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KSP computer dev team


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What we do is build complex logic circuits using 100% stock parts. They aren't very versatile yet, but this is due to in-game limitations. If Squad made it possible to toggle fuel crossfeed via action groups, I could make vastly faster machines... *cough* Ones that could even do Tic-Tac-Toe (no opponent, though). I even have preliminary designs of that.

Current projects:

- 2-bit versatile machine (proof-of-concept)

Designed to permit in-orbit changing of instruction set, this machine will feature 2 2-bit output ports, 2 inputs, as well as a means of switching between up to 4 functions, which are user-decided based upon what modules they install. Hot-Swapping is NOT supported.

.craft files

Do note that since this is general discussion, it is impossible to attach files. Thus, I must link.

1-bit adder with overflow, as (will be) seen on Scott Manley's channel: https://www.dropbox.com/s/89aybtyett91qle/1-bit%20adder%20by%203_bit.craft

Temporary manual until I get a better one written:

-make sure you're not under ANY acceleration and are in space



-Make sure ASAS is active

-wait ~4 seconds after toggling any switch and the same amount of time before throttling up to check the results.

-Make sure the ANT engines are active. Ignore the other action groups, as long as you activate these and deactivate the nuclear engine you have nothing to worry about. Future designs could employ engine on/off for some logic, but I see no use of it as of now.

Action group 1 toggles switch 1.

Action group 2 toggles switch 2.

Think of these as inputs on a binary adder. The value of switch 1 is 01 (if on, indicated by a long-range light) and the value of switch 2 is 01 (if on, indicated by a long-range light)

It's a simple binary output. After inputting 1+1 (both long-range lights on) the output will be 10 (2) (left ANT fires, right does not).

As long as you take it slow and make sure all the moving parts behind the display are docked, you are free to check results or throttle up the nuclear engine.

Team members:

3_bit--Lead developer and inventor of computers in KSP

Position open

Position open

Position open

People applying should have basic knowledge of binary math, have plenty of time for designing and building, high motivation, or a combination of the 3.

This may make binary a bit easier to understand: http://l3d.cs.colorado.edu/courses/CSCI1200-96/binary.html

Edited by 3_bit
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Unfortunately I don't have a (good) mic so I'll probably caption the whole thing. Not to mention linking to videos about logic gates in general, as they would help with understanding it. I'm going to try and explain it myself if I can, but no guarantees. I might even make a video in the near future about making a 1-bit adder w/overflow, in which I might build one from start to finish and explain it all.

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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I would be interested in this. Making Minecraft computers is bittersweet so this might be easier.

I'm actually in the middle of designing a far more complex unit, with a whopping 4 bits of ROM, a 1-bit adder with overflow, some module I haven't defined, and a swappable module meaning a modifiable command set. Unfortunately, building computers in Minecraft would actually be easier as you can have clocks here. In KSP, it's not *really* computing, it's a cheaty alternative to computing. It does work exceptionally well, however. Don't expect Pong, ever, unless part conditions can trigger action groups. Then I could make a clock, and, with a few 6-core Xeon Processors, a full-fledged 2-bit computer. The bottleneck I have is that things can't trigger things. If I push 1, It can't trigger action group 2. I have a lot of workarounds for this. Put simply, give me an Idea and I'll tell you if it can be done. Expect a fully functional hanger with a password lock soon. It would be a simple one, though, and it may not be doable easily, I'm actually depending on a system I haven't designed nor tested in-game yet, so, like the Russian rocket for their Moonshot, it is debatable if it would work.

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Just a quick update: I actually LOST my .craft file for the computer, but I did start work rebuilding it today. The biggest problem of getting a video up is getting the editing software that does what I want to. I've heard only bad things about Windows Movie Maker.

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  musicpenguin said:
wut? There's not electric wire. Do minecraft.

Irrelevant. You can make a von Neumann machine out of anything that has state and the means to change that state. Whether that state is a function of electric fields across tiny capacitors or the location of I-beams mounted to large wheels makes no difference whatsoever, except in terms of trivial things like space occupied and speed of computation.

If you had a large enough beach with enough seashells, enough time, and the rules to manipulate them, you could precisely duplicate KSP. Heck, you could even have someone hand you the C# code after you got the pebbles and rules together, and if your shells and rules duplicate a von Neumann machine, you could compile it and run it on your seashell computer. The FPS rate would be pretty pathetic, though. :)

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  3_bit said:
Just a quick update: I actually LOST my .craft file for the computer, but I did start work rebuilding it today. The biggest problem of getting a video up is getting the editing software that does what I want to. I've heard only bad things about Windows Movie Maker.

Very intrigued by this project.

Yeah windows so called "live" movie maker (which I call windows dead movie maker) is horrible and only renders to wmv format. Grab a trail copy of sony movie studio platinum. Its about 80quid to buy, but you can trail it for about 30 days. I got a couple vids made on it before the trail ran out, I liked it so I bought it. Editing with it is very fluid and it has a LOAD of cool features which make it very nice to use.

It downsides are it can only do 4x speed up/slow down and it does crash quite a bit (more than KSP infact), but it autosaves very well.

Oh, don't pre-compress your raw footage, it works best when editing raw uncompressed footage.

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my school uses Premiere, which is my favorite ATM (because I can actually use it) but I can't use it outside school projects, so I'll be using iMovie.

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  chrt said:
As an EE student I'm thoroughly intrigued. How are you doing this in KSP?

As I said, it's not *really* computing. It's like building a TTL processor but you can only use one IC (on the complexity scale). I'm no EE student but I know a bit about processors. Long story short: you're going to need a fine computer and a lot of time testing to make it work. I'll make a video all about it soon. I also have overly ambitious plans to build a computer with a 1-bit comparator, a 1-bit adder, 2 bits of write-protectable memory, and a slot for adding another program.

Since you're an EE student I'll tell you it simply: I'm making logic gates out of toggle switches, analogically. More later. PM me if you have any questions, I'll be explaining my methods very soon.

LONGER story short: No, we can't build full-fledged processors. At least not with the current parts and features. We can do something almost as good, though.

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  3_bit said:
The biggest problem of getting a video up is getting the editing software that does what I want to. I've heard only bad things about Windows Movie Maker.

Well, I edit my let's play videos with it, and it is not bad for SIMPLE editing. As soon as I go a little bit deep on video editing, I switch to Sony Vegas Pro 11. I've heard only good things about Premiere, although I've never tested it (but I really want to).

Anyway, has a freelance programmer myself (well, I understand well the logic of a computer), I can rejoin the project, but how the **** do you do logic tests in KSP ??

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  SolarLiner said:
Well, I edit my let's play videos with it, and it is not bad for SIMPLE editing. As soon as I go a little bit deep on video editing, I switch to Sony Vegas Pro 11. I've heard only good things about Premiere, although I've never tested it (but I really want to).

Anyway, has a freelance programmer myself (well, I understand well the logic of a computer), I can rejoin the project, but how the **** do you do logic tests in KSP ??

I'm glad to (finally) have someone want to join. Sure. I actually do most of my designing on paper, which is faster and easier than using a program to do it. I'll be posting a picture showing my 1-bit adder with overflow design and how it all works. With it, you should be able to build your own.

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