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The DEFINITIVE mod pack?

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Hey guys!

So here is the problem: I have yet to compile a mods pack that doesn't cause crashes on take-off or other such bugs (I am not a modder, I am just interested in improving the game). What I am after then, is the DEFINITIVE mod pack. That is, the DEFINITIVE mod pack of 20 mods that are sufficient for all the joy to be had from Kerbal, but without the crashes.

The demand is simple: 20 mods that work well together

Here is the criteria: parts (lots of them), autopilots, kethane is a must and then anything else that works great and isn't prohibitively buggy.

If you happen to run what YOU think is the DEFINITIVE mod pack, simply post them here so I can try them out and at last enjoy Kerbal bug-free!


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Odds are if you're crashing a lot, it's precisely because you have lots of parts loaded. When I had both KW rocketry and the Nova Punch pack installed and many others, KSP would crash on me every other launch. I removed mods that I don't use, parts from packs that I don't use, etc. Until we get the new parts storage that's coming, all parts get loaded when the game loads, and some of those models are not small, so they take up a good bit of memory.

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why 20? just get/load the mods you NEED. Putting an artificial goal of "20" makes no sense.

and besides your "ideal" mods may not overlap with my "ideal" mods much at all.

(personally, I use 7 mods, but I don't even load everything out of them, I pick and choose).

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The definite mod pack should contain parts not mods. Chances are that 75% of the parts of most mods will never be used by you.Choose the parts you like and use (often) from mods you like. KSP won't crash as much and loads faster.

Edited by TheCardinal
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To expand on your idea Cardinal, I mention this: http://painterlypack.net/

Something in the same style as that would be rather useful. Browse through the different parts available and check off the ones you want. Maybe even build recommendations for other parts to go with what you've already selected based off of statistical data about what other people have downloaded (like what amazon does with their suggestions).

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