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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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My challenge was to land the crew from the refueler back on Kerbin.

I have done so. However, due to mechanical failures from our cheap rocket developer, our parachute system failed during the descent and a powered thrust landing system was made top priority. Our refueling crew had no abort system so it was up to them to make the landing very soft to survive! Because that's what we want.. right? Well, unfortunately, the landing wasn't as soft as we would like, but, thankfully, EVERYONE survived!

So, my challenge to the next person is to make either a plane or vtol capable rocket which can return the 3 crew members back to the kerbal command center. Its a bit of a lengthy mission, so, take advantage of higher altitudes!

I have a short album of images for you if you would like to take a look as well :)http://imgur.com/a/hO6EQ


I have figured out how to use Google Drive, so I have installed it on my computer, everyone can just go to File > Download to download my save for the challenge.


Edited by bulletrhli
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Challenge complete. Sitrep: the Dionysus has rendezvoused with the trio of kerbals which had been deemed necessary to refuel the Mun lander, no explosions and a bit over a half tank remaining. The kerbals also suspect that their touchdown site was chosen deliberately .


The 7-pic album/documentary.

I challenge someone to return the Dionysus to KSS, park it a safe distance from the explosives, and prep it for the next time we need to retrieve lost kerbals! (action groups are 1=jets, 2=turbojets, 3/abort=deploy 'chutes, 4=cut 'chutes, 5=toggle forward landgear/roverwheels)

Persistent and craft files:


Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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Challenge complete. Sitrep: the Dionysus has rendezvoused with the trio of kerbals which had been deemed necessary to refuel the Mun lander, no explosions and a bit over a half tank remaining. The kerbals also suspect that their touchdown site was chosen deliberately .p

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't ;) and good luck sparty!

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That is why I imposed the other rule where you must DECLARE YOU HAVE THE SAVE using giant bolded text which Hawk has kindly put on the front page in the thread. I am sure people have the competence to read that and we have had no problems at all :)

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What do you guys think I should do?


I'ts "relatively" close to KSC, but not really there, and out of fuel. I could try to drive it to KSC from here, but that will take a long time. I could restart back at the original site, but I've gotten it here, so repeating that whole long flight, which took three hours IRL, doesn't sound like much fun. My other option is to "call it good", but the challenge said to take it to KSC and refuel it, so that's not quite right. Ideas?

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I think if someone doesn't quite complete the challenge but put a lot of effort into it they get to challenge the next person to fix it like with the mun lander refueling mission. Out of curiosity, how high were you flying it?

Edited by ThePsuedoMonkey
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