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The unnstopable hyperweapons thread


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on chobits art thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24538-Postcards-from-Laythe-04-23-3013-18-40-Minor-edits-added a conversation broke out about lasers railguns and orbital super weapons which is a bit off topic so you can now continue it here.

lets start things of with my ultra dense anti exotic matter cannon or UDAEMC pronounced uder-mech

capable of firing a small ultra dense exotic antimatter ball of plasma at near relative speeds

it works similar to rail gun except it uses negative gravity too. causing not only high speed damage, but the shell anniallates its self in the process

causing the entire area around it to fuse in the extreme heat expanding the reaction until it reaches the core upon witch point all the energy is blocked and absorbed turning into kinetic energy causing the core to shake itself apart causing massive earth quakes destroying any ultra deep underground safe havens not annihilated by the fire storm consuming (what is left of) the planet

The system can be mounted upon a large ship, the prototype of witch i have named the GOD KILLER


Edited by redwolfy
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Darth Vader: Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

However, while I can't say I recommend planetary destruction as a selling point, there are indeed some practical uses for beams and balls of destruction. Particularly in the mining industry, where an uninhabited planet could be easily shattered into an asteroid cloud making it far easier to harvest metals from.

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i liked the idea of the Pain ray; basically its a raygun that shoots microwaves. I think the US military tested it. for ground control, since a hit will result in you feeling like youre on fire, while it doesnt really do much in a short time period.

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However, while I can't say I recommend planetary destruction as a selling point, there are indeed some practical uses for beams and balls of destruction. Particularly in the mining industry, where an uninhabited planet could be easily shattered into an asteroid cloud making it far easier to harvest metals from.

acctualy i think it would be ratther impractical to turn a planet into a shell of asteroids due to tthe fact that you would need remarkable amounts of energy to force ALL of the plane into asteroids and force a suffience outwards force that the asteroids dont fall back into the core.

it would be much more practical to destroy a small moon but even that would be pointless when you can just mine already existing asteroids, but if you realllly want to get to the inner core for some reason then you could blow a hole in the side of the planet and let the magma desperse into space allowing for mining of the core and crust withh much less energy

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If any one needs a SWMD call me and I'll bomb what ever you won't to hell with a NOVA-bomb or just hit it from afar with 3000t of 'rods from god' going at ~.4c

Edit: oh and if you think the nova is weak (http://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/15b5uk/the_actual_yield_of_the_nova_bomb_my_god/) <link

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-SNIP- P.S. Botse, don't believe ANYTHING Reddit says.

Ik chobit but hay I could of linked a page of the top 12 SWMDs (in which 6/12 of them were from ST(and guess what the NOVA(from halo) was nom-12)) maybe I should link it?


And MORE links>http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/NOVA_Bomb

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the nearest scifi franchise for defaulting will always be back to the future...but that didnt have any weapons worth mentioning..excpet if you can count TIME as a weapon.

the standard sci fi franchise for defaulting for weapons is 40K

Example: Going by a 50×150 meter shell made of Iron (assume 30% solid, its supposed to be packed with explosive of unknown type and density) fired at .9c yields a shell mass of around 770,000 tons and and a kinetic energy rating of 90,000,000,000 petajoules (Holy ****!).

Giving the blast of a Nova cannon (The most powerful ship mounted Imperial weapon) a staggering yield of 22 petatons

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OMG! I totally forgot about the Sun gun!

It should also be noted that it originally was invented before the Nazis ever took power, they just said Hey that looks like a fun idea!

If there is one thing you can always rely on it's the Third Reich coming up with crazy ideas for things~<3

Now that I think about it, an unstoppable hyperweapon doesn't need to be something that can level cities or burn whole planets, it just needs to be a much larger stick than what the other guy is using.

To that end, MAUS TIME!!!

No actual footage of one in action, so this is all you get:

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the gustav is one of the slowest ordnances if ever encountered. i like the idea of a self-track-building-train, though. But the Ammo was hardly effective for its maintenance, i think.

even for 3rd reich standards.

(also, i can make a tent in the frickin' Shell of its ammo. I think that is a plus, though.)

what is it with you and 3rd reich, anyway?

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Family history, both the RCAF and Luftwaffe runs through my veins.

I also spent my youth as an assistant curator at a local museum, my views on history are unique. I didn't grow up having "HERR DURR NAHTZEES R BAD!!!1!!1!" being pumped into my head, and after studying history with a fine-toothed comb I've come to know that there were far worse individuals and organizations throughout the past, yet many hail them as heroes and role models. The only difference being they achieved victory, where Germany tried for too much too fast and got it's ass handed to it. So, want to call me a Nazi like everyone else does for not hating my family's history with a now defunct air force that had nothing to do with an old nation's governing politics?

So, as for unstoppable hyperweapons, I think I have everyone beat. Asteroid + high speed acceleration + approach from the lightside of a planet or target = bye bye target

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Jeb+SRB's=unstoppable destruction.

I would have said the Death Star, but it is very easy to destroy. (Have any of you read the official announcement why the U.S. aren't going to make a Death Star? If you haven't, do it, it's actually pretty funny. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/response/isnt-petition-response-youre-looking).

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chobit; no. its the everywhere imprinted shame if youve been born in a german speaking country. My history teacher (a left activist) hammered it into our skulls how bad nazis are...that actually had an opposite effect. now, i dont glorify them, but my view on them isnt that much different. It's just that ive been left with some kind of paranoia everytime someone brings up 3rd reich things they really like and i can only think of them aiming for a "lol u nazi" joke. My family completely missed WWII (and the Anschluss of Austria) because they were too old / too young. weve got history as being handy with technology, though.

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You guys expect a detailed diagram for my Hyper-V, right?

No dice. But, actual blueprints will be made with details.

Have some rough sketches for the time being.


(H^2 is deuterium, for you people that don't know)


1 - Deuterium is compressed by some sort into a pellet, maybe the output of a deuterium-tritium fusion reactor to get the extra neutrons needed to create tritium out of it

2 - The pellet is being pointed at by many high power lasers (please standby for the actual mW needed) to activate. The amount of exposure depends on when the pellet is meant to go off. The power levels in the pellet towards countdown are exponential, so extreme precision is needed here. This is all assuming that there is enough power in the pellet to sustain the small reaction.

3 - The activated pellet is driven through by a series of donut-shaped magnets identical to the ones in the LHC to get some serious speed out of this. The amount of power supplied depends on the distance the pellet needs to travel / the time to asplosion.

Assuming that I keep the fusion pellets, the size of the pellet is undecided. (Which means also that the actual size of the cannon is also undecided.) In fact, it might even be variable. Does anyone know the amount of joules released in a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction?

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