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That isnt blatantly obvious? hmmmm...

SSTO = Single Stage to Orbit (dont drop anything)

DeltaV = how much velocity change you have in fuel stores

MechJeb = autopilot that can do most things, and somewhat teach you (IMHO it is needed, but that gets contentious)

GrandTour = visiting every planet and moon with a mothership that has multiple landers and what not on it (difficult)

Reputation = the little star in the lower right hand portion of the post, click on it if you like the post, similar to a like on facebook, but semipivate, can be seen in the green bars below the user's name

BBCode = the special code that can be used to do a variety of things in posts (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/misc.php?do=bbcode)

Hohmann Transfer = an interpletary transfer method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hohmann_transfer_orbit)

Mods = modifications... some that i recommend; Mechjeb(http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb/), Taverius Aerospace (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-taverios-pizza-and-aerospace/), B9 aerospace (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-b9-aerospace-pack-release-2/), KW Rocketry(http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kw-rocketry-overhauled/), KerbX (im a tester, http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-kerbx-a-spacex-analogue-falcon-1-released/), beware mods generally make the game take longer to load ;)

and anything else just ask the community is one of the nicest forums on the internet, thanks to the mods and people just being polite,

Have Fun,


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Welcome to the community Floki :)

You might like to check out the forum rules and the good conduct guide, there are links in my signature, also:

LFT = Liquid fuel tank

LFE = Liquid fuel engine

SRB = Solid rocket booster

Probes need power, or they stop working.

Docking ports have a working side (the hatch) and a non-working side (the skirt)

Hitchhiker containers are not command pods

Command pods and probes have built-in control moment gyroscopes that allow them to rotate

Shift and WASDQE in the editor will rotate parts in 5 degree steps

Alt+F12 is the debug menu, Alt+F2 is the debug log

F1 screenshots and F5 quicksaves, hold F9 to load

End Flight makes your craft go away, use Space Center instead

Turning on capslock gives you much finer flight control, except on the engines.

You don't need a big craft to get anywhere, or all the parts, or a ton of RCS monopropellent.

Nerva = NTR = Nuclear rocket engine = nerva

Kerbals can get out and push

Use Imgur, pastebin and mediafire, as file attachments suck

Wobbly? add struts

Turn off gimballing on booster engines, as they can add to the wobble

ASAS and stations are not friends

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Thanks for the info Sal.

I've done some basic posting on other websites and tend to do some "power posting", but not for post counts. I usually do it because I only have a limited amount of free time and would like to get as much done as possible. I hope this isn't a problem, but if it is just let me know and I'll do the best I can not to most likely by being selective.

Edited by Floki
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