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[0.16] KW Rocketry v0.5


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OK, there\'s something I\'d like to request. Interstage adapters fairings.

Currently, the only complete set of adapters available is NovaPunch pack. I\'ve found your interstages better, but your pack doesn\'t include any adapters.

Things are especially bad on 3m adapters, there\'s precisely one 2 to 3m adapter fairing (in NP pack, of course) and it\'s rather wobbly, not to mention doesn\'t always fit.

Same goes for 3 to 2m, but those aren\'t as useful.

So, could you make a set of adapter interstages for your pack?

I\'ll second this request. The fuel tanks are great. The engines are great. The new capsule is freaking fantastic! But... this pack lacks a variety of options to connect all these great parts.

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OK, there\'s something I\'d like to request. Interstage adapters fairings.

Currently, the only complete set of adapters available is NovaPunch pack. I\'ve found your interstages better, but your pack doesn\'t include any adapters.

Things are especially bad on 3m adapters, there\'s precisely one 2 to 3m adapter fairing (in NP pack, of course) and it\'s rather wobbly, not to mention doesn\'t always fit.

Same goes for 3 to 2m, but those aren\'t as useful.

So, could you make a set of adapter interstages for your pack?

This is on the grand list of things to do, but yeah it\'s one of our higher priorities.

I think because of your unorthodox positioning of the RCS tank in respect to the stack, it is causing it to be preferentially drained before any other RCS tank. As a result I find this pod extremely difficult to get into orbit since I can\'t use RCS on the launching rocket. I wonder if you could use this new part scripting to make a service module part, that acts as a normal fuel tank, RCS fuel tank and ASAS combined?

The RCS drain is a well known problem, doesn\'t really have to do with the placement.

As far as scripting goes, I honestly don\'t know, but with what i\'ve seen people do I\'d say there is a good chance.

On a general note, Thank you for the praise guys.

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So I launched a little satellite with a fleet of cubesats on board, which it placed in orbits of various heights, but didn\'t have enough fuel to de-orbit itself once the mission was over.

Sounds like a job for Ceres, I thought, so I launched one at once.


Pushed it, retrograde, such that our periapsis dropped to 50km, then boosted Ceres back into a proper orbit for later use.

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What\'s the secret to getting the Ceres into orbit? Every time I build a rocket under it, it explodes when I load it on the pad. I think the problem is the solar panels colliding with what\'s beneath it because the decoupler is higher than the panels so the game registers a collision and blows everything up.

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Could you rebalance your pack for 0.14? Right now, decouplers wobble a lot and need retro rockets do work, and the fairings partially come apart during flight.

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Are you sure you downloaded the newest version of all 3 files? They already rebalanced for 0.14 with the newest pack.

Additionally, decouplers aren\'t intended to push the stages away. You need to use retro rockets or ullage motors to do it. That\'s how it\'s done in real life too.

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I\'m OK with the retros thing, but in KSP, decouplers should push stages away, at least a bit. I was just reporting what I saw.

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Again, are you sure you have the newest version of the pack? On mine it separates fairings without a problem and the decoupling force is about right, it does push them apart some, but when I\'m dealing with very massive stages, it\'s not as much as with less massive stages or when I have un-balanced masses on each side, the push will be greater on the less massive side. That\'s how it\'s supposed to work since the decouplers now work within the laws of physics.

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PLFs were indeed updated, but I wasn\'t talking about decoupling force. I was talking about seams in the fairings that appear when launching the carrier rocket.

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Kyle and I have been brainstorming names for [the shuttle], any suggestions?

I have some cheesy ones =P


Kayabusa--------------KW Banshee--------------Aquarius--------------Centurion--------------KMS Bacon--------------KW Orbiter Series Mk1


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