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No KSP Weekly?


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Yeah they crapped out with the "monthly updates" already, couldn't even manage ONE.

Where did they promise monthly updates? "More frequent" was the term used, unless you can provide contrary information in the form of a link to the post.

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Where did they promise monthly updates? "More frequent" was the term used, unless you can provide contrary information in the form of a link to the post.
I'm pretty sure in one of the blogs they said they were moving to a "monthly" schedule. As for my source on the management problems, Nexis has mentioned it on several occasions. They're a stubborn bunch apparently.
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As I remember it it was "more frequent" than the updates which came on a ca. monthly basis. Because of the new development cycle which allows the devs to release little updates as soon as one of them is finished with his work on his part of an update. For example: Harvester has finished his works on the flags, so he could release it, instead of putting it into a huge update with several features.

But I think for 0.20 they will deliver a huge update again.

Of course if they would tell us what is going on we wouldn't have to guess.

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I hope that Squad doesn't decide to stop talking to the community because some whiny idiots in r/gaming decided to complain about not being Squad's bosses because they bought one game.

Dear Squad,

We don't hate you. Please talk to us?

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What an impatient lot. You don't hear anything for a couple weeks (not months) besides recent blog posts that apparently few are making the effort to read, and you all act like the sodding world has come to an end. Do yourselves a favour and don't ever buy games from EA, Bethesda, or any other major publisher and save yourselves the emotional trauma.

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What an impatient lot. You don't hear anything for a couple weeks (not months) besides recent blog posts that apparently few are making the effort to read, and you all act like the sodding world has come to an end. Do yourselves a favour and don't ever buy games from EA, Bethesda, or any other major publisher and save yourselves the emotional trauma.

KSP used to make frequents posts and streams to engage with the community. Then there's a DLC Crisis. Squad suddenly stops talking to us. DamionRayne starts acting strangely.

Of course we're going to be goddamn worried, even if it's only been a few weeks.

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I'm worried about anything that may adversely affect this game, i'm a new player but i haven't played anything like Kerbal in many years, i didn't even know they regularly spoke to and did streams for the community, that's pretty rare for game developers, if they have stopped it's just my luck, i'm always late for everything good.

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KSP used to make frequents posts and streams to engage with the community. Then there's a DLC Crisis. Squad suddenly stops talking to us. DamionRayne starts acting strangely.

Of course we're going to be goddamn worried, even if it's only been a few weeks.

Yeah, I remember a time (back on the old Forum Software) when there were almost daily development updates, even with code samples etc from Harv.. it was way smaller back then, and since we were all doing experimentals back then you would have much more insight in the development itself, how they tackled problems.. (I remember very fondly how they solved the rotating the universe around the ship/planet thingy to overcome engine limitations) .. so since we now "only" have dev blogs every few days or sometimes weeks, and the streams are quite spotty, I can understand that old-timers that started in the summer of 2011 like me are missing the "good old times".. but this is just common as a project and a company grows, sadly. Still Squad is doing better CM than most, so yeah.

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Sorry I don't buy this, its ok that Squad doesn't talk to the comunity because the company and project grows.

It is bad manners to suddenly stop communicating without further notice.

Even if Squad burned down somebody could manage to get a laptop and give notice to us. And we would support them after that.

Edited by blspblackdeath
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What an impatient lot. You don't hear anything for a couple weeks (not months) besides recent blog posts that apparently few are making the effort to read, and you all act like the sodding world has come to an end. Do yourselves a favour and don't ever buy games from EA, Bethesda, or any other major publisher and save yourselves the emotional trauma.

We care about these people like they are our families man!


But really, we are gonna get worried. Imagine if your mum, who calls you every week, didn't call you twice in a row. You'd be a bit concerned, wouldn't you?

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Yeah, I remember a time (back on the old Forum Software) when there were almost daily development updates, even with code samples etc from Harv.. it was way smaller back then, and since we were all doing experimentals back then you would have much more insight in the development itself, how they tackled problems.. (I remember very fondly how they solved the rotating the universe around the ship/planet thingy to overcome engine limitations) .. so since we now "only" have dev blogs every few days or sometimes weeks, and the streams are quite spotty, I can understand that old-timers that started in the summer of 2011 like me are missing the "good old times".. but this is just common as a project and a company grows, sadly. Still Squad is doing better CM than most, so yeah.

Those were awesome days. I remember checking the Harv and C7's forum posts about what they happened to be working on specific days. That all changed with the dev blogs though, which kinda changed to showing off finished products instead of what they were working on during specific days. I also remember when they DR started doing those dev streams, which was cool to hear developer voices and such. It is slowly turning into a bigger company i guess. it kinda sucks though because we are use to getting that information.

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We care about these people like they are our families man!


But really, we are gonna get worried. Imagine if your mum, who calls you every week, didn't call you twice in a row. You'd be a bit concerned, wouldn't you?

That would be true of an emotional investment. KSP is a financial investment of US$23. Granted, I could have gotten a nice bottle of rum for that money, but I'll admit I've gotten more enjoyment out of KSP and no hangover.

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Anybody been reading the comments on Damion's YouTube video? He is saying a few things but all just as vague.

I'm ok with them not really updating us being that there must be a lot of work that goes into the development of the game. The Devs are humans just the same as us and may not have the energy to get on Facebook/twitch at the end of a long day. Just my take on it but the YouTube video has got me curious as to what's going on behind the Kerbal curtain...

Edited by flyin_ruski
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This isnt the first thread in two months, that has asked whats going on.I have seen atleast three.And not one KSP dev or community manager has even commented on ANY of these posts.I do find that a little weird. I hope everything is okay and the game isn't just "done"...because people aren't making the money they expected in the long run.So why do anything other than start on a new project.

I mean look at this post, 5 pages long and not one comment from any DEV or manager.

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