Pol, it's pretty far away, but, we want that silky smooth buttery popcorn. Put the ship into a parking orbit around Kerbin so it can leave whenever the transfer window opens for Jool.

Pro tip: After you leave the atmosphere, press 1 to open the solar panels and instruments.

Download the save file

Final tip: Please read the README file included in the save file.

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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 44

Total kerbals lost: 1

Total lost vehicles: 5

Total planetetary landings: 2

Not that hard of a challange. I am not sure if I was supposed to dump a few more stages before entering Orbit, but there should still be some fuel left on the Rockmax "Mainsail" LE to help with getting out of kerbins SoE when the time comes.

For this mission I chose to go for a low kerbin orbit for parking, mainly to allow for people to get a good advantage of the, oh so popular, oberth effect when they want to leave; the station is currently orbiting at ~75.000km

View full album of the flight. (not much interesting really)


"Popcorn to mission control, we have successfully parked in low Kerbin orbit"

Next challange: Bill Kerman, the Kerbal currently controlling the NH71 obiting Minmus, is as mentioned bored of space. He needs to get home to his beloved wife.

Get Bill Kerman back home with the spaceplane, but leave as much fuel as you dare orbiting Minmus for refueling of other ships later.

As this is a spaceplane, land on one of the runways (eiter is good) for full success. :cool:

Protip: The fuellines goes from Turbo-engine-fueltanks to the middle fuel-tank, so if you want to use the jet-engines for landing remember to refuel them manually. :) (And we would not like to cover the Space center in radioactive exhaust)

Download savefile here

Edited by etse
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Challenge Completed

Total challenges completed: 45

Total kerbals lost: 1

Total lost vehicles: 6

Total planetetary landings: 3

Bill took a detour past the Mun on his way home. This saved him a little dV, which is always nice.


With great luck, he entered the atmosphere right above the KSC!


Unfortunately, upon touch down of the runway, the extremely tail-heavy space plane flipped wildly out of control. Using every bit of training, experience, and sheer will he had, Bill was able to bring the craft down gently enough to survive the crash. He raced back 1.4Km on foot to the KSC hoping to see his wife, but forgot that it was Thursday and Thursday is her weekly Bingo! day.


The space plane was very easy to control in a straight line. With EVER so gentle nudging you could steer it, but any sudden jerk caused irreversible spins. This one took forever, sorry for the delay. The first pic is of my first attempt. I actually ended up coming in before the KSC and flying up to it, and touching down on the runway was something to behold. I'm not too great at landings and getting that to even get close to the runway was a huge victory for me. Sorry I smashed your plane!

Next Challenge: This should be pretty easy. There's a Garbage Truck on the launch pad. Put it into orbit and rendezvous with the Charon's debris. Using the claws, grab the tank and deorbit it. Leave the truck in orbit for later cleanup.

1 and 2 will open/close the claws. I've found the G key doesn't always respond quickly.

3-5 turn on the various lights.

Tip: This craft is very stable and easy to maneuver, but obviously balance is thrown off when you push things. Use just a little thrust and it should stay stable enough to easily keep it in a straight line. Don't use time acceleration since it kills physics and any object you capture will fly away.

I tested this out several times and it works marvelously. Good luck!


Edited by Jenkinz
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Good luck Jenkinz!

On a unrelated note

I've been flying the station around and gravity assist sling shots from the mun are nuts especially when you have a periapsis of 2,000m

Edit: The hard part is getting the ejection angle right so your lined up with kerbins orbit around the sun so when your ejected from kerbin your at the periapsis

Edited by Actzoltan
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Watch out for how rear-heavy the NH71 is while flying empty. I wasn't able to get it to land properly, so you may want to just bring it to a Kerbin orbit to be rescued by the Charon or something. If you do manage to land it at KSC though, I'll be pretty impressed!

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  ThePsuedoMonkey said:
Watch out for how rear-heavy the NH71 is while flying empty. I wasn't able to get it to land properly, so you may want to just bring it to a Kerbin orbit to be rescued by the Charon or something. If you do manage to land it at KSC though, I'll be pretty impressed!

indeed it is. So one of the main things to remember here is to actually just not drop of to much fuel but keep some extra just to add weight on the frontal fueltanks.

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