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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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hey there question do i need to D/L all the files or just the qsave and Persistent files. not sure on what craft files are needed

never-mined i figured out how to d/l all of them

so if no one is trying this i will..

So here goes wish me luck..

ok so iv tried for the last 2 hrs but i can not get this ship in to orbit it explodes as soon as its unpacked or shortly after and thats if nothing falls off before i launch, so can one edit the ship so it will launch? theres alot of structural flaws, adding and removing struts might help but not sure if this would be a violtion of the rules and the point of the challenge.

or we can just remove this one and start from Challenge #94?

Edited by MissMolly
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H'm! I was actually thinking of a similar style challenge, only with rocket building instead of flying!

Anyway, I'm thinking that if the craft is unstable as is, revert it to the last stable save and try again from there. I don't really know though.

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H'm! I was actually thinking of a similar style challenge, only with rocket building instead of flying!

Anyway, I'm thinking that if the craft is unstable as is, revert it to the last stable save and try again from there. I don't really know though.

well since no one has posted till lately and the last post was saying the ship was not working ether ill start with challenge #94 and go from there..

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Haha, wow, this was a while back. I'd be game for starting it back up again though if things aren't horribly un-updateable. The convention had become to give a report as formatted in the previous posts, and to post a "working on it" or something similar when you had the file, that way multiple people weren't attempting the challenge at once. Also the only mod in use way alarm clock to make sure windows weren't missed. The file is a bit of a monster, however!

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Challenge #94 Complete as #95 build was


Now there's one problem!

No one has help anyone that has had a ship on an encounter, after i finished Challenge #94

i took a look around and what did i see?? a Mess as i go through whats floating around up there i wonder whats the point and trying to continue if no one is going to help with what others have done??

so i ask you this do we continue or start fresh

i take the time and build a ship togo on its own mission or do i try to clean up the mess........

here is the Pic of Sampson and twintanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bmytz67k3nj79f/screenshot3.png

Challenge files https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xfabvl9vr2zocac/XDr820_x0m

so if you all want to play lets do this and lets do it right.........

Edited by MissMolly
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It's been a long time since anybody's played this; maybe a fresh start would be a good idea. Is the OP still around to authorize this?

A fresh Start i think would be i good idea... Ill start it off i we can but not sure if a new thread needs to be started or not..

If someone that can make the call on this pm and we can get started

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The ships in LKO may look messy, but a lot of them are just waiting for their respective transfer windows to open, and those that are waiting also have a message in Kerbal Alarm Clock if you'd like to check them out. The last mission synopsis was back of page 41, but the short version is that there is a Duna window coming along fairly soon, and a lot of the ships up there are waiting on that. The airplanes could probably be recovered if there is too much klutter, but I don't think anything in orbit is harming anything yet.

You completed the last mission so the choice of the next one is yours, but I think it would be better to keep going with this version since a lot of the fun is in playing with each others designs, and we could always start another thread if enough people want to start a new game like this one.

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The ships in LKO may look messy, but a lot of them are just waiting for their respective transfer windows to open, and those that are waiting also have a message in Kerbal Alarm Clock if you'd like to check them out. The last mission synopsis was back of page 41, but the short version is that there is a Duna window coming along fairly soon, and a lot of the ships up there are waiting on that. The airplanes could probably be recovered if there is too much klutter, but I don't think anything in orbit is harming anything yet.

You completed the last mission so the choice of the next one is yours, but I think it would be better to keep going with this version since a lot of the fun is in playing with each others designs, and we could always start another thread if enough people want to start a new game like this one.

Well then i guess ill hit that tonight after work.

i think i know whats next.

Challenge #95 on its way

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Challenge #95

Simple one

Launch Jool "ONE" Refueler Put in to LKO thats it.

Or you can put it in to a transfer orbit to Jool.

Don't for get to top up the tanks before you leave Kerbins SOI




And iv tested the craft and it does fly and has plenty of fuel left

Good Luck!

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