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[0.23.5] Soviet Soyuz Rocketfamily v2.4 (13.May - Russian Tulip and more)

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hello kerbonauts, scientists, amateur rocketbuilders and agents from a "three-letter-agency" :cool:

today, i present you my Soviet R-7 Rocketfamily. These rockets have a big historical past. The first ICBM, artificial satelite and first human in space ... all done with the R-7 and their derivates. I want to thank Mulbin for his Mun-LK lander and his Soyuz Spacecraft. I got some really good ideas for building my rockets from him. And i want to thank maro for his Ancient Lunchers. There i got the idea to recreate the R-7. His first attempt wasn't a beauty (he already updated it with the new R-7 design, inspired by Mulbin).

My goal was to recreate the Rockets as close to the real thing as possible. Of course, this wasn't possible. KSP is to limit right now to get the perfect engine clusters or fuel amount into the spacecrafts. But i think i did a good job - even after the update to v1.1

now with update v1.2 even better looking Rockets. only some smal updates like the parachutes or the look of the third stage. but a big rework of the engineclusters are coming, thx to Giggleplex777

update v1.3: worked again on the now called "Minis". reworked the engineclusters and did some minor improvments, like twoshell fairings. i also added some advertising for other russian inspiered stock rockets and spacecrafts at the end of the first post. it is a big "thank you" to all other players, who helped me and build their on russian stuff in KSP.

plans for v1.4: my own bigsize Soyuz rocket for 3 Kerbals ... ~scraped~

update v2.0: well ... over a long time i developed the Mark IV version of my Soyuz Spacecraft. only slight improvments on performance. a breakthrough was the Mark V. Two kerbal returncapsule, "bigger" thridstage to fit the overall look, but it felt not right (and i wan't able to desgin the corestage and straponbooster proberly)

two steps forward, one step backward. the new Soyuz is just an improved Mark IV .... but the launcher got a major overwork. intersting fact: i was able to eliminate asparagus totaly. and during the designprocess, i wasn't foced to clip additional fueltanks into the maintanks, thanks to new engines Rockomax 48-7S engine. evrything is just "perfect"

update v2.1: somehow i got the feeling that i will need a Progress ship. here it is. together with the Progress, i slightly reworked the Soyuz servicemodule, only 50 monopropellant now. also added retrorockets on the 2-3 third stage for less debris.

update v2.2: thx to giggleplex and some search on google, i change the look of the Progress to match teh real one, no decoupling and stuff (there is a decoupler to dissable crosfeed), additional i reworkd the RCS to match more the real one. only two thrusterblocks now for all the manovering

update v2.3: thx to sgt_flyr, i added totaly stock launchclamps to the rockets (except for Soyuz-1). they are working like the the real ones ... the rocket is hanging in there and you have to do the softlaunch by throttling up until th TWR gets above 1.0

additional, i changed the engines of the boosters and sputinik/vostok corestage to RAPIER's (closed cycle)... they look more like the original clusters and reduce slightly the partcount, so i could add the launchclamps. retrorockets on the 2-3 thirdstage removed due to partcount - just finish orbit with the servicemodule engine of Progress or TMA so teh third stage will just crash back into Kerbin...

update v2.4: thanks to KSP patch 0.23.5, i had to fix several issues, while working on some majorthings. staging events now work corretly again and i finished the work on the russian tulip, the big launchtower! additonal, the shape of the orbitalmodule for Soyuz TMA and Progress got an update as well (now with dockinglamp and small sciencepack), monoprop increased for balanceissue. biggest improvment of the look of the Vostok-spaceship. Now its a sperical returncapsule with a normal Pod hidden inside. jettision the "side" of the sphere let you get access to the hatch.

together with these changes, i added the LITE version of the Soyuzpack with reduced partcount (up to 260 parts lesser) for weaker PC's. I removed the stock launchtowers on all rockets and changed the secondstage on Progress and TMA to save parts.

main goals:

  • recreate the shape and staging of the R-7's and Soyuzspacecraft
  • liquid engines only
  • no asparagus
  • clustering of engines in the boosters for the real look - obsolete thanks to RAPIER's
  • same stages as the real thing, no additional stages or less
  • geting the payload into LKO (75km) and above
  • stockparts only

"Soviet Soyuz Rocketfamily v2.4" includes following Rockets:

  • Sputnik
  • Vostok
  • Soyuz-1 : Soyuz 2.1v lunchvehicle with Volga upperstage and a deep space probe (DSP01)
  • Soyuz 2-3 with Soyuz TMA : Soyuz luncher with NK-33 engine in the core stage. Mark VI Soyuzspacecraft with improved look (Soyuz TMA spacecraft)
  • Soyuz 2-3 with Progress : Progress transportship instead of manned vehicle. holds 100 monoproppelant and liquid fuel (tanks are clipped together, fueltank only smal piece visible on top of mono-tank)


-> Soviet Soyuz Rocketfamily v2.4 <-

LITE Version (heavy reduced partcount):

-> Soviet Soyuz Rocketfamily v2.4 LITE <-

every rocket is tested and fully functional, able to put the payload into LKO, some have sparefuel for slighty higher orbits. before flying one of the rockets, please look over my flightinstructions and actionsgroups. :)

general flight instructions

-> doing the softlaunch

-let physics kick in

-zero throttle, SAS on

-stage to release fuelclamp

-stage to unlock launchclamps

-throttle up for softlaunch

-begin slow gravityturn at around 9 kilometers, reach 45° at an apoapsis of ~45 Km (all rockets)

-after 45°-45Km, finish LKO entry at around 75x75 orbit

-decouple payloadfairings for Vostok, Soyuz-1 and Soyuz 2-3 at altitude of ~35 Km, shortly before thirdstage ignition

-have fun :)

okay ... enough with words, time for pics:


-first artificial satelite, 4 October 1957

-> hit Actiongroup 1 for deploying antennas.




-first human in space, Yuri Gagarin, 12 April 1961

-> hit Actiongroup 1 for deploying antennas.

-> Vostok has only dv of 1440m/s for returnburn , don't go into to high orbit!




-first flight 28. December 2013

-light lifterrocket for satelites with volga upperstage or 2 ton payload, NK-33 engine in corestage

-> hit Actiongroup 1 for deploying satelite.



Soyuz 2-3 w/ Progress

-can deliver 100 monopropellant and some liquid fuel

-> deactivate usage of monoproppelant from the big white/yellow striped tank!



Soyuz 2-3 w/ Soyuz TMA

-lifterrocket not in service ... yet

-one-kerbal soyuzspacecraft, NK-33 engine in corestage

-> hit Actiongroup 1 for deploying antenna and solarpanels.

-> actiongroup 2 for a moe pointy LES

-> ABORT fires LES and decoupls Pod

-> actiongroup 0 decoupls LES after abort

-> actiongroup 9 deploys parachute after decoupling LES

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I hope you all can enjoy these fine rockets. It took me roughly a week to develop the original v1.0 R-7's in KSP. sadly the rework took an eternity :sealed:

If you have some critiques, advises or wishes, feel free to comment :)

version history:

28. april '13 first release

30. april '13 update to v1.1

-new engineclusters

-designupgrades (fairings!)

-two new rockets

4. May '13 update to v1.2

-minor improvments on Spacecrafts and Rockets.

31. May '13 update to v1.3

-minor improvments on Engines and fancy stuff

17. March '14 upadte to v2.0

-four completly redone rockets.

18. Mcarch '14 update to v2.1

-added Progress

-minor updates to Soyuz service module and lesser debris

19.march '14 update to v2.2

-redesign Progress

-reworked RCS-blocks

28.march '14 update to v2.3

-changed engineclusters to RAPIER's

-added stock launchclamps

13.May '14 update to v2.4

-fixes for 23.5

-finished work on russian tulip

-design improvments on TMA, Progess and Vostok

-LITE version added

-updated gallery


Mulbin for his Mun-LK lander and Soyuzspacecraft, great inspiration

maro, got the idea doing this after reading his thread of Ancient Lunchers

Giggleplex777 thanks for his work improving the R-7 Design :)

Gusturbo for Ideas and a BigSize Soyuz and N1-rocket

Sgt_Flyer for Ideas, help and other russian stock-stuff in ksp

...and big thanks to all the other KSP-lovers. thanks for playing KSP and sharing your creations. i took inspiration by many other designs to :D

A D V E R T I S I N G:

Mulbins Duna-LK:

- a Soyuz inspired Duna Mission

-> here

Gusturbos heavy Monsters:

- the headless horsenman,. a Soyuz without paylod

-> here

-the mighty N1-rocket, russian Moonrocket.

-> here

Sgt_flyer awesome rockets

- Angara Rocektfamily, a workhorse for every Spaceprogramm

-> here

- Kliper spacecraft with Onegaluncher

-> here

~ very big sorry, if i forgot someone important, who helpd to improve my Minis or had good ideas/rockets to show. if you feel left out, write me a note and i will include you asap! ~

Edited by Darth Lazarus
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high temstar :)

well the four radial boosters have 4x Rockomax 24-77 each to match the look of the real R-7. already planing to add two LV-1 for each. The Core stage was a big troublemaker. i had to look at the efficiency and trustratio, so the Semyorka and Sputnik has a single LV-909 with 8x 24-77. the other tree needs more thrust so the corestage has by nearly the same fuelefficiency 4x 24-77 and a single LV-T30.

Semyorka and Sputnik:


Vostok, Voskhod and Soyuz:


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@ astropapi: one of teh resons the Voshkod programme was shut down: the safty for teh crew. so Soyuz got the LES for the lunch :)

@ Cpt- Kalawang: LOL! :D nice attempt for teh R-7, but i bet you have a way better TWR and bigger trust then my R-7's ^^

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Great stuff! Glad to have been of help... these look like they came out of the same factory as my Muna-LKs so I may just have to use them for my orbital / space station shuttling!

Coming soon - Duna-LK1... yep, I got my RV inspired rocket to actually generate DV for Duna! Who needs asparagus staging when you have soviet design? ;)

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thats the bigegst honor i can get: the original source of my inspiration is using now my versions for his orbital / spacestation dutys :D thanks a lot Mulbin !


okay guys, i had some ideas in upgrading the rockets. i was not satisfied with the engineclusters, some minor designthings and the fuelconsumption. well i changed the clusterdesign so R-7, Sputnik, Vostok and Voskhod are now looking like the real thing! (see pictures) only the Soyuz rockets need an additional LT-T30 or the trust.

because of the new engine design, the rockts can fly higher with the same fuel (except of Soyuz, they got extra fuel for teh boosters)

i also added the little wings on the boosters :D

comparison the real rocket and my cluster:



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  Giggleplex777 said:
Can I help build the side boosters?

well thanks for the offer, but the rockets are complete at the moment :D i reached my personal goals so far, especially in the overall real look (enginecluster, design of boosters)

if you want, you can try to improve the rockets, but 'i'm happy with the capacity of the engines and fuel.

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  Darth Lazarus said:
well thanks for the offer, but the rockets are complete at the moment :D i reached my personal goals so far, especially in the overall real look (enginecluster, design of boosters)

if you want, you can try to improve the rockets, but 'i'm happy with the capacity of the engines and fuel.

I'll see what I can do.

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Here, a greatly improved version of your Soyuz:



In orbit


Engine arrangement


List of changes:

  • New parachute
  • New LES
  • New core stage
  • New core stage engines
  • New boosters
  • New booster vernier thrusters
  • Modified Soyuz spacecraft (moved RCS tank, removed extra probe core, new structural parts, and a new tank)
  • New fairing
  • Basically, a new rocket

And here's the download: Soyuz

Be warned though, it has 239 parts, and the ant engines make a very annoying high pitch sound.

Edited by Giggleplex777
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still not at home, but these pictures are looking very good ! i'm curios to play around in the VAB with your Soyuz and to see some details in the Engiener. am i right, that i see a bunch of mor the 4 R24-77 for the corestage? got the idea some hours early here, but it seems you were faster. very good job ! i'm impressed.

do you mind, if i update my rockets (fairings and engincluster) to v1.2 and add your Soyuzspacecraft as third avalible, let's say "Soyuz-G1" ?

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  Darth Lazarus said:
do you mind, if i update my rockets (fairings and engincluster) to v1.2 and add your Soyuzspacecraft as third avalible, let's say "Soyuz-G1" ?

As the space craft is almost identical to my original design with just a couple of bits missing... feel free to use the original! Obviously you aren't using a lander with it so you might want to remove the eva ladders.


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  Darth Lazarus said:
still not at home, but these pictures are looking very good ! i'm curios to play around in the VAB with your Soyuz and to see some details in the Engiener. am i right, that i see a bunch of mor the 4 R24-77 for the corestage? got the idea some hours early here, but it seems you were faster. very good job ! i'm impressed.

do you mind, if i update my rockets (fairings and engincluster) to v1.2 and add your Soyuzspacecraft as third avalible, let's say "Soyuz-G1" ?

I have been using the 24-77 clusters since December. :P

Feel free to use it. I'm planning on completely rebuilding the Soyuz spacecraft anyways.

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Looks way better with the fairings. Good job! Always loved the R-7 family. Korolev was a genius, IMO, the design is just awesome.

Rune. Definitely one of my personal heroes.

Edited by Rune
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New version!

On the pad- no visible change here.


The new Soyuz spacecraft.


Abort test (press 4 and backspace at the same time).


Action groups:

1- Extend antenna

3- Toggle solar panels

4- Decouple top part of the fairing (press with abort)

9- Parachute

0- Jettison LES

Backspace- Abort

Download: Soyuz-FG

Edited by Giggleplex777
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very nice giggleplex. the idea of expandig the orbital module to a more real size is good. the only sad thing is, that the the color is now ... messy. white of the nosecone, dark grey of the SAS and black of the intake. well time for more playing around with parts i think :D

i hope i can get some spare time tomorrow to play around with KSP and the Soyuz ships. thanks to the first day in May here in germany.

seeing Rune, posting here make me proud. such a good engiener in KSP ... seems more and more people are going to love Korolevs R-7's ^^ and yes Korolev did a great job. the R-7 has a very cool looking staging. somehow it is impressive. it was first designed for destroying and now it is bringing us to space.

And don't worry Mulbin: your Soyuz Mark 2 ship will have no ladders, just an other Soyuz spacecraft for my hangar :cool:

it is really cool to see more and more people working together on the Soyuz. i think i have to update the thread to a more collectingpoint of awesome Soyuz rockets. everyone has nice ideas and fine rockets. non is superior to others. i like the individual designfeatures. Mulbin and his jetengines. gigglepelx and his more reallooking clusterengines and Soyuz spacecraft and my personal design with the wings on the boosters and the somehow special looking servicemodule (more gold and the black/yellow striping) on my Soyuz spacecraft.

and fairings, everyone loves fairings ! :sticktongue:

so far so good. good night everyone.

i hope the silent watchers and readers are enjoying the Rockets as much as we, the engieners in ksp do. Soyuz should have a special place in everyone spacelovingheart.

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  Giggleplex777 said:

how about this?

The action groups are the same as the old version.

Edit: Should I change the docking port to a large one?

Edit2: How's this?


hrm ... very intersting. i like the idea of the big dockingport. it's like during the apollo-soyuz meetinmg in space, so Soyuz could couple with american space crafts, let's say the big port version is a comercial version for "western" kerbin countrys :D but two ASAS ? maybe changing the lower one in the service modul to a normal SAS to get thge benefits of both.

old Soyuz with smal ports and now modern Soyuz with big port. things are going to be better and better :cool:

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  Darth Lazarus said:
hrm ... very intersting. i like the idea of the big dockingport. it's like during the apollo-soyuz meetinmg in space, so Soyuz could couple with american space crafts, let's say the big port version is a comercial version for "western" kerbin countrys :D but two ASAS ? maybe changing the lower one in the service modul to a normal SAS to get thge benefits of both.

old Soyuz with smal ports and now modern Soyuz with big port. things are going to be better and better :cool:

A SAS is unnecessary for manned ships is you already have a ASAS. I put it there so it follows the colour scheme of the spacecraft.

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  Giggleplex777 said:
A SAS is unnecessary for manned ships is you already have a ASAS. I put it there so it follows the colour scheme of the spacecraft.

They do completely different things, or so the devs say. Personally, I think SAS is wasted weight all the time, but supposedly, it provides something different than an autopilot (which is what ASAS is, it provides no additional torque), some kind of stabilization force that stacks.

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  Rune said:
They do completely different things, or so the devs say. Personally, I think SAS is wasted weight all the time, but supposedly, it provides something different than an autopilot (which is what ASAS is, it provides no additional torque), some kind of stabilization force that stacks.

I am well aware of what SAS does. In fact, I use it all the time. It dampens movement, and, when used on a probe, is often more effective than ASAS.

As you can see, I use SAS on all my probes.






  Captain Kalawang said:
Master Kerbalizer approves.

I am Master Kerbalizer. :cool:

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