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We owe the devs/CMs/mods an apology


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I believe we owe an apology to them, that thread got way out of control...

Say your apologies

Im sorry that the thread went way too out of control, and that we were freaking out...

You could even just say something as simple as "I'm sorry" but it'd be appreciated if you said more...

If you don't have anything nice to say, or aren't going to apologize, don't post at all,

Dont ask about daimone, we will be told soon enough, if he has left we will remember him as a great community manager...

That thread was so chaotic, the mods were probably very worried that it would turn into a major all out flame war, their probably still sweating right now.

Be nice, and please... Don't post any hatefull comments or anything of that matter.

Edit: request by Kasper to merge his reply into the main post:

I would like to thank all of you for being so reflective - and I think I can speak on behalf of the entire staff :) A thread like this shows maturity, respect and humbleness, three excellent traits. We won't leave you guys hanging, there's just a lot going on lately. The thread got a bit out of hand but discussing developments on the forums is not a problem at all, let that be clear!
Edited by Deadpangod3
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Honestly, I am sorry the thread got that far but I feel no guilt in my part in it. The best thing to do would be to leave it there and then, this thread is nice and all but it would probably be in everybody's best interest to leave it be rather than risk flame wars and arguments.

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I'm sorry for not thinking we should be prodding any aspect of the subject any more this afternoon. Just my 2 cents.

Wait for an official announcement. Be patient. Be a good community, not one that drives your developers crazy.

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i think this is the place to say this: i've never been in a forum more civil than this. A forum where you truly have a right of free speech, a forum where you can discuss the borderline things, a forum where you can see the whole community losing their minds over someone else (in a good way). And i thank the mods and the community for that. :>

The CMs seem really farseeing here; though it was a bit late when they stepped in on the thread.

Edited by Warscribe
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This is, hands down, the nicest, most pleasant and helpful forum I have ever been on, and I've been a 'net user since Usenet groups back before the Eternal September.

It would be tragic to lose that.

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Judging by what Ascensiam said at the end there, it sounds like there's something pretty serious going on, and it sounds like there's a lot of frayed nerves among those who are in the know.

So let me say for myself that I hope whatever it is works out; I wish you all the best; and I hope you all understand that despite the amount of whining and complaining that comes out of these forums a lot of the time, that the majority of us out here think you are doing a great job, we understand that sometimes people make mistakes, and we appreciate the fact that you are all working hard to create something great for everyone to enjoy.

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Kind of irrelevant, but all this time I thought CM in this context was command module. I was wondering why the hell you people were calling some of the staff a part of a spacecraft. I had to look it up to find it meant community manager...God I'm stupid.

But yes I apologize. I just care too much about the devs, is all. :sticktongue:

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hmm. It would be cool if we could get a serious thread here guys. No jokes, no playing.... Lets be serious. I think Mods/CMs/Devs seem to be getting the brunt of some bad frustration. Some people say stuff when they get caught in the moment. Everyone is human, even the mods. im sure they would appreciate some good in the pool of a lot of bad if you know what i mean. The CMs especially.

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Well, I wasn't part of that thread, but I apologize for it anyways.

As far as I am concerned Squad can take their time on this game (and whatever else). I want this game to be the best it can possibly be. I don't know what was being talked about in that thread (read it, but was confused). If Squad is having funding troubles (wild guess based on confusing other thread), I would point them to Kickstarter, I will gladly contribute more.

Edited by Fiddlestyx
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:x I's sorry, being the first sorta-kinda serious post on the thread i feel like its my fault all of that happened. Feel free to hate me.

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I would like to thank all of you for being so reflective - and I think I can speak on behalf of the entire staff :) A thread like this shows maturity, respect and humbleness, three excellent traits. We won't leave you guys hanging, there's just a lot going on lately. The thread got a bit out of hand but discussing developments on the forums is not a problem at all, let that be clear!

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Maybe Damion was talent scouted by the Canadian Air Force due to his piloting skills?

But I do need to know what's occurring. The tension is killing me!

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Is that thread literally an all out Damion bash party?

No matter how "insignificant" someone's role in developing KSP is; they ARE STILL a significant PERSON in its development. Would you want the programmers to be spending all their time "managing the community" instead of developing the game? We, as a community, should not be tearing Squad apart; they can only do so much by themselves, it is our job to help them along the way.

So I apologize, on behalf of this community, for the hardships they put you through.

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[Gosh darnit], leave for a few days, come back and this. WHY? I just don't get it..... I'm ashamed and I haven't even been on for a few days. This community better get better or even just turn back to what it was.

Edited by KasperVld
tssk tssk, bad language :)
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I'm sorry about the fact that this forum has a few idiots on it who whine about bloody everything, think they can order people around just because they've spent a little bit of money on a computer game, and expect constant attention.

I am surprised the devs bother explaining anything to us. I wouldn't have bothered. Having said that I am sure the devs realise that the majority of people in that thread said what they did out of sheer enthusiasm for the game.

Edited by nats
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Kasper, I keep wanting to click your avatar picture!

On topic, Squad have done a magnificent job with the game, but there have been a lot of setbacks recently. I'm sure that they're doing their best to provide us as much as they can. Thanks Squad.

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