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[0.20] Ioncross Crew Support Plugin ([0.22] dev build)


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I then removed the entries for Oxygen and CarbonDioxide from \Resources\IonCrewSupport.cfg and \Plugins\PluginData\IoncrossCrewSupport\IoncrossCrewSupport.cfg. AFAIK, this should have removed it as a resource, and removed any "resource check" from the life support system.

I also then altered both my edited "resource tank" and "hydroponics bay" to use O2/CO2 in place of Oxygen/Carbon dioxide.

This worked OK - CO2 did not spontaneously convert like CarbonDioxide had, and O2 behave inversely to CO2.

However, the game still dropped out of warp every hour, and eventually the Kerbal pilot died, just as if the Mod was still checking for oxygen and carbonDioxide, which I removed from \Plugins\PluginData\IoncrossCrewSupport\IoncrossCrewSupport.cfg.

So - does anyone have any ideas what is happening? It almost looks like there's some hardcoding going on with Oxygen/CarbonDioxide.

Or, am I missing a crucial configuration file somewhere?

Did you launch a new craft after making those changes?

Because the old craft in orbit will still have the old values in its module. That's there for life.

Unless you edit the save file and change it manually.

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There seams to be little confusion over the intended consumption rates. The rate is still 1 unit per hour, but the density of the resources was changed so that is now equivalent to 0.5 kg per day. The added food and water resources also have densities so that 1 unit per hour translates into an appropriate mass per day. Water and food aren't used, but they're in there for anyone who wants to add them.

Oh and I haven't tried it but I think ModuleManager should be able to modify the configuration nodes for Ioncross Crew Support now. That should make custom configurations even easier to do, but it does mean I should probably make sure all nodes have a name field for identification by ModuleManager.

You should be right. I did update with a higly breakable savegame, and only the manned pods did brak. Espectacularly, I must say. I got space debris of my space station travelling at 25000m/s further tan Eelo, after a massive explossion, but hey, I wanted to remake it xD

And I thought it was just a random glitch when my ship did that once during testing. This probably indicates there is something very wrong with either the old version or the new one, but honestly I kind of like the idea of being able to say this update may explode old saves. :D

As for saves in general it is just the saving and loading of the Ioncross Crew Support modules that has been updated. So ship without any modules from this mod will be fine. However, ships that have parts modified by this mod will have to replace those parts. And that includes .caft saves.

And thank you Starwaster for reminding me how my own mod works. I think given Vedexent's experience I'll change it so settings are not saved on the part.

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And thank you Starwaster for reminding me how my own mod works. I think given Vedexent's experience I'll change it so settings are not saved on the part.

You're welcome, but how do you do that? I thought that was a KSP limitation. How do you make properties not save on the part?

Also, I'm getting game freezing errors during startup.

[EXC 13:13:34.547] FormatException: Unknown char: w

Traced it to ModuleManager_DeepSpaceMission.cfg

name = IonModuleCrewSupport

name = Oxygen
amount = 100w
maxAmount = 100

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 50

Though it's kind of odd that it DID start up successfully one single time with that same file in place... in fact it so confused me that I had to go doublecheck in the original archive because I thought maybe I had SOMEHOW accidentally opened... then pressed the w and then somehow accidentally saved it. (an unlikely sequence of events given that I hadn't even opened the folder after copying)

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You're welcome, but how do you do that? I thought that was a KSP limitation. How do you make properties not save on the part?

The truth is the mod saves a lot of properties on the part that never change from the default.

The mod currently loads default properties from the ION_SUPPORT_RESOURCE nodes. It then loads the data from the part and overwrites the default entries if it finds duplicate information. And for simplicity when saving, rather than trying to figure what is still default and what has been modified everything is saved to the part.

So rather than saving duplicates of the ION_SUPPORT_RESOURCE with the part I'm going to just save a modification value.

EDIT: And that random 'w' is mine. My ctrl key sometimes fails to register correctly, so random 'w', 's', 'c', and 'v' characters are not uncommon. Next dev version will have that fixed.

Edited by yongedevil
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Edit : BTW not sure if intended but the .cfg file in plugin/plugindata/Ioncrosscrewsupport is just an empty text file.

It is intended. I plan to use to file to store general settings such as whether to use inactive usage calculations.

Dev build 3 is available with early EVA support. When exiting a ship the EVA pack is filled with the evaAmount defined for each resource. Resources without a positive evaAmount are ignored for EVA. There's no support for generators or collectors such as CO2 scrubbers and atmosphere vents, and at the moment resources are lost upon re-entering the ship.

Additionally As described in the previous post, most of the ION_SUPPORT_RESOURCE data is no longer loaded or saved from the part. Instead the mod will only load three fields from a part:




So altering an ION_SUPPORT_RESOURCE for a specific part would look like:

name = IonModuleCrewSupport

//This removes the ElectricCharge usage for this part
name = ElectricCharge
ratePerCapacityMod = 0

At lease eventually. At this point the new fields are untested and don't actually alter anything; everything is stuck using the default values for the time being.

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where are you deriving the density for water from? It seems way too light.

of greater concern though is exploding ships. it goes beyond incompatibility between versions, I'm losing ships that didn't even have ioncross support modules. it really concerns me. the inability to upgrade is one thing but this has me worried that anything I try to create with this installed is going to be at risk.

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The density of water was derived from the information in Advanced Life Support Baseline Values and Assumptions Document (specifically Table 3.3.6 “Summary of Nominal Human Metabolic Interface Values†on page 27) as well as the desire to have a constant 1 unit per hour rate across all resources. Using the approximate 4kg/ day per human as a baseline I chose 2kg / day per kerbal since it seamed like a nice round number.

0.002t / (day * kerbal) * (day * kerbal) / 24 units = 0.00009751 t / unit

Or if you do the math right it actually equals 0.00008333 t / unit. I think I doubled the 4kg figure in my initial calculations rather than halving it, and it looks like I did the same thing with food.

If there was a volume unit listed with quantities I'd go for realistic densities, but in I've not yet seen any volume measurement attached to the resource quantities. If you want to assume it is a litter though you could use the following:

0.002 t / (day * kerbal) * 1000 unit / t * day / 86400 s = 0.00023148148 units / (s * kerbal)

The end result is the same though, you need x tonnes of the resource to last y days.

I want to know why the ship's exploded too. And it is one of the things I intend to test before releasing this officially.

Edited by yongedevil
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The density of water was derived from the information in Advanced Life Support Baseline Values and Assumptions Document (specifically Table 3.3.6 “Summary of Nominal Human Metabolic Interface Values†on page 27) as well as the desire to have a constant 1 unit per hour rate across all resources. Using the approximate 4kg/ day per human as a baseline I chose 2kg / day per kerbal since it seamed like a nice round number.

0.002t / (day * kerbal) * (day * kerbal) / 24 units = 0.00009751 t / unit

Or if you do the math right it actually equals 0.00008333 t / unit. I think I doubled the 4kg figure in my initial calculations rather than halving it, and it looks like I did the same thing with food.

If there was a volume unit listed with quantities I'd go for realistic densities, but in I've not yet seen any volume measurement attached to the resource quantities. If you want to assume it is a litter though you could use the following:

0.002 t / (day * kerbal) * 1000 unit / t * day / 86400 s = 0.00023148148 units / (s * kerbal)

The end result is the same though, you need x tonnes of the resource to last y days.

I want to know why the ship's exploded too. And it is one of the things I intend to test before releasing this officially.

answering in reverse order (or order of perceived importance)

I currently have one of the universes loaded that was giving me the most trouble and it looks stable for now. What I did to get to this point was I removed the plugin. When I've finished cycling through each ship and station to verify that they'll load I will quit and restart with the plugin enabled. One thing that concerns me is that I am seeing A LOT of 'Activated (forced)' in the log and I've never seen that in my game before. Only in other people's who had bugged universe or ships that caused them trouble. maybe its coincidence and it doesnt really mean anything but it does worry me a bit seeing it :(

OKAY! Re: water. volume units in KSP are definitely not liters, kiloliters / m3. the best value that anyone's come up with is that a volume unit is about 160th of a cubic meter or 0.00625. which, to keep things simple is also the value I used for water when creating it as a resource / fuel for Real Fuels nuclear drives.

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Wow so that was a long absence of the forums. Felt like a year even if it was just a few days.

So, here's a peculiar thing about the exploding ships.

I've had some ships just vanish. They weren't active so they were on rails and they just disappeared without a trace. But I can't duplicate that one and I'd done some editing of the save file so it could well have been a PEBCAK issue.

The other one is fairly reproducible. In a particular ship keeps getting messed up if I load the game with the Crew Support plugin. It doesn't literally explode, what happens to it is that it vanishes from my view. If I switch back and forth to other ships I can get this ship back and one of its parts looks like it's missing (the hitchhiker pod)

Other parts look like they've moved around on the ship. But I know that it is intact because I can use Crew Manifest to see that the pod is still attached.

It's like similar bugs I've seen where a part's center of mass is bugged. (usually because they were modeled poorly like the H.O.M.E. Greenhouse)

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Might just be some incompatibility caused by my other mods, but resource depletion in dev build 3 does not appear to work. The oxygen supply firmly sticks to the maximum amount even though I have a living kerbal on my ship with all air intakes closed. I tested this both on the ground and in a solar orbit.

Dev build 2 does work for me, but the recyclers have some issues at higher time warps. I noticed they couldn't keep up with CO2 production at the 2 highest warp modes even though it works fine at the slower warps.

All in all though, nice to see this isn't abandoned. I love having the extra challenge.

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answering in reverse order (or order of perceived importance)

I currently have one of the universes loaded that was giving me the most trouble and it looks stable for now. What I did to get to this point was I removed the plugin. When I've finished cycling through each ship and station to verify that they'll load I will quit and restart with the plugin enabled. One thing that concerns me is that I am seeing A LOT of 'Activated (forced)' in the log and I've never seen that in my game before. Only in other people's who had bugged universe or ships that caused them trouble. maybe its coincidence and it doesnt really mean anything but it does worry me a bit seeing it :(

OKAY! Re: water. volume units in KSP are definitely not liters, kiloliters / m3. the best value that anyone's come up with is that a volume unit is about 160th of a cubic meter or 0.00625. which, to keep things simple is also the value I used for water when creating it as a resource / fuel for Real Fuels nuclear drives.

Wow so that was a long absence of the forums. Felt like a year even if it was just a few days.

So, here's a peculiar thing about the exploding ships.

I've had some ships just vanish. They weren't active so they were on rails and they just disappeared without a trace. But I can't duplicate that one and I'd done some editing of the save file so it could well have been a PEBCAK issue.

The other one is fairly reproducible. In a particular ship keeps getting messed up if I load the game with the Crew Support plugin. It doesn't literally explode, what happens to it is that it vanishes from my view. If I switch back and forth to other ships I can get this ship back and one of its parts looks like it's missing (the hitchhiker pod)

Other parts look like they've moved around on the ship. But I know that it is intact because I can use Crew Manifest to see that the pod is still attached.

It's like similar bugs I've seen where a part's center of mass is bugged. (usually because they were modeled poorly like the H.O.M.E. Greenhouse)

I've had some time to test the disassembly feature a bit and my best guess is it has something to do with errors in the old save causing the part to not load properly and that messing with it updating it's position with the rest of the vessel. I've seen the same centre of mass issue with parts when they have modules that have caused a null reference exception and have stopped executing. In testing when this happens at low speed - such as during launch - the camera will suddenly get dragged behind the vessel followed by the vessel breaking apart, usually at a joint with the part that crashed. I think once in orbit the speeds are high enough it just breaks apart.

I suspect the culprit is the old CO2 scrubber module, since that module has been merged with the generator and no longer exists. In my tests removing this module from the save prevented disassembly; however, adding it to other vessels did not cause them to disassemble so I'm not really sure what is going on.

There are a few differences from your results though, Starwaster. I have not seen ships just vanish. I also have not seen parts on ships move without becoming detached. However, I haven't tried looking with crew manifest, and it seams to fit the theory that the parts are not updating their positions properly. I also don't see any 'Activated (forced)' messages in the log. And I'm not seeing probe ships without any crew support modules on them disassemble.

Mods I am running while testing this:

Engineer Redux


Kerbal Alarm Clock

Subassembly Manager


Kerbal Attachment Systems


Just to make sure I understand, each kerbal consumes 24 units of O2 and produces 24 units of CO2?

Per day, yes.

Might just be some incompatibility caused by my other mods, but resource depletion in dev build 3 does not appear to work. The oxygen supply firmly sticks to the maximum amount even though I have a living kerbal on my ship with all air intakes closed. I tested this both on the ground and in a solar orbit.

Dev build 2 does work for me, but the recyclers have some issues at higher time warps. I noticed they couldn't keep up with CO2 production at the 2 highest warp modes even though it works fine at the slower warps.

All in all though, nice to see this isn't abandoned. I love having the extra challenge.

On the pad you shouldn't see any resource consumption. All crewed parts now have vents that automatically open on an oxygen atmosphere to supply Oxygen and remove CarbonDioxide.

You may have also hit the bug with the intakes currently. The default air intakes are setup to convert a small portion of IntakeAir into Oxygen and negative CarbonDioxide. The mass difference between the IntakeAir and the other two is so high that it really is a tiny portion and since a little bit of IntakeAir stays in the intake parts once you leave the atmosphere the Oxygen and CarbonDioxide supplies on the ship won't move for a good while. I think this is something I got working for dev 3.

As for the still persistent time warp issue I've could have sworn I'd fixed that. Can you give some details on your test Ralathon? I'd like to know what crewed parts were on the ship and how many kerbals onboard, what recycler parts were on the ship, which ones were active and at what output level, what the starting and ending level of Oxygen and CarbonDioxide were, and the elapsed time for the test. With just the ship configuration information I can recreate the test myself but your own results would be helpful too.

Is it possible to use Ioncross with http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48368-Part-Generator-Version-3-Win-Linux-Mac ? I'd like to combine CO2 removal/recycling and the oxygen container into one part.

The instructions for adding custom modules seam pretty strait forward. Taking a look at some of the module.txt it looks like you'll just need to copy the IonModuleGenerator entry out of the recycler parts, give them a description, mass, and volume and you'll be set. If you want to include the CO2 scrubbers as well then you'll want the entry from Config\IoncrossBase.cfg Just change ION_POD_GENERATOR to MODULE and add a name = IonModuleGenerator field. Oh you'll probably want to change the rates too since the scrubber is set based on crew capacity and you might not have any crew on this new part.

A rough guess is you'll want something like this. This code has the CO2 scubber, recycler, and atmosphere collector modules.

Removes CO2 to keep your kerbals not dead. Can recycle CO2 into O2 to keep them not dead longer for extended missions.
name = IonModuleGenerator
generatorName = CO2Scrubber
generatorGUIName = Scrubber

startOn = True

hideStatusL2 = True
hideEfficency = True
hideOutputControls = True

name = CarbonDioxide
rateBase = 0
ratePerCapacity = -0.000416667

name = IonModuleGenerator
generatorName = RecyclerMedium
generatorGUIName = Recycler

outputLevelStep = 25

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.750000 //set to 2700/h, 1350/02
effectOnEfficency = 1
name = CarbonDioxide
rateBase = 0.0011111111 //set to 4/h
effectOnEfficency = 1

name = Oxygen
rateBase = 0.00055555556 //set to 2/h

name = IonModuleCollectorAtmosphere
generatorName = RecyclerCollector
generatorGUIName = Atmo Intake

hideStatusL2 = True
hideEfficency = True
hideOutputControls = True

minAtmosphere = 0.5

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.375000 //set to 1350/h, 0.9/unit
effectOnEfficency = 1

name = Oxygen
rateBase = 0.416667 //set to 25/min

name = CarbonDioxide
rateBase = 0.416667 //set to 25/min

You might want to add RESOURCE entries for the Oxygen and CarbonDioxide, but I'm not really sure how the part editor works and maybe resources are added separately.

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the recent dev release seems to have completely destroyed the functionality of universe replacer for me. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, seeing as how I didn't initially realize how much framerate I was losing WITH it.

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On the pad you shouldn't see any resource consumption. All crewed parts now have vents that automatically open on an oxygen atmosphere to supply Oxygen and remove CarbonDioxide.

You may have also hit the bug with the intakes currently. The default air intakes are setup to convert a small portion of IntakeAir into Oxygen and negative CarbonDioxide. The mass difference between the IntakeAir and the other two is so high that it really is a tiny portion and since a little bit of IntakeAir stays in the intake parts once you leave the atmosphere the Oxygen and CarbonDioxide supplies on the ship won't move for a good while. I think this is something I got working for dev 3.

As for the still persistent time warp issue I've could have sworn I'd fixed that. Can you give some details on your test Ralathon? I'd like to know what crewed parts were on the ship and how many kerbals onboard, what recycler parts were on the ship, which ones were active and at what output level, what the starting and ending level of Oxygen and CarbonDioxide were, and the elapsed time for the test. With just the ship configuration information I can recreate the test myself but your own results would be helpful too.

Of course. The following was my test configuration. Note that this was done in dev build 2. If I manage to scrounge some time together I'll retest dev build 3 with a bit more scrutiny.

This was the test setup I used:


I deactivated the scrubbers on the pod, made sure the air intakes where deactivated and activated the small recycler at max. I proceed to time warp at maximum speed.


As you can see the CO2 starts to build up. Resources aren't lost or anything, it just seems as if the recycler fails to keep up at higher warp.

This behavior continues until the O2 supply is depleted after 27ish days:


At this point the system drops you out of warp (at least down to warp 1000) where the O2 production from the recycler starts to take over the pod consumption again. With the recycler deactivated and just using the pod scrubber the ship lasts for 25 days. So the recycler does convert a bit of CO2 during the warp, but it's not much.

Resources aren't lost, so it isn't a crippling bug. But I can imagine it makes travelling interplanetary very tedious since converting a full tank of CO2 to O2 takes aaaages. Even at warp 1k.


Other mods that I run on this setup are:


Deadly Reentry


Docking Port alignment indicator

Engineer redux

Procedural Fairings

Figaro Satellite constellation


Subassembly Manager

Universe replacer

and various random parts (AIES legs, KSPX and some stuff by zzz)

Edited by Ralathon
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Nice to see you've been able to get things working. This will make it seem more like actually needing life support, not that pods are cursed to become death traps.

Looks like I'll need to set up some outdoor chairs if I want to keep leaving Kerbals outside at my Mun base.

I notice the scrubber thing is still a part of it. I'm interested to know why a specific switch is needed, and CO2 scrubbing isn't just automatic.

Is it just for when you use a recycler, so you can stop it ejecting the CO2? Could it be made so CO2 dumping is toggled automatically when you activate, or deactivate a recycler in future?

With more ah, imaginative designs (crew parts clipped inside) it can be harder to get to them. But, now they persist, having to click. Lots of them on a station or base should be less trouble.

Of course, what you do is your call, you're the one making this.

One more thing, what bits changed in the way things are stored in the persistence files? I get the impression it's more than just part names?

A hint so we know where to look when file editing would be nice, thank you.

I look forward to seeing the next version when you've finished!

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I just noticed an odd thing using this plugin. I have two space stations, one around Kerbin, orbiting about 500Km, and another one at the Mun, orbiting at 250Km. Both have the latest dev. 3 versión of this plugin, but in severla in game years, both space stations are the only ships that don't loose oxygen. Every time I load them up, they have about 99'9% of their oxygen, and if I stay a bit on them, they get the full 100%. Every other ship, including my land bases get their oxygen down with time. Even the one in Eve with the CO2 intake open isn't ever at full oxygen. I don't think this is supposed to happen XD

Edited by Demon_82
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Of course. The following was my test configuration. Note that this was done in dev build 2. If I manage to scrounge some time together I'll retest dev build 3 with a bit more scrutiny.

This was the test setup I used:

I can tell you what's going on there based on that image. The ship doesn't have enough ElectricCharge storage. There's enough electrical generation but at high timewarp each update cycle will require more power than is stored on the ship so output is scaled back to fit.

I notice the scrubber thing is still a part of it. I'm interested to know why a specific switch is needed, and CO2 scrubbing isn't just automatic.

Is it just for when you use a recycler, so you can stop it ejecting the CO2? Could it be made so CO2 dumping is toggled automatically when you activate, or deactivate a recycler in future?

With more ah, imaginative designs (crew parts clipped inside) it can be harder to get to them. But, now they persist, having to click. Lots of them on a station or base should be less trouble.

Of course, what you do is your call, you're the one making this.

One more thing, what bits changed in the way things are stored in the persistence files? I get the impression it's more than just part names?

A hint so we know where to look when file editing would be nice, thank you.

Most options for automating the CO2 scrubbers would not necessarily work if the setup for the mod was changed. Even simply automatically activating them when levels get dangerous requires somehow knowing which generators to turn on in which situation. While it's not hard add checks to see that the CO2 scrubbers remove CO2 and conclude they should be activated when there is too much CO2, there are much more complicated setups possible with the mod and they would have to work too. Things get less clear when the generators deal with multiple resources or multiple generator deal with the same resource but do different things.

Leaving control in the hands of the player is the simplest option and keeps the mod more flexible. I do want to add a GUI eventually that will have controls to activate/deactivate all of the pod generators and collectors on the current ship. First though I am just aiming to have a simple warning system to display when resources reach dangerous levels. So for the time being each part is going to have to be controlled individually.

It will be a while before the next update unfortunately. I'm working on trying to improve some of the existing code and I'll have to finish that before I move back to figuring out and fixing the reported problems with dev 3 (thank you KAO, Starwaster, Demon_82 and everyone else who has submitted bugs that I haven't addressed yet). That and I don't have much time to work on it at the moment.

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Although support for planetary resources (ice) is place, there are no provisions for adding ice support to the kethane scanners. The following should do it


Name = Ice
Name = Ice

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Although support for planetary resources (ice) is place, there are no provisions for adding ice support to the kethane scanners. The following should do it


Name = Ice
Name = Ice

The developer of Kethane wants you to make your own scanners to scan your add resources with that's why there's no built in support.

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The developer of Kethane wants you to make your own scanners to scan your add resources with that's why there's no built in support.

That's more of a problem for developers of other mods than for players who can do what they like to their installations. I claim fair use on this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there!

I love your mod, its absolutely fantastic! Have been using it for a while and have had no problems, bar 1.

i am using the latest dev build, and everything works fine, except for the EVA oxygen used, i find thats its too high. Watching the numbers i'd estimate around 10 minutes for oxygen before i get to a critically low level.

I'm relatively new to modding this game, but is there a way i could change the oxygen usage? or the amount the kerbal can take with him? If so how would i go about doing that? a short step by step or some general guide would be greatly appreciated. I've read most of this thread and couldn't find anything.

Thank you in advance


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