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New Monitor


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The HDMI port on my Acer A231HL monitor no longer works. I have tried googling fixes but all the first page searching didn't come up with a solution and long story short; i would like to buy a higher quality monitor, one with more reliable hdmi ports and audio out capabilities.

I am new to the whole building computers thing so i don't really know what kind of specs or what higher quality brands to look for. So I am turning to you, the KSP community! You all seem like a pretty smart bunch!:D

Computer specs if that helps;

Processor: AMD A8-5500 with Radeon(th) HD Graphics 3.20GHZ

8 GB ram

Windows 8 64-bit

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There is no such thing as a gaming monitor, I mean, what is the difference between a gaming monitor and a regular monitor? Just buy a nice 22" LG that has the 1920x1080p resolution.

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The Motif of "Gaming" in certian sectors of the electronics market/industry are *usually* used as a reason to charge exorberant ammounts of money for a slightly *better* piece of equipment. Get something with a high refresh rate like 120hz and you will be happy.

Dell makes some good monitors, better than their computers. Asus makes solid products across the board so i recomend them a lot.

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Another shout out for Dell monitors, I have 2 and they have lasted a good 5 years. The power port is a little loose on the older of the two, but I have moved it up and down the country at least 15 times.

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You have chosen 6 montiors that are about equal. They are all LED displays so they will last a while with good picture. The Asus have higher refresh rates, they will seem, for lack of a better term, faster. If you go for the smaller ones you can get two in that budget for the price of one of the larger screen, it is all preference.

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