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No KSP Weekly?


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To those so damn buttflustered over Damion leaving, why? What did he do that was so great?

What did Damion do? Well, there's a few things...

See the sections here? The tags? He did all that for us, he basically got the whole forum that we see working.

Damion did a lot more than that, he kept troublemakers off the forums, sometimes he had to be harsh when doing so but he was always fair, no-one was banned without a very good reason.

He nearly single-handedly promoted KSP, we have the Media group because of him, we had the I Dream Of Space competition because of him.

Damion worked his backside off for this community and it's members, he did everything he could to keep this community strong and safe, and sometimes he had to be the bad guy and people hated him for that.

And he sucked it all up, kept his chin up, kept going, even when it was so very hard.

Even when people here and elsewhere were calling for him to resign, out of their own anger at being told they couldn't swear, couldn't post crap, couldn't troll.

And still Damion tried to keep this community safe.

Like it or not every single person here owes Damion for making this place as good at it is, Off-Topic was his idea so people could have somewhere to just post whatever they liked if it didn't break the rules, and the rules were never there to make things hard for you.

This place absolutely will not be the same, and not in a good way, if Damion has gone, I can't do what he did, I don't know who can.

He needed our support all these months, he didn't get it and a few times he did think about leaving but he stayed.

He stayed and he took all your ****e because he gave a crap about KSP and the community around it, was he perfect? No-one is!

Do we need him?

Yeah, we do.

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Jeez, finally. Maybe someone professional will take his place and break this hugbox up.

To those so damn buttflustered over Damion leaving, why? What did he do that was so great?

On "certain other communities" we can see the CM's extremely unprofessional behavior unbiased and critique it without worrying about fanboys going apes*** on us. That being said the mere fact that these clowns are being paid makes me question Squad's logic.

Damion and Skunky do nothing but try to sweep problems under the rug and then try to silence anyone who questions it. We have to get the DEVELOPERS to tell us what's going on and try to satiate us. Isn't a CM's job to take care of the community and make sure everyone is on the same page? Because these guys don't think so, they're too damned worried about protecting their egos.


You have every right to voice your frustrations about certain policy aspects, but when you do you should make sure that your criticism is constructive and that you get your facts right. Besides all that I would like you to show more respect for the people that run all major aspects of this community: the CMs are a combination of human resources, spokesperson, tech support and so on. It is often easy to criticise someone but be aware of all the tasks they have besides airing a stream or releasing updates on development; and in the end, even the Community Managers have a boss they have to answer to.

For me personally Damion is the guy I wrote a small scientific essay for when I got here, he's also the guy that recruited me as a moderator and - more in general - he's busy working for the community day after day. He appeared on many streams, radio shows and other projects to promote KSP. He deals with the needs of the moderation staff and he's fixed these forums quite a few times. Every dev stream since I've been here I've heard him talk with the developers, relaying questions from the community to them to get an answer. I think he deserves more respect than you're giving him now, and the same goes for Captain Skunky. Calling them clowns is borderline insulting.

Like I said, it's easy to criticise people. Contrary to what you're saying I believe that Squad as a company and the community managers included have been very open to the public about problems that have risen and the direction they want to take the game in. Sweeping things under the rug is something that happens everywhere and isn't necessarily a bad thing either: if everyone knew everything then serious consequences can come out of little things. In my personal opinion Squad is as open about things as they can be, maybe even too much so. I haven't encountered any form of censorship on these forums, so where your claim of silencing people comes from I don't know. Unless discussion go out of control, ending in insults or harassment the worst that will usually happen is that it gets closed. The information in that thread is then still publicly available.

A community manager must indeed take care of the community but also has to adhere to company policy and the general interest. As such you cannot demand that they satisfy your every need, there is also not a single obligation for Squad anywhere to do so. Even though the KSP TV has been silent, and there was no KSP Weekly I don't think you can complain about the amount of information that has been released this week regarding development. It is well known which direction 0.20 is heading in and many development pieces can be found on the forums, on reddit and everywhere else on the internet.

To get back to my first statement: it's easy to criticise, please remember that. You don't know what the job description for a KSP community manager is and your statement is based on many false assumptions and misplaced anger.

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Everyone probably regrets the last few pages here. I know most of you know the importance of honest truth and the responsibility of authority, but many of us up here aren't in good spirits right now, if you could give us all some mental peace and quiet, you'll help us and Squad much more than you think you will.

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